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- xml2pib(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit xml2pib(1)
- xml2pib - Qualcomm Atheros XML driven PIB editor
- xml2pib [options] pib-file [pib-file] [...]
- The Atheros PIB XML Editor modifies an Atheros PIB file based on XML instructions defined in one or more instruction
- files. Instruction files must be valid XML and conform to schema file piboffset.xsd or errors will occur. Always vali‐
- date XML files against this schema with a validating parser before submitting them to this program. Firefox or Internet
- Explorer are suitable for validation purposes purpose.
- This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit. See the AMP man page for an overview and installation
- instructions.
- -f filename
- The XML instruction file. XML instruction files must conform to the Qualcomm Atheros scheme designed for this
- purpose. If more that one .xml file is specified then edits are applied in order of filename such that later edit
- instructions can over-write eariler instructions. Instruction files usually have a .xml extension but this pro‐
- gram makes no assumption based on filename and does not enforce any filename conventions.
- -o Print the appropriate XML schema on stdout. This schema should be used to validate XML instructions using a vali‐
- dating parser such as Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer.
- -q Suppresses printing of progress messages. This option has no effect at this time.
- -v Print additional information. This option has no effect at this time.
- -?,--help
- Print program help summary on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
- -!,--version
- Print program version information on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
- Use this option when sending screen dumps to Atheros Technical Support so that they know exactly which version of
- the Linux Toolkit you are using.
- pib-file
- An Atheros parameter filename. Only one parameter file can be edited at a time and so care must be taken to avoid
- the use of wildcard filenames. Parameter files usually have a .pib extension but this program makes no assumption
- based on filename and does not enforce any filename conventions.
- The official Atheros XML PIB Edit schema follows. It defines general instruction file structure and the elements used to
- edit PIB files. This file should be a controlled document and instruction files should always be validated against it
- before using them to edit a PIB file. An explanation of this file appears below.
- <?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?>
- <xs:schema xmlns:xs='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' elementFormDefault='qualified'>
- <xs:element name='pib'>
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element maxOccurs='unbounded' ref='object'/>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- </xs:element>
- <xs:element name='object'>
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:attribute name='name' use='required' type='xs:NCName'/>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:sequence>
- <xs:element ref='offset'/>
- <xs:element ref='length'/>
- </xs:sequence>
- <xs:choice>
- <xs:element ref='array'/>
- <xs:element ref='dataString'/>
- <xs:element ref='dataHuge'/>
- <xs:element ref='dataLong'/>
- <xs:element ref='dataWord'/>
- <xs:element ref='dataByte'/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:sequence>
- </xs:complexType>
- </xs:element>
- <xs:element name='length' type='xs:positiveInteger'/>
- <xs:element name='offset' type='xs:hexBinary'/>
- <xs:element name='array'>
- <xs:complexType>
- <xs:choice maxOccurs='unbounded'>
- <xs:element ref='dataByte'/>
- <xs:element ref='dataHex'/>
- </xs:choice>
- </xs:complexType>
- </xs:element>
- <xs:element name='dataString' type='xs:string'/>
- <xs:element name='dataHuge' type='xs:unsignedLong'/>
- <xs:element name='dataLong' type='xs:unsignedInt'/>
- <xs:element name='dataWord' type='xs:unsignedShort'/>
- <xs:element name='dataByte' type='xs:unsignedByte'/>
- <xs:element name='dataHex' type='xs:hexBinary'/>
- </xs:schema>
- <pib> The Parameter Information Block subject to edit. There is exactly one pib defined in an instruction file.
- <object>
- A data region withn a pib. There must be at least one object defined inside a pib. Each object has an offset, a
- length and data where data is expressed as one dataString, a dataByte, a dataHex or an array as described below.
- The name attribute optional but may be used for clarity or for reporting purposes.
- <offset>
- The relative position of the object in bytes expressed in hexadecimal. The offset plus the length of an object
- cannot exceed PIB length or an error will occur. The offset and length element can appear in either order but
- both must appear before the data element. The offset element is required.
- <length>
- The extent of the object expressed in decimal bytes. The offset plus length of an object cannot exceed PIB
- length. The the offset and length elements can occur in either order but both must precede the data element. The
- length element is required for elements array and dataString but may be omitted for elements dataHuge, dataLong,
- dataWord and dataByte.
