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  21. ttycat(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit ttycat(1)
  22. NAME
  23. ttycat - Serial Line Output Utility
  25. ttycat [options] [file] [file] [&gt;stdout]
  26. ttycat [options] [&lt;stdin] [&gt;stdout]
  28. Copy one or more files to a serial device. This program is similar to traditional cat utility but expects stdout to be a
  29. serial tty device. It will configure stdout before writing and will restore the original configuration afterwards. It
  30. can be used to send data to the local Atheros UART-enabled powerline device. If the remote powerline device is not UART-
  31. enabled, use program edru to capture and display arriving at the remote host and program edsu to send files in the oppo‐
  32. site direction.
  33. This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit. See the AMP man page for an overview and installation
  34. instructions.
  36. This program only supports the Linux and MacOSX platforms, at present.
  38. -s speed
  39. The serial baud rate. Supported baud rates are 0, 50, 75, 110, 134, 150, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 1800, 2400, 4800,
  40. 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, 230400, 460800, 500000 and 921600.
  41. -?,--help
  42. Print program help summary on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  43. -?,--version
  44. Print program version information on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  45. Use this option when sending screen dumps to Atheros Technical Support so that they know exactly which version of
  46. the Linux Toolkit you are using.
  48. file The name of an input file. No assumptions are made about the file based on the filename or extension. Input
  49. files are not modified.
  50. stdout The name of a serial output device. A error will occur if the device is not a true tty device according as deter‐
  51. mined by the isatty function. Depending on the amount of input data and the baud rate, serial output may take
  52. several seconds or several minutes.
  54. The following command copies files abc.txt and def.bin to stdout which must be an active serial device or an error will
  55. occur.
  56. # ttycat abc.txt def.bin &gt; /dev/ttyUSB1
  57. SEE ALSO
  58. amp(1), edru(1), edsu(1), int6kuart(1),
  60. Charles Maier &lt;;
  61. open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 ttycat(1)
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