123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839 |
- --TEST--
- Test imap_binary() function : basic functionality
- imap
- --FILE--
- <?php
- echo "*** Testing imap_binary() : basic functionality ***\n";
- echo "Encode as short string\n";
- $str = 'This is an example string to be base 64 encoded';
- $base64 = imap_binary($str);
- var_dump(bin2hex($base64));
- echo "Encode a string which results in more than 60 charters of output\n";
- $str = 'This is a long string with results in more than 60 characters of output';
- $base64 = imap_binary($str);
- var_dump(bin2hex($base64));
- echo "Encode a string with special characters\n";
- $str = '_+-={][];;@~#?/>.<,';
- $base64 = imap_binary($str);
- var_dump(bin2hex($base64));
- echo "Encode some hexadecimal data\n";
- $hex = 'x00\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\xFA\xFB\xFC\xFD\xFE\xFF';
- $base64 = imap_binary($hex);
- var_dump(bin2hex($base64));
- ?>
- --EXPECT--
- *** Testing imap_binary() : basic functionality ***
- Encode as short string
- string(136) "5647687063794270637942686269426c654746746347786c49484e30636d6c755a794230627942695a53426959584e6c49445930494756755932396b0d0a5a57513d0d0a"
- Encode a string which results in more than 60 charters of output
- string(200) "56476870637942706379426849477876626d6367633352796157356e4948647064476767636d567a64577830637942706269427462334a6c4948526f0d0a595734674e6a416759326868636d466a64475679637942765a694276645852776458513d0d0a"
- Encode a string with special characters
- string(60) "5879737450587464573130374f30422b497a3876506934384c413d3d0d0a"
- Encode some hexadecimal data
- string(144) "65444177584867774d5678344d444a636544417a584867774e4678344d445663654441325848684751567834526b4a6365455a4458486847524678340d0a526b566365455a470d0a"