zend_multibyte-05.phpt 412 B

  1. --TEST--
  2. zend multibyte (5)
  4. mbstring
  5. --INI--
  6. zend.multibyte=On
  7. zend.script_encoding=EUC-JP
  8. internal_encoding=UTF-8
  9. --FILE--
  10. <?php
  11. // forcefully interpret an UTF-8 encoded string as EUC-JP and then convert it
  12. // back to UTF-8. There should be only a pair of consecutive bytes that is
  13. // valid EUC-encoded character "鴻".
  14. var_dump(bin2hex("テスト"));
  15. ?>
  16. --EXPECT--
  17. string(16) "3f3f3fe9b4bb3f3f"