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- --TEST--
- Bug #77768 (Redeclaration of builtin types and repeated declarations)
- ffi
- --SKIPIF--
- <?php
- try {
- $libc = FFI::cdef("int printf(const char *format, ...);", "libc.so.6");
- } catch (Throwable $_) {
- die('skip libc.so.6 not available');
- }
- ?>
- --INI--
- ffi.enable=1
- --FILE--
- <?php
- $x = FFI::cdef("
- typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
- typedef unsigned int uint8_t;
- typedef int64_t a;
- typedef int64_t b;
- typedef a c;
- typedef b c;
- struct point {int x,y;};
- typedef struct point d;
- typedef struct point d;
- int printf(const char *format, ...);
- int printf(const char *format, ...);
- ");
- var_dump(FFI::sizeof($x->new("uint8_t")));
- var_dump(FFI::sizeof(FFI::new("uint8_t")));
- ?>
- --EXPECT--
- int(4)
- int(1)