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- --TEST--
- Test DateTimeZone::getTransitions() function : basic functionality
- --FILE--
- <?php
- echo "*** Testing DateTimeZone::getTransitions() : basic functionality ***\n";
- //Set the default time zone
- date_default_timezone_set("Europe/London");
- // Create a DateTimeZone object
- $tz = new DateTimeZone("Europe/London");
- $tran = $tz->getTransitions(-306972000, -37241999);
- if (!is_array($tran)) {
- echo "TEST FAILED: Expected an array\n";
- }
- echo "\n-- Total number of transitions: " . count($tran). " --\n";
- echo "\n-- Format a sample entry for Spring 1963 --\n";
- var_dump( $tran[6] );
- ?>
- --EXPECT--
- *** Testing DateTimeZone::getTransitions() : basic functionality ***
- -- Total number of transitions: 18 --
- -- Format a sample entry for Spring 1963 --
- array(5) {
- ["ts"]=>
- int(-213228000)
- ["time"]=>
- string(24) "1963-03-31T02:00:00+0000"
- ["offset"]=>
- int(3600)
- ["isdst"]=>
- bool(true)
- ["abbr"]=>
- string(3) "BST"
- }