testoutput22-32 2.3 KB

  1. /-- Tests for reloading pre-compile patterns with UTF-16 or UTF-32 support. */
  2. %-- Generated from:
  3. /(?P<cbra1>[aZ\x{400}-\x{10ffff}]{4,}
  4. [\x{f123}\x{10039}\x{20000}-\x{21234}]?|
  5. [A-Cx-z\x{100000}-\x{1000a7}\x{101234}])
  6. (?<cb2>[^az])/x
  7. In 16-bit mode with options: S8>testdata/saved16LE-2
  8. FS8>testdata/saved16BE-2
  9. In 32-bit mode with options: S8>testdata/saved32LE-2
  10. FS8>testdata/saved32BE-2
  11. --%8x
  12. <!testsaved16LE-2
  13. Compiled pattern loaded from testsaved16LE-2
  14. Study data loaded from testsaved16LE-2
  15. Error -28 from pcre32_fullinfo(0)
  16. Running in 32-bit mode but pattern was compiled in 16-bit mode
  17. <!testsaved16BE-2
  18. Compiled pattern loaded from testsaved16BE-2
  19. Study data loaded from testsaved16BE-2
  20. Error -28 from pcre32_fullinfo(0)
  21. Running in 32-bit mode but pattern was compiled in 16-bit mode
  22. <!testsaved32LE-2
  23. Compiled pattern loaded from testsaved32LE-2
  24. Study data loaded from testsaved32LE-2
  25. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. 0 70 Bra
  27. 2 33 CBra 1
  28. 5 [Za\x{400}-\x{10ffff}]{4,}
  29. 23 [\x{f123}\x{10039}\x{20000}-\x{21234}]?
  30. 35 19 Alt
  31. 37 [A-Cx-z\x{100000}-\x{1000a7}\x{101234}]
  32. 54 52 Ket
  33. 56 12 CBra 2
  34. 59 [\x00-`b-y{-\xff] (neg)
  35. 68 12 Ket
  36. 70 70 Ket
  37. 72 End
  38. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. Capturing subpattern count = 2
  40. Named capturing subpatterns:
  41. cb2 2
  42. cbra1 1
  43. Options: extended utf
  44. No first char
  45. No need char
  46. Subject length lower bound = 2
  47. No starting char list
  48. <!testsaved32BE-2
  49. Compiled pattern loaded from testsaved32BE-2
  50. Study data loaded from testsaved32BE-2
  51. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. 0 70 Bra
  53. 2 33 CBra 1
  54. 5 [Za\x{400}-\x{10ffff}]{4,}
  55. 23 [\x{f123}\x{10039}\x{20000}-\x{21234}]?
  56. 35 19 Alt
  57. 37 [A-Cx-z\x{100000}-\x{1000a7}\x{101234}]
  58. 54 52 Ket
  59. 56 12 CBra 2
  60. 59 [\x00-`b-y{-\xff] (neg)
  61. 68 12 Ket
  62. 70 70 Ket
  63. 72 End
  64. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  65. Capturing subpattern count = 2
  66. Named capturing subpatterns:
  67. cb2 2
  68. cbra1 1
  69. Options: extended utf
  70. No first char
  71. No need char
  72. Subject length lower bound = 2
  73. No starting char list
  74. /-- End of testinput22 --/