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  21. pibcomp(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit pibcomp(1)
  22. NAME
  23. pibcomp - Qualcomm Atheros Parameter Block Compare Utility
  25. pibcomp [options] file file [&gt;stdout]
  27. Read and compare two Qualcomm Atheros powerline parameter block files and print only those objects that are different.
  28. It will detect and handle both old and new powerline parameter file formats. This program is similar to program odc but
  29. is designed specifically for Qualcomm Atheros powerline parameter files. Program odc is no longer supported and will be
  30. removed from future toolkit releases.
  31. Object driven comparison requires an object definition file that lists the size and name of data data objects (ie; inte‐
  32. gers, arrays or structures) within the parameter file. Individual data members are presented as smaller, individual data
  33. dumps within a larger, overall data dump. See program pibdump for more information of object definition file format.
  35. -f file
  36. The object definition file that lists the size, name and description of individual individual objects in order of
  37. occurance. If this option is omitted then object definitions are read from stdin. The object definition file is
  38. not modified by this program. See the pibdump man page for an example of an object definition file.
  39. -?,--help
  40. Print program help summary on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  41. -!,--version
  42. Print program version information on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  43. Use this option when sending screen dumps to Atheros Technical Support so that they know exactly which version of
  44. the Linux Toolkit you are using.
  46. file The name of a binary file. Two binary files are needed for comparison and both should conform to the object defi‐
  47. nition file for the comarison to be meaningful.
  49. The following example compares file abc.bin and def.bin and prints objects that are different in hexdump format. Objects
  50. are defined in objects.txt and read using -f.
  51. # pibcomp -f objects.txt abc.bin def.bin
  52. SEE ALSO
  53. chkpib(7), chkpib2(7), getpib(7), modpib(1), pib2xml(1), pibdump(1), setpib(1), xml2pib(1)
  55. Nathaniel Houghton &lt;nhoughto@qca.qualcomm.com&gt;
  56. Charles Maier &lt;cmaier@qca.qualcomm.com&gt;
  57. open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 pibcomp(1)
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