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  21. pcapdevs(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit pcapdevs(1)
  22. NAME
  23. pcapdevs - Qualcomm Atheros PCAP Device Enumerator
  25. pcapdevs [options]
  27. The pcapdevs program enumerates available libpcap or winpcap devices on stdout.
  28. This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit. See the AMP man page for compilation and installation
  29. instructions.
  31. This program is only compiled in the Windows version of the toolkit because it is not needed on other platforms. It can
  32. be compiled, possibly with some modifications, on Linux or OpenBSD systems where libpcap development libraries are
  33. installed.
  35. The Atheros Powerline Toolkit uses the libpcap or winpcap package to enable raw socket operations on systems that have no
  36. native raw packet support. Unfortunately, libpcap and winpcap reference available network interfaces by number rather
  37. than by name. Consequently, users need some way to determine what network interfaces are available and determine the
  38. number associated with each one. This utility does that.
  40. -h Print bash compatible variable definitions on stdout. The definitions enumerate available devices and their MAC
  41. addresses. This is merely a convenience to minimze typing errors and, consequently, some editing may be required.
  42. The output is a generous start when creating file hardware.sh.
  43. -q Suppresses printing of progress messages.
  44. -v Print additional information.
  46. The following command enumerates available libpcap devices for a Linux host. Users should note the interface numbers and
  47. use them when specifying a network interfaces on libpcap enabled programs in this toolkit. The Ethernet hardware
  48. addresses shown may be useful when writing scripts.
  49. # pcapdevs
  50. 1 00:60:97:05:97:0C eth0
  51. 2 00:0F:EA:10:D5:1C eth1
  52. 3 00:0F:EA:10:D5:1C any (Pseudo-device that captures on all interfaces)
  53. 4 00:00:00:00:00:00 lo
  54. The next example enumaerates available winpcap devices on a Windows hosts. Observe that device names and descriptions
  55. are much longer than on Linux.
  56. # pcapdevs
  57. 1 00:00:00:00:00:00 \Device\NPF_GenericDialupAdapter (Adapter for generic dialup and VPN capture)
  58. 2 00:0E:2E:03:5F:B8 \Device\NPF_{4CFAABD5-C929-4942-914B-BDFE72B13611} (Realtek RTL8139 Family)
  59. 3 00:C0:49:D5:CB:14 \Device\NPF_{73E0D2EF-6069-4831-B379-507025F2BDCD} (Realtek RTL8139 Family)
  60. 4 00:0C:76:87:3E:3D \Device\NPF_{86B96905-3AA7-46F1-969A-6C23E3BBBA8B} (Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit)
  61. Assuming that we have compiled and installed the Linux Toolkit with libpcap or winpcap support, we can use int6k to
  62. request revision information on all devices connected to interface 2 with the following command. Interface 2 is the
  63. default interface when the toolkit is comipled with either libpcap or winpcap and so option -i could have been omitted in
  64. this case.
  65. # int6k -i 2 -r
  66. Most example Atheros scripts include file hardware.sh that defines symbolic Ethernet interfaces, NIC1 and NIC2 and their
  67. respective hardware addresses, MAC1 and MAC2. These symbols are referenced by scripts when needed, providing a degree of
  68. host independence. The following example illustrates some typical output for a Windows environment. The output can be
  69. used with the Cygwin bash shell, for example.
  70. # pcapdevs -h &gt; hardware.sh
  71. # cat hardware.sh
  72. NIC1=1 # Adapter for generic dialup and VPN capture
  73. NIC2=2 # Realtek RTL8139 Family Fast Ethernet Adapter (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler)
  74. NIC3=3 # Realtek RTL8139 Family Fast Ethernet Adapter (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler)
  75. NIC4=4 # Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver
  76. MAC1=00:00:00:00:00:00 # Adapter for generic dialup and VPN capture
  77. MAC2=00:0E:2E:03:5F:B8 # Realtek RTL8139 Family Fast Ethernet Adapter (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler)
  78. MAC3=00:C0:49:D5:CB:14 # Realtek RTL8139 Family Fast Ethernet Adapter (Microsoft's Packet Scheduler)
  79. MAC4=00:0C:76:87:3E:3D # Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet Driver
  80. The previous example creats a basic hardware.sh file but some editing is still required. You should add a bang path at
  81. the top, delete definitions of NIC1 and MAC and renumber the remaining symbols. You may also want to add other host-spe‐
  82. cific definitions.
  83. SEE ALSO
  84. amp(1), ifs(1), plcnets(1)
  86. Charles Maier &lt;cmaier@qca.qualcomm.com&gt;
  87. open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 pcapdevs(1)
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