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- int6kuart(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit int6kuart(1)
- int6kuart - Qualcomm Atheros Serial Line Device Manager
- int6kuart [options] [...]
- Perform powerline device management operations over serial line interface.
- Serial line commands are 7-bit ASCII character strings sent to the local powerline device over the host serial port.
- They can be sent using any terminal emulator but this program will, in many cases, reduce typing and simplify scripting.
- It is especially useful for downloading device parameters and uploading device parameters or firmware because those oper‐
- ations involve large volumes of data. Also, this program permits decimal integer arguments in many cases where the
- serial line commands require hexadecimal integer values. See the COMMANDS section (below) for a list of supported serial
- line commands.
- This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit. See the AMP man page for an overview and installation
- instructions.
- This program does not configure or reconfigure host serial port settings by default because most operating systems have
- their own serial port configuration utility. Be sure to configure host serial port settings before using this program
- because other programs may change them before or after use. Atheros factory default settings for UART-enabled powerline
- devices are 115200 baud, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity and no flow control. See option -b for a quick way to match
- host serial port settings the Qualcomm Atheros default settings.
- On Windows, use the DOS mode command. The general form of this command is mode,baud,parity,databits,stopbits. The fol‐
- lowing example will set a Windows host to the default serial settings used by Atheros powerline devices.
- # mode com3:115200,n,8,1
- On Linux, use the stty utility to inspect and set serial port parameters. The following Linux command will configure
- serial device /dev/ttyS0 speed to 115200 baud with 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity bit and no flow control. Consult
- the stty man page for an explanation of these and other options.
- # stty -F /dev/ttyS0 115200 cs8 cstopb -parenb -ixon
- On Linux, you can also use the minicom terminal emulator to communicate using the underlying serial line commands
- described in the COMMANDS section. The minicom program reads default settings from configuration file /etc/mini‐
- com/minirc.dfl if present on startup. A basic configuration file looks like this:
- pu port /dev/ttyUSB0
- pu baudrate 115200
- pu bits 8
- pu parity N
- pu stopbits 1
- pu rtscts No
- -b Set host serial port to the default settings mentioned above. The original host serial port settings are not
- restored when the program terminates. You must restore them manually or by other means. Changing host serial
- port settings will break serial communications with the local powerline device if the device is not using the same
- settings.
- -c command
- Send a custom serial line command to the local powerline device over the host serial interface. Argument command
- is sent as specified but will be terminated with a carriage return. The command must be enclosed in quotes if it
- contains spaces or special characters. This option can be used to send serial line commands that are not sup‐
- ported by this program.
- -C module
- Commit downloaded parameters and/or firmware to NVM using the ATWNV serial line command. Argument module is one
- hexadecimal octet. The low-order nibble contains the module number. The high-order nibble contains optional con‐
- trol bits. Acceptable module values are 0x01=Firmware, 0x02=Parameters, 0x10=Force Flash and 0x20=Do Not Reboot.
- The default value is 0x00 which has no effect. The 0x prefix is optional.
- -d Read and display the destination device address using the ATDST serial line command. This option is similar to
- option -D but substitutes ? for the device address.
- -D address
- Set the destination device address for Transparent Mode using the ATDST serial line command. This address will
- supercede the default destination device address, stored in the PIB, until the device is reset. Multicast address
- values are not permitted by the device. Argument address is six hexadecimal octets optionally separated by
- colons.
- -F filename
- Read the named frame description file and send it over powerline as an Atheros vendor-specific management message
- using the ATM serial line command. Unlike program efsu, only the first file frame is sent. Any subsequent frames
- defined in the file are ignored.
- -H Exit Command Mode and enter High Speed Command Mode using the ATHSC serial line command.
- -i Get and display network information using the ATNI serial line command. The information includes the TEI, MAC
- address, receive rate and transmit rate for each remote device on the network.
- -I Get and display the PIB version and device MAC address using the ATRPM serial line command.
