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- --TEST--
- Introducing new private variables of the same name in a subclass is ok, and does not lead to any output. That is consistent with normal inheritance handling. (relevant to #60536)
- --FILE--
- <?php
- class Base {
- protected $hello;
- }
- trait THello1 {
- protected $hello;
- }
- // Protected and public are handle more strict with a warning then what is
- // expected from normal inheritance since they can have easier coliding semantics
- echo "PRE-CLASS-GUARD\n";
- class SameNameInSubClassProducesNotice extends Base {
- use THello1;
- }
- echo "POST-CLASS-GUARD\n";
- // now the same with a class that defines the property itself, too.
- class Notice extends Base {
- use THello1;
- protected $hello;
- }
- echo "POST-CLASS-GUARD2\n";
- ?>
- --EXPECT--