bug80426.phpt 607 B

  1. --TEST--
  2. Bug #80426: Crash when using JIT and an extension replacing zend_execute_ex with custom
  3. --INI--
  4. opcache.enable=1
  5. opcache.enable_cli=1
  6. opcache.jit_buffer_size=1M
  7. zend_test.replace_zend_execute_ex=1
  9. opcache
  10. zend_test
  11. --SKIPIF--
  12. <?php if (!isset(opcache_get_status()["jit"])) die('skip: JIT is not available'); ?>
  13. --FILE--
  14. <?php
  15. function compute() {
  16. if (true) {
  17. }
  18. }
  19. for ($i = 0; $i <= 64; $i++) {
  20. compute();
  21. }
  22. ?>
  23. ===DONE===
  24. --EXPECT--
  25. Warning: JIT is incompatible with third party extensions that override zend_execute_ex(). JIT disabled. in Unknown on line 0
  26. ===DONE===