- -m Read and display the Network Membership Key of the local powerline device using the ATSK serial line command.
- This option is similar to option -M but substitutes ? for the membership key.
- -M key Set the Network Membership Key of the local powerline device using the ATSK serial line command. The key consists
- of 16 hexadecimal octets optionally separated by colons.
- -N filename
- Open the named firmware file on the local host and write it to the local device using multiple ATWPF serial line
- commands. There is no default filename or extension. The file is assumed to contain a valid firmware image.
- -O Exit Command Mode and enter Transparent Mode using the ATO serial line command. Subsequent serial data will be
- transmitted over the powerline to the destination device address as raw data. Use option -d to set the destina‐
- tion device address.
- -p filename
- Read the parameter block from the local powerline device and write it to the named file on the local host using
- multiple ATRP serial line commands. Required length and offset values are automatically computed for each serial
- line command sent. There is no default filename or extention.
- -P filename
- Open the parameter file on the local host and write it to the local powerline device using multiple ATWPF serial
- line commands. Required length and offset values are automatically computed for each serial line command sent.
- There is no default filename or extention. The named file is assumed to contain a valid parameter block.
- -q Suppress progress and error information on stderr.
- -r Read and display the local powerline device hardware identifier and firmware version string using the ATRV serial
- line command.
- -R Reset the local device using the ATZ serial line command
- -s tty Communicate with the local powerline device over the named serial interface on the local host. The program
- default is "/dev/ttyUSB0" for Linux and "com1:" for Windows. The program default is replaced if environment vari‐
- able PLCUART is defined. This option over-rides those default settings.
- -S Place the local power line device in Power Save Mode using the ATPS serial line command.
- -t Test device using the AT serial line command. The device will respond with "OK" when in Command Mode.
- -T Restore factory defaults on the local power line device using the ATFD serial line command. Among other things,
- this will restore the destination device address stored in the factory PIB. Any destination device address previ‐
- ously set using option -d will be lost.
- -u Force default host port settings to match the default setting for UART-enabled Atheros powerline devices. The
- setting are 115200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity bits and 1 stop bit. These settings will remain active when the
- program terminates and will not change unless changed by some other means, perhaps by another application. This
- option is an easy means of establishg an initial serial connection with a powerline device, unless it's settings
- have been changed.
- -v Display actual serial line commands and responses on stdout.
- -w Place the local powerline device in Command Mode using the +++ serial line command. The device will remain in com‐
- mand mode until it is reset or forced into Transparaent Mode or High Speed Command Mode.
- -W timeout
- Set the Transparent Mode aggregation timeout using the ATTO serial line command. The timeout is expressed in deci‐
- mal milliseconds. Valid values are 1 through 2000.
- -z Get the Transparent Mode buffer size using the ATBSZ serial line command. This option is similar to option -B but
- substitutes ? for the buffer size.
- -Z size
- Set the Transparent Mode buffer size using the ATBSZ serial line command. The size in bytes is specified in deci‐
- mal here and converted to hexadecimal for transmission. Valid values range from 46 to 1500. The default is 500
- bytes.
- -?,--help
- Print program help summary on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
- -!,--version
- Print program version information on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
- Use this option when sending screen dumps to Atheros Technical Support so that they know exactly which version of
- the Linux Toolkit you are using.
- None.
- This section lists serial line commands recognized by local powerline devices when in Command Mode. Commands can be
- issued interactively using a terminal emulator, like minicom on Linux or HyperTerminal on Windows or stored as text and
- copied to the serial port using system utilities, like cat on Linux or type on Windows. This program merely converts the
- command line options and arguments described above into one or more of the serial line commands shown below.
- +++ Exit Transparent Mode and enter Command Mode. See option -w above.
- AT Test for Command Mode by doing nothing, successfully. See option -t above.
