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  21. plchostd(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit plchostd(1)
  22. NAME
  23. plchostd - Qualcomm Atheros PLC Host Daemon
  25. plchostd [options] -N nvmfile -P pibfile
  27. Wait for VS_HST_ACTION.IND messages from a local device and service them as described in the Qualcomm Atheros Firmware
  28. Technical Reference Manual for powerline devices. Unlike programs int6khost and int64host, this program uses operating
  29. system features available on POSIX, Unix, BSD and Linux systems but not available on Microsoft or VxWorks systems.
  30. To use the program, connect a flash-less device to the host via ethernet then start this program with the correct file‐
  31. names. The program will automatically respond to device requests to download memory configuration, firmware and/or
  32. parameters and upload firmware or and/or parameters under device control. See the Qualcomm Atheros Firmware Technical
  33. Reference Manual for more information.
  34. This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit. See the plc man page for an overview and installation
  35. instructions.
  37. -i interface
  38. Select the host Ethernet interface. All requests are sent via this interface and only reponses received via this
  39. interface are recognized. The default interface is eth1 because most people use eth0 as their principle network
  40. connection; however, if environment string &quot;PLC&quot; is defined then it takes precedence over the default interface.
  41. This option then takes precedence over either default.
  42. -N nvmfile
  43. The file containing the firmware chain used to boot and flash the device. The file must exist and have a valid
  44. NVM file format or it will be rejected. No assumptions are made based on filename and no filename conventions are
  45. enforced. The program will not over-write this file. This option and argument are required.
  46. -n filename
  47. Use this file to store firmware uploaded from the local device. The file need not exist but an error will occur
  48. if it cannot be created or written. If firmware is uploaded to this file, it is used for subsequent firmware
  49. downloads unless the device requests a factory reset. In that case, the file specified by option -N is used.
  50. This option and argument are optional. If omitted then the default filename host.pib will be used.
  51. -P pibfile
  52. The file containing the parameter chain used to boot and flash the device. The file must exist and have a valid
  53. PIB file format or it will be rejected. No assumptions are made based on filename and no filename conventions are
  54. enforced. The program will not over-write this file. This option and argument are required.
  55. -p filename
  56. Use this file to store parameters uploaded from the local device. The file need not exist but an error will occur
  57. if it cannot be created or written. Once parameters are uploaded to this file, it is used for subsequent parame‐
  58. ter downloads unless the device requests a factory reset. In that case, the file specified by option -P is used.
  59. This option and argument are optional. If omitted then the default filename host.nvm will be used.
  60. -q Suppress status messages on stderr.
  61. -s pathname
  62. The server socket pathname. Automatically open this Unix socket and post event information to it for the benefit
  63. of other host processes.
  64. -S filename
  65. The file containing the softloader chain used to flash the device. The presence of this file causes the device to
  66. be flashed once it has booted. The file must exist and have a valid PIB file format or it will be rejected. No
  67. assumptions are made based on filename and no filename conventions are enforced. The program will not over-write
  68. this file. This option and argument are required.
  69. -t timeout
  70. Read timeout in milliseconds. Values range from 0 through UINT_MAX. This is the maximum time allowed for a
  71. response. The default is shown in brackets on the program menu.
  72. -v Print additional information on stdout. In particular, this option will print incoming and outgoing Ethernet
  73. frames on stdout.
  74. -w wakeup
  75. Wakeup time in seconds. If no VS_HST_ACTION.IND message is received within this time period then the process will
  76. wakeup and perform periodic functions such as posting network topography to the server socket specified by option
  77. -s.
  78. -?, --help
  79. Print program help summary on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  80. -!, --version
  81. Print program version information on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  82. Use this option when sending screen dumps to Atheros Technical Support so that they know exactly which version of
  83. the Linux Toolkit you are using.
  85. None.
  87. See the Qualcomm Atheros HomePlug AV Firmware Technical Reference Manual for more information.
  89. The following example starts the host server. The -N and -P options are always required. Option order is not important.
  90. Control does not return to the console until the program is terminated by the user using CTRL-C or another command line
  91. interrupt.
  92. # plchostd -N test.nvm -P test.pib -n temp.nvm -p temp.pib
  93. The next example does the same but spawns the program as an independent process and returns control to the console. In
  94. this case, that process must be terminated or killed using an appropriate command such ad kill.
  95. # plchostd -N test.nvm -P test.pib -n temp.nvm -p temp.pib -d
  97. Atheros HomePlug AV Vendor Specific Management Message Entry structure and content is proprietary to Qualcomm Atheros,
  98. Ocala FL USA. Consequently, public information may not be available. Qualcomm Atheros reserves the right to modify mes‐
  99. sage structure and content in future firmware releases without any obligation to notify or compensate users of this pro‐
  100. gram.
  101. SEE ALSO
  102. plc(1), int64host(1), int6k(1), int6kboot(1), int6khost(1)
  103. CREDITS
  104. Charles Maier &lt;;
  105. open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 plchostd(1)
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