1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344 |
- --TEST--
- Bug #66338 (Optimization binding of class constants is not safely opcacheable)
- --INI--
- opcache.enable=0
- opcache
- server
- --FILE--
- <?php
- $root = str_replace('.php', "", __FILE__);
- $base = basename( $root );
- file_put_contents( "$root-Officials.inc", '<?php
- class Officials { static function getLeader() { return LocalTerms::GOV_LEADER; } }
- ' );
- file_put_contents( "$root-clientUS.php", '<?php
- class LocalTerms { const GOV_LEADER = "Barack Hussein Obama II"; }
- require \''.$root.'-Officials.inc\';
- printf( "The President of the USA is %s\n", Officials::getLeader() );
- ' );
- file_put_contents( "$root-clientUK.php", '<?php
- class LocalTerms { const GOV_LEADER = "David William Donald Cameron"; }
- require \''.$root.'-Officials.inc\';
- printf( "The Prime Minister of the UK is %s\n", Officials::getLeader() );
- ' );
- include "php_cli_server.inc";
- $uri = sprintf("http://%s/%s", PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS, basename(__FILE__));
- $opt = -1; # This test works if $opt = 0
- php_cli_server_start("-d opcache.enable=1 -d opcache.enable_cli=1 -d opcache.optimization_level=$opt -d opcache.file_update_protection=0" );
- echo file_get_contents("http://" . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . "/$base-clientUS.php" );
- echo file_get_contents("http://" . PHP_CLI_SERVER_ADDRESS . "/$base-clientUK.php" );
- unlink("$root-Officials.inc");
- unlink("$root-clientUS.php");
- unlink("$root-clientUK.php");
- ?>
- --EXPECT--
- The President of the USA is Barack Hussein Obama II
- The Prime Minister of the UK is David William Donald Cameron