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  20. <pre>
  21. #!/bin/sh
  22. # file: scripts/
  23. # edit a PIB file then kick off the INT6300 Host Emulator; if you do
  24. # not want to edit the PIB file before starting then comment out the
  25. # line that does that;
  26. # ====================================================================
  27. # host symbols;
  28. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. . ${SCRIPTS}/
  30. . ${SCRIPTS}/
  31. # ====================================================================
  32. # file symbols;
  33. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  34. MAC=auto
  35. DAK=$(rkey secret.key -D)
  36. NMK=$(rkey secret.key -M)
  37. # ====================================================================
  38. # confirm MAC;
  39. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. echo -n &quot;MAC Address [${MAC}]: &quot;; read
  41. if [ ! -z ${REPLY} ]; then
  42. MAC=&quot;${REPLY}&quot;
  43. fi
  44. # ====================================================================
  45. # modify PIB;
  46. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. modpib ${PIB} -C0 -M ${MAC} -N ${NMK} -D ${DAK}
  48. if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then
  49. exit 1
  50. fi
  51. # ====================================================================
  52. # service host action request messages;
  53. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. # Force Flash NVRAM
  55. # int64host -i ${ETH} -P ${PIB} -N ${NVM} -p abc.pib -n abc.nvm -FF
  56. # Flash NVRAM (continuous loop because FW/PIB sent to host)
  57. # int64host -i ${ETH} -P ${PIB} -N ${NVM} -p abc.pib -n abc.nvm -F
  58. int64host -i ${ETH} -P ${PIB} -N ${NVM} -p abc.pib -n abc.nvm
  59. if [ ${?} != 0 ]; then
  60. exit 1
  61. fi
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