- <array>
- A sequence of dataByte and/or dataHex elements. The implied length is determined by array members but must equal
- the object length attribute or an error will occur. A dataString is illegal inside an array.
- <dataString>
- Any sequence of printable characters. The implied length is 1 byte longer than the number of characters. The
- string will be truncated or padded with NUL bytes to match the object length attribute. An object length
- attribute of 0 stores one NUL byte. A dataString element is illegal within an array block.
- <dataHuge>
- A unsigned decimal integer string that represents any 64 bit binary value. The implied length is 8 bytes. The
- object length attribute is ignored and may be omitted.
- <dataLong>
- A unsigned decimal integer string that represents any 32 bit binary value. The implied length is 4 bytes. The
- object length attribute is ignored and may be omitted.
- <dataWord>
- A unsigned decimal integer string that represents any 16 bit binary value. The implied length is 2 bytes. The
- object length attribute is ignored and may be omitted.
- <dataByte>
- An unsigned decimal digit string that represents any 8 bit binary value. The implied length is 1 byte. The
- object length attribute is ignored and may be omitted.
- <dataHex>
- A hexadecimal digit string that represents one byte for each digit pair (octet) present. There must be an even
- number of digits or an error will occur. The resulting length must equal the object length unless the value
- appears inside an array. Inside an array, the resulting length must not exceed the remaining array length.
- The program reads one PIB file and replaces selected values with new ones, computes the new checksum and re-writes the
- file. New values are defined by offset, length, format and value. The object name is actually irrelevant. Critical
- values are the offset, length and data type/value. Obviously, care must be taken when specifying offsets and lengths to
- avoid editing objects incorrectly.
- An example instruction file follows. It references the Qualcomm Atheros XML PIB Edit schema file, piboffset.xsd, that is
- shown above so that a validating parser can find the schema and perform document checks. The remainder of the file
- describes a series of object names, offsets, lengths and values that describe the edits to be performed.
- <pib xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
- xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="piboffset.xsd">
- <object name="HFID_Manufacturer">
- <offset>0024</offset>
- <length>64</length>
- <dataString>Atheros HomePlug AV Device</dataString>
- </object>
- <object name="HFID_User">
- <length>64</length>
- <offset>0074</offset>
- <dataString>Atheros</dataString>
- </object>
- <object name="MDURole">
- <offset>0101</offset>
- <dataByte>0</dataByte>
- </object>
- <object name="PriorityTTl">
- <offset>0210</offset>
- <length>16</length>
- <array>
- <dataHex>80841E008084</dataHex>
- <dataHex>1e</dataHex>
- <dataByte>0</dataByte>
- <dataHex></dataHex>
- <dataHex></dataHex>
- <dataHex></dataHex>
- <dataHex></dataHex>
- <dataHex>C0</dataHex>
- <dataByte>198</dataByte>
- <dataHex>2d</dataHex>
- <dataHex>00</dataHex>
- </array>
- </object>
- <object name="VLANPrioTOSPrecMatrix">
- <length>4</length>
- <offset>0224</offset>
- <array>
- <dataByte>65</dataByte>
- <dataByte>250</dataByte>
- <dataHex></dataHex>
- <dataHex>Fa</dataHex>
- </array>
- </object>
- <object name="EnableLEDThroughputIndicate">
- <length>1</length>
- <offset>1E94</offset>
- <dataByte>0</dataByte>
- </object>
- <object name="HFID_AVLN">
- <length>64</length>
- <offset>00B4</offset>
- <dataString>Atheros-Net</dataString>
- </object>
- </pib>
- The following example reads PIB file abc.pib and edits it according to instructions found in XML file local.xml. The PIB
- file is always specified first, followed by one or more XML instruction files.
- # xml2pib abc.pib local.xml
- The following example reads PIB file abc.pib and edits it according to three XML instruction files, in the order speci‐
- fied. Order can be critical since later edits could over-write earlier edits.
- # xml2pib abc.pib standard.xml custom.xml errata.xml
- The following example does nothing because no instruction files are specified.
- # xml2pib abc.pib
- chkpib(7), chkpib2(7), getpib(7), modpib(1), pib2xml(1), pibcomp(1), pibdump(1), setpib(1)
- Charles Maier <cmaier@qca.qualcomm.com>
- open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 xml2pib(1)
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