slac-demo.xml 6.3 KB

  1. <section id='procedure-slac-demonstration'>
  2. <title>
  3. SLAC Demonstration
  4. </title>
  5. <para>
  6. This page explains how to install and use two Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit programs, <ulink url="pev.7.html">pev</ulink> and <ulink url="evse.7.html">evse</ulink>, to demonstrate the HomePlug AV Signal Level Attenuation Characterization (<acronym>SLAC</acronym>) protocol.
  7. </para>
  8. <para>
  9. On Microsoft Windows, the two programs are distributed in a seperate Microsoft installation file <filename>slac-utils-x.x.x.msi</filename>. To install them on Microsoft Windows, double-click on the installation file. The programs will be installed in folder <filename>c:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm Atheros\Powerline Toolkit</filename> unless the user overrides the default settings durin installation. New users should add this folder to the <constant>PATH</constant> environment variable and define environment variable <constant>PLC</constant> to reference the Ethernet interface connected to their PLC device.
  10. </para>
  11. <para>
  12. On Linux, the two programs are distibuted inside the full toolkit tarball <filename>plc-utils-x.x.x</filename>. To install them on Linux, unpack the tarball and change directory to the package folder. Type "<command>sudo make install</command>" to compile and install the toolkit. Type type "<command>sudo make manuals</command>" to install man pages. New users should define environment variable <constant>PLC</constant> to reference the inteface connected to their PLC device.
  13. </para>
  14. <note>
  15. <title>
  16. Exception!
  17. </title>
  18. <para>
  19. In some cases QCA will distribute two Windows <filename>.exe</filename> files and two monolithic <filename>.c</filename> files. On Windows, copy the executable files to folder <filename>c:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm Atheros\Powerline Toolkit</filename> and update the system <constant>PATH</constant> and <constant>PLC</constant> environment variables. On Linux, compile the two source files using "<command>gcc -o pev pev.c</command>" and "<command>gcc -o evse evse.c</command>" and copy the two binary files to <filename>/usr/local/bin</filename> then update the system <constant>PLC</constant> environment variable. You will need root priviledge to copy the binary files to the system folder and you must change the binary file permissions to <constant>4555</constant> in order to execute them as a non-root user.
  20. </para>
  21. </note>
  22. <para>
  23. Each program reads an optional configuration file on start-up. Program <ulink url="pev.7.html">pev</ulink> reads <filename>pev.ini</filename> and program <ulink url="evse.7.html">evse</ulink> reads <filename>evse.ini</filename>. Qualcomm Atheros does not provide these files but option <constant>-c</constant>, on each program, can be used to print a template configuration file on stdout. Once a user settles on a convenient working folder, they should run command "<command>pev -c &gt; pev.ini</command>" to create the configuration file for program <application>pev</application> and "<command>evse -c &gt; evse.ini</command>" to create the configuration file for program <application>evse</application>.
  24. </para>
  25. <para>
  26. A <acronym>SLAC</acronym> demonstration can be setup using two Qualcomm Atheros PL16 boards, two personal computers, a power strip and a powerline impairment of some kind. One PL16 board must be configured as a <acronym>PEV</acronym> and the other must be configured as an <acronym>EVSE</acronym>. Plug both PL16 boards into the powerstrip and connect each board to a different computer via Ethernet. Run program <ulink url='pev.7.html'>pev</ulink> on the computer connected to the <acronym>PEV</acronym> configured board. Run program <ulink url='evse.7.html'>evse</ulink> on the computer connected to the <acronym>EVSE</acronym> configured board. Program <ulink url='evse.7.html'>evse</ulink> runs continuously waiting to service <ulink url='pev.7.html'>pev</ulink> programs running on other computers. Program <ulink url='pev.7.html'>pev</ulink> runs until charging occurs then exits.
  27. </para>
  28. <para>
  29. On the <acronym>EVSE</acronym> host, start program <ulink url='evse.7.html'>evse</ulink> as shown below. It will run until cancelled.
  30. </para>
  31. <screen>
  32. # evse
  33. evse: UnoccupiedState: Listening ...
  34. </screen>
  35. <para>
  36. Messages will appear on the console as events occur. The first field is the program name, in this case <quote>evse</quote>. The second field is the function name, in this case <quote>UnoccupiedState</quote>. In this case, program <application>evse</application> does nothing until some <acronym>PEV</acronym> trys to associate.
  37. </para>
  38. <para>
  39. On the <acronym>EVSE</acronym> host, run program <ulink url='evse.7.html'>evse</ulink> as shown below. It will run until it detects and connects to an available <acronym>EVSE-HLE</acronym>. Use option <command>-w</command> to vary probe timeouts.
  40. </para>
  41. <screen>
  42. # pev
  43. pev: DisconnectedState: Probing ...
  44. pev: pev_cm_slac_param: --&gt; CM_SLAC_PARAM.REQ
  45. pev: pev_cm_slac_param: &lt;-- CM_SLAC_PARAM.CNF
  46. </screen>
  47. <para>
  48. Messages will appear on the console as events occur. The first field is the program name, in this case <quote>pev</quote>. The second field is the function name, in this case <function>DisconnectedState</function> and <function>pev_cm_slac_param</function>. The right arrow indicates that function <function>pev_cm_slac_param</function> is sending a <constant>CM_SLAC_PARAM.REQ</constant> message. If things work properly, you will see a another message indicating that function <function>pev_cm_slac_param</function> is receiving a <constant>CM_SLAC_PARAM.CNF</constant> message.
  49. </para>
  50. <mediaobject>
  51. <imageobject>
  52. <imagedata fileref='IMG_20130227_145749.jpg' format='JPG'/>
  53. </imageobject>
  54. <textobject>
  55. <phrase>IMG_20130227_145749.jpg</phrase>
  56. </textobject>
  57. <caption>
  58. <para>
  59. Unimpaired SLAC configuration. Result should be below threshold and <acronym>PEV</acronym> should connect.
  60. </para>
  61. </caption>
  62. </mediaobject>
  63. <mediaobject>
  64. <imageobject>
  65. <imagedata fileref='IMG_20130227_151458.jpg' format='JPG'/>
  66. </imageobject>
  67. <textobject>
  68. <phrase>IMG_20130227_151458.jpg</phrase>
  69. </textobject>
  70. <caption>
  71. <para>
  72. Impaired SLAC configuration. Result should be above threshold and <acronym>PEV</acronym> should not connect.
  73. </para>
  74. </caption>
  75. </mediaobject>
  76. </section>