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  21. pev(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit pev(1)
  22. NAME
  23. pev - Qualcomm Atheros Plug-in Electric Vehicle Emulator
  25. pev [options]
  27. Emulate the PEV part of the HomePlug AV Signal Level Attentuation Characterization (SLAC) protocol where a PEV is a
  28. &quot;Plug-in Electric Vehicle&quot; and an EVSE is an &quot;Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment&quot; or charging station. This program will
  29. remain active until it detects and connects to an available EVSE-HLE on the powerline network. Once connected, it
  30. charges a virtual vehicle for about 10 seconds then disconnects and terminates. See the HomePlug Green PHY Specification
  31. Release Version 1.1 for more information on this protocol.
  32. Signal Level Attenuation Characterization (SLAC) enables a station to measure the signal level of its transmission at
  33. other stations in the network. It is designed for automotive applications where there are multiple plug-in vehicle
  34. (PEVs) and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) on the network. The PEV signal level is measured at multiple EVSEs
  35. to determine which EVSE the PEV is actually plugged into. The process leading to this determination is called &quot;Green PHY
  36. PEV-EVSE Association&quot; (GreenPPEA).
  37. This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit. See the plc man page for an overview and installation
  38. instructions.
  40. -c Print the PEV-HLE configuration profile on stdout. The configuration profile specifies program defaults in a for‐
  41. mat that you, as a user, can edit and save. Use options -p and -s to read named profiles and sections.
  42. -d Print the contents of the PEV-HLE session variable on stdout. The session variable is an program data structure
  43. that stores information passed between the PEV-HLE and EVSE-HLE during SLAC association. This option is used to
  44. inspect and veriify information relevant to the process. If the program was compiled with variable SLAC_DEBUG
  45. defined then this option also prints MME message fields before messages are sent or after they are received.
  46. Interested parties can follow along in the source code.
  47. -i Select the host Ethernet interface. All requests are sent via this host interface and only reponses received via
  48. this host interface are recognized. The default interface is eth1 because most people use eth0 as their principle
  49. network connection; however, if environment string &quot;PLC&quot; is defined then it takes precedence over the default
  50. interface. This option then takes precedence over either default.
  51. -p profile
  52. The PEV-HLE configuration profile name. The program will supply default values for missing profile elements. See
  53. the example profile shown below. The default profile name is &quot;pev.ini&quot;.
  54. -q Enter quiet mode. Progress messages are suppressed.
  55. -s section
  56. The configuration profile section name. The program will supply default values for missing configuration profile
  57. elements. See the example profile shown below. The default section name is &quot;default&quot;.
  58. -v Enter verbose mode. All Etherenet frames sent or received by the program are displayed on stdout.
  59. -?, --help
  60. Print program help summary on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  61. -!, --version
  62. Print program version information on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  63. Use this option when sending screen dumps to Atheros Technical Support so that they know exactly which version of
  64. the Linux Toolkit you are using.
  66. The default configuration profile for this program is &quot;pev.ini&quot;. The default profile section is &quot;default&quot;. Users may
  67. create addition profiles and reference them with option -p or add additional sections to an existing profiles and refer‐
  68. ence them with option -s.
  69. Attenuation Theshold
  70. The average attenuation above which the PEV will not connect to an EVSE. The default value is 10db.
  71. MSound Pause
  72. The time in milliseconds between each MSound sent by the PEV-HLE to the EVSE-HLE. Sending MSounds too frequently
  73. overloads the EVSE-PLC. Sending them too infrequently wastes time. This value is derived and does not appear in
  74. the HPGP specification. The default pause is 10 milliseconds.
  75. Vehicle Identifier
  76. Vehicle identification. The 17-byte Vehicle Identification Number to be placed in CM_MNBC_SOUND.IND.SenderID.
  77. This value is not used but is can be changed here so that the field is easy to spot within network message traces.
  78. Network Membership Key
  79. The 16-byte Network Memberhip Key (NMK) for the PEV-PLC device. This program uses CM_SET_KEY to sets the PEV-PLC
  80. NMK to this value after disconnecting. The default value is the key for Network Password &quot;HomePlugAV&quot;.
  81. Network Identifier
  82. The 7-byte Network Identifier (NID) for the PEV-PLC device. This program uses CM_SET_KEY to sets the PEV-PLC NID
  83. to this value after disconnecting. The default value is the same as that for Network Password &quot;HomePlugAV&quot;.
  85. See the Qualcomm Atheros AR7420, QCA6410 IEEE 1901, HomePlug AV and QCA7000 HomePlug Green PHY PLC Chipset Programmer''s
  86. Guide or the HomePlug Green PHY Specification Release Version 1.1 for more information on this protocol.
  88. The following example starts a PEV session on interface eth0 and wait up to 2000 milliseconds (or 2 seconds) for the EVSE
  89. to respond during any given exchange.
  90. # pev -ieth0 -w2000
  91. The default PEV-HLE configuration profile, &quot;pev.ini&quot;, looks something like this but it can be changed using a normal text
  92. editor. Use option -P to produce a template profile, if one is needed.
  93. # file: pev.ini
  94. # ====================================================================
  95. # PEV-HLE initialization;
  96. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [default]
  98. attenuation threshold = 10
  99. msound pause = 10
  101. network membership key = 50D3E4933F855B7040784DF815AA8DB7
  102. network identifier = B0F2E695666B03
  103. SEE ALSO
  104. plc(1), evse(1)
  105. CREDITS
  106. Charles Maier &lt;;
  107. open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 pev(1)
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