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  20. <pre>
  21. #!/bin/sh
  22. # file: scripts/hardware.sh
  23. # this file defines the names and addresses of ethernet interfaces
  24. # on the host and the powerline device connected to each; every host
  25. # should have its own copy of this file so that generic scripts can
  26. # written and moved from one host to another without change;
  27. #
  28. # symbol ETH is referenced in files such as start.sh, flash.sh and
  29. # upgrade.sh that operation on one device only;
  30. #
  31. # symbols ETH1, ETH2, NIC1, NIC, PLD1 and PLD22 are referenced in
  32. # files such as pts.sh that operate on two devices; by convention:
  33. #
  34. # interface ETH1 has address NIC1 and is connected to device PLD1;
  35. # interface ETH2 had address NIC2 and is connected to device PLD2;
  36. #
  37. # to include this file in a new script:
  38. #
  39. # . ${SCRIPTS}/hardware.sh
  40. #
  41. # ====================================================================
  42. # symbols;
  43. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. ETH=eth1
  45. # ====================================================================
  46. # host interface names;
  47. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. ETH1=eth2
  49. ETH2=eth4
  50. # ====================================================================
  51. # host interface addresses;
  52. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  53. NIC1=00:50:04:a5:d9:5a
  54. NIC2=00:01:02:d0:8f:89
  55. # ====================================================================
  56. # powerline device addresses;
  57. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. PLD1=00:B0:52:00:FD:0D
  59. PLD2=00:B0:52:00:FD:0E
  60. # ====================================================================
  61. # miscellaneous device addresses;
  62. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. master=00:b0:52:da:da:01
  64. slave1=00:b0:52:da:da:02
  65. slave2=00:b0:52:da:da:03
  66. slave3=00:b0:52:da:da:04
  67. slave4=00:b0:52:dd:dd:05
  68. </pre>
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