testinput16 1.1 KB

  1. /-- This set of tests is run only with the 8-bit library when Unicode property
  2. support is available. It starts with tests of the POSIX interface, because
  3. that is supported only with the 8-bit library. --/
  4. /\w/P
  5. +++\x{c2}
  6. /\w/WP
  7. +++\x{c2}
  8. /A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0}/8iDZ
  9. /A\x{391}\x{10427}\x{ff3a}\x{1fb0}/8DZ
  10. /AB\x{1fb0}/8DZ
  11. /AB\x{1fb0}/8DZi
  12. /\x{401}\x{420}\x{421}\x{422}\x{423}\x{424}\x{425}\x{426}\x{427}\x{428}\x{429}\x{42a}\x{42b}\x{42c}\x{42d}\x{42e}\x{42f}/8iSI
  13. \x{401}\x{420}\x{421}\x{422}\x{423}\x{424}\x{425}\x{426}\x{427}\x{428}\x{429}\x{42a}\x{42b}\x{42c}\x{42d}\x{42e}\x{42f}
  14. \x{451}\x{440}\x{441}\x{442}\x{443}\x{444}\x{445}\x{446}\x{447}\x{448}\x{449}\x{44a}\x{44b}\x{44c}\x{44d}\x{44e}\x{44f}
  15. /[ⱥ]/8iBZ
  16. /[^ⱥ]/8iBZ
  17. /\h/SI
  18. /\v/SI
  19. /\R/SI
  20. /[[:blank:]]/WBZ
  21. /\x{212a}+/i8SI
  22. KKkk\x{212a}
  23. /s+/i8SI
  24. SSss\x{17f}
  25. /[\W\p{Any}]/BZ
  26. abc
  27. 123
  28. /[\W\pL]/BZ
  29. abc
  30. ** Failers
  31. 123
  32. /[\D]/8
  33. \x{1d7cf}
  34. /[\D\P{Nd}]/8
  35. \x{1d7cf}
  36. /[^\D]/8
  37. a9b
  38. ** Failers
  39. \x{1d7cf}
  40. /[^\D\P{Nd}]/8
  41. a9b
  42. \x{1d7cf}
  43. ** Failers
  44. \x{10000}
  45. /-- End of testinput16 --/