testinput3 1.3 KB

  1. /-- This set of tests checks local-specific features, using the "fr_FR" locale.
  2. It is not Perl-compatible. When run via RunTest, the locale is edited to
  3. be whichever of "fr_FR", "french", or "fr" is found to exist. There is
  4. different version of this file called wintestinput3 for use on Windows,
  5. where the locale is called "french" and the tests are run using
  6. RunTest.bat. --/
  7. < forbid 8W
  8. /^[\w]+/
  9. *** Failers
  10. École
  11. /^[\w]+/Lfr_FR
  12. École
  13. /^[\w]+/
  14. *** Failers
  15. École
  16. /^[\W]+/
  17. École
  18. /^[\W]+/Lfr_FR
  19. *** Failers
  20. École
  21. /[\b]/
  22. \b
  23. *** Failers
  24. a
  25. /[\b]/Lfr_FR
  26. \b
  27. *** Failers
  28. a
  29. /^\w+/
  30. *** Failers
  31. École
  32. /^\w+/Lfr_FR
  33. École
  34. /(.+)\b(.+)/
  35. École
  36. /(.+)\b(.+)/Lfr_FR
  37. *** Failers
  38. École
  39. /École/i
  40. École
  41. *** Failers
  42. école
  43. /École/iLfr_FR
  44. École
  45. école
  46. /\w/IS
  47. /\w/ISLfr_FR
  48. /^[\xc8-\xc9]/iLfr_FR
  49. École
  50. école
  51. /^[\xc8-\xc9]/Lfr_FR
  52. École
  53. *** Failers
  54. école
  55. /\W+/Lfr_FR
  56. >>>\xaa<<<
  57. >>>\xba<<<
  58. /[\W]+/Lfr_FR
  59. >>>\xaa<<<
  60. >>>\xba<<<
  61. /[^[:alpha:]]+/Lfr_FR
  62. >>>\xaa<<<
  63. >>>\xba<<<
  64. /\w+/Lfr_FR
  65. >>>\xaa<<<
  66. >>>\xba<<<
  67. /[\w]+/Lfr_FR
  68. >>>\xaa<<<
  69. >>>\xba<<<
  70. /[[:alpha:]]+/Lfr_FR
  71. >>>\xaa<<<
  72. >>>\xba<<<
  73. /[[:alpha:]][[:lower:]][[:upper:]]/DZLfr_FR
  74. /-- End of testinput3 --/