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  21. ttysig(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit ttysig(1)
  22. NAME
  23. ttysig - Serial Line Signal Controller
  25. ttysig [options]
  27. Interactively control serial line output signals (Request To Send, Data Terminal Ready), and read the current value of
  28. all control signals (Request To Send, Clear To Send, Data Set Ready, Data Terminal Ready, Data Carrier Detect, Ring Indi‐
  29. cator).
  30. This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit. See the AMP man page for an overview and installation
  31. instructions.
  33. -s device
  34. Specify the serial device used. The default is serial console device &quot;/dev/ttyS0&quot;.
  35. -D value
  36. Set the serial control line DTR high if value is non-zero, low otherwise.
  37. -I Interactive mode.
  38. -R value
  39. Set the serial control line RTS high if value is non-zero, low otherwise.
  40. -r Print serial control line status on stdout. This is performed after -R and -D.
  41. -?,--help
  42. Print program help summary on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  43. -?,--version
  44. Print program version information on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  45. Use this option when sending screen dumps to Atheros Technical Support so that they know exactly which version of
  46. the Linux Toolkit you are using.
  48. The following example sets DTR high and RTS low at program start. The user then interactively prints the current control
  49. signal values, and then sets DTR low. Since no serial devices are specified, program defaults are used.
  50. $ ./ttysig -I -D 1 -R 0
  51. command (D #, R #, r, q): r
  52. RTS: -V
  53. CTS: -V
  54. DSR: -V
  55. DTR: +V
  56. DCD: -V
  57. RI : -V
  58. command (D #, R #, r, q): D 0
  59. command (D #, R #, r, q):
  60. SEE ALSO
  61. amp(1), int6kdetect(1), int6kuart(1)
  63. Nathaniel Houghton &lt;;
  64. open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 ttysig(1)
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