- ATBRmode,baudrate,databits,parity,stopbits,flowctrl
- Set serial line parameters on the local powerline device. Beware that this will break the existing serial connec‐
- tion when the new parameters differ from those of the local host.
- ATBSZ? Get Transparent Mode buffer size. See option -z above.
- ATBSZsize
- Set Transparent Mode buffer size. See option -Z above.
- ATDST? Get Transparent Mode destination device address. See option -d above.
- ATDSTaddress
- Set Transparent Mode destination device address. See option -D above.
- ATFD Reset local device to factory defaults. See option -T above.
- ATHSC Exit Command Mode and enter High Speed Command Mode. Once the OK response is received, the local host should send
- commands to the device at successively higher speeds until a valid response is received.
- ATMmessage
- Send an Atheros vendor-specific management message over powerline. The message is expressed as a series of hexa‐
- decimal digits.
- ATNI? Read nework information and store the information internally. Return the number of associated stations and infor‐
- mation about the first associated station. The information includes the peer station device address, TX rate and
- RX rate.
- ATNIstation
- Extract and display previously stored network information for a specific peer station. The information returned is
- that previosly stored using a ATNI serial line command query.
- ATO Exit Command Mode and enter Transparent Mode. Successful switch requires a valid destination MAC address, buffer
- size and aggregation timeout value. Use serial line commands ATDST and ATBSZ to get and/or set the first two val‐
- ues. Use serial line command ATTO to set the timeout value.
- ATPStime
- Place the device in Power Save Mode for a specified time in seconds. Valid values are 1 to 384 seconds. The
- default time is A seconds.
- ATRPlength,offset
- Read and display a parameter block segment where length is the number of bytes read and offset is the relative
- position, in bytes, from the start of the parameter block. Valid length values are 0 through 400 hexadecimal. See
- option -p above to read and save an entire parameter block.
- ATRPM Get PIB version and device MAC address.
- ATRV Get hardware and firmware revision. See option -r above.
- ATSK? Get device Network Membership Key. See option -m above.
- ATSKkey
- Set device Network Membership Key. See option -M above.
- ATTO? Get the Transparent Mode aggregation timeout in milliseconds.
- ATTOtimeout
- Set the Transparent Mode aggregation timeout in milliseconds. See option -W above.
- ATWNVmodule
- Update NVM with PIB and/or Firmware module. See option -C above.
- ATWPFmodule,length,offset,checksum,data
- Write a parameter block or firmware segment to the local powerline device where module is the module identifier,
- length is the number of bytes to write, offset is the relative position from the start of the module, checksum is
- the 1's complement of the data and data is the data to be written. Valid module identifiers are 1=FW and 2=PIB.
- Valid length values are 0 up to 400 hexadecimal. See options -N and -P above to write an entire parameter block
- or firmware images.
- ATZ Reset device. See option -R above.
- See the Qualcomm Atheros HomePlug AV Firmware Technical Reference Manual for more information.
- Atheros serial line commands are proprietary to Qualcomm Atheros, Ocala FL USA. Consequently, public information is not
- available. Qualcomm Atheros reserves the right to modify command line syntax or command functionality in future firmware
- releases without any obligation to notify or compensate product or program users.
- The following example places the device in Command Mode (wakeup). Serial line commands are ignored unless the device is
- in this mode so this is often the first command issued.
- # int6kuart -w
- The next example sets the destination device address on the local powerline device to 00B052BABE12. The destination
- device can be any remote powerline device on the same logical network as the local device.
- # int6kuart -D 00:B0:52:BA:BE:12
- The next example places the device in Transparent Mode where serial line output is sent over powerline to the destination
- powerline device and forwarded the remote host connected to it.
- # int6kuart -O
- The next example sends the serial line command "ATSK?" to the local powerline device.
- # int6kuart -c "ATSK?"
- amp(1), int6kbaud(1), ttysig(1)
- Charles Maier <cmaier@qca.qualcomm.com>
- open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 int6kuart(1)
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