KeccakHash.h 5.3 KB

  1. /*
  2. Implementation by the Keccak, Keyak and Ketje Teams, namely, Guido Bertoni,
  3. Joan Daemen, Michaël Peeters, Gilles Van Assche and Ronny Van Keer, hereby
  4. denoted as "the implementer".
  5. For more information, feedback or questions, please refer to our websites:
  9. To the extent possible under law, the implementer has waived all copyright
  10. and related or neighboring rights to the source code in this file.
  12. */
  13. #ifndef _KeccakHashInterface_h_
  14. #define _KeccakHashInterface_h_
  15. #ifndef KeccakP1600_excluded
  16. #include "KeccakSponge.h"
  17. #include <string.h>
  18. typedef unsigned char BitSequence;
  19. typedef size_t DataLength;
  20. typedef enum { SUCCESS = 0, FAIL = 1, BAD_HASHLEN = 2 } HashReturn;
  21. typedef struct {
  22. KeccakWidth1600_SpongeInstance sponge;
  23. unsigned int fixedOutputLength;
  24. unsigned char delimitedSuffix;
  25. } Keccak_HashInstance;
  26. /**
  27. * Function to initialize the Keccak[r, c] sponge function instance used in sequential hashing mode.
  28. * @param hashInstance Pointer to the hash instance to be initialized.
  29. * @param rate The value of the rate r.
  30. * @param capacity The value of the capacity c.
  31. * @param hashbitlen The desired number of output bits,
  32. * or 0 for an arbitrarily-long output.
  33. * @param delimitedSuffix Bits that will be automatically appended to the end
  34. * of the input message, as in domain separation.
  35. * This is a byte containing from 0 to 7 bits
  36. * formatted like the @a delimitedData parameter of
  37. * the Keccak_SpongeAbsorbLastFewBits() function.
  38. * @pre One must have r+c=1600 and the rate a multiple of 8 bits in this implementation.
  39. * @return SUCCESS if successful, FAIL otherwise.
  40. */
  41. HashReturn Keccak_HashInitialize(Keccak_HashInstance *hashInstance, unsigned int rate, unsigned int capacity, unsigned int hashbitlen, unsigned char delimitedSuffix);
  42. /** Macro to initialize a SHAKE128 instance as specified in the FIPS 202 standard.
  43. */
  44. #define Keccak_HashInitialize_SHAKE128(hashInstance) Keccak_HashInitialize(hashInstance, 1344, 256, 0, 0x1F)
  45. /** Macro to initialize a SHAKE256 instance as specified in the FIPS 202 standard.
  46. */
  47. #define Keccak_HashInitialize_SHAKE256(hashInstance) Keccak_HashInitialize(hashInstance, 1088, 512, 0, 0x1F)
  48. /** Macro to initialize a SHA3-224 instance as specified in the FIPS 202 standard.
  49. */
  50. #define Keccak_HashInitialize_SHA3_224(hashInstance) Keccak_HashInitialize(hashInstance, 1152, 448, 224, 0x06)
  51. /** Macro to initialize a SHA3-256 instance as specified in the FIPS 202 standard.
  52. */
  53. #define Keccak_HashInitialize_SHA3_256(hashInstance) Keccak_HashInitialize(hashInstance, 1088, 512, 256, 0x06)
  54. /** Macro to initialize a SHA3-384 instance as specified in the FIPS 202 standard.
  55. */
  56. #define Keccak_HashInitialize_SHA3_384(hashInstance) Keccak_HashInitialize(hashInstance, 832, 768, 384, 0x06)
  57. /** Macro to initialize a SHA3-512 instance as specified in the FIPS 202 standard.
  58. */
  59. #define Keccak_HashInitialize_SHA3_512(hashInstance) Keccak_HashInitialize(hashInstance, 576, 1024, 512, 0x06)
  60. /**
  61. * Function to give input data to be absorbed.
  62. * @param hashInstance Pointer to the hash instance initialized by Keccak_HashInitialize().
  63. * @param data Pointer to the input data.
  64. * When @a databitLen is not a multiple of 8, the last bits of data must be
  65. * in the least significant bits of the last byte (little-endian convention).
  66. * @param databitLen The number of input bits provided in the input data.
  67. * @pre In the previous call to Keccak_HashUpdate(), databitlen was a multiple of 8.
  68. * @return SUCCESS if successful, FAIL otherwise.
  69. */
  70. HashReturn Keccak_HashUpdate(Keccak_HashInstance *hashInstance, const BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen);
  71. /**
  72. * Function to call after all input blocks have been input and to get
  73. * output bits if the length was specified when calling Keccak_HashInitialize().
  74. * @param hashInstance Pointer to the hash instance initialized by Keccak_HashInitialize().
  75. * If @a hashbitlen was not 0 in the call to Keccak_HashInitialize(), the number of
  76. * output bits is equal to @a hashbitlen.
  77. * If @a hashbitlen was 0 in the call to Keccak_HashInitialize(), the output bits
  78. * must be extracted using the Keccak_HashSqueeze() function.
  79. * @param hashval Pointer to the buffer where to store the output data.
  80. * @return SUCCESS if successful, FAIL otherwise.
  81. */
  82. HashReturn Keccak_HashFinal(Keccak_HashInstance *hashInstance, BitSequence *hashval);
  83. /**
  84. * Function to squeeze output data.
  85. * @param hashInstance Pointer to the hash instance initialized by Keccak_HashInitialize().
  86. * @param data Pointer to the buffer where to store the output data.
  87. * @param databitlen The number of output bits desired (must be a multiple of 8).
  88. * @pre Keccak_HashFinal() must have been already called.
  89. * @pre @a databitlen is a multiple of 8.
  90. * @return SUCCESS if successful, FAIL otherwise.
  91. */
  92. HashReturn Keccak_HashSqueeze(Keccak_HashInstance *hashInstance, BitSequence *data, DataLength databitlen);
  93. #define Keccak_HashInstance_ImplType 64
  94. #endif
  95. #endif