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  21. config2cfg(1) Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit config2cfg(1)
  22. NAME
  23. config2cfg - Atheros Configuration File Converter
  25. config2cfg [options] file [file] [...]
  27. The config2cfg program converts an SDRAM configuration file used by the Windows Device Manager to the configuration file
  28. format used by the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit.
  29. This program is part of the Qualcomm Atheros Powerline Toolkit. See the AMP man page for an overview and installation
  30. instructions.
  32. There are no options.
  34. The Windows Device Manager format consists of 64 ASCII hexadecomal characters. Files usually have a .config extension.
  35. File size is at least 64 characters. Excess characters are ignored in input. This means that files can be modified
  36. using any text editor and there is no way to detect modification. From a programmin standpoint, ASCII-to-binary conver‐
  37. tion and checksum computation is required on input and binary-to-ASCII conversion iw required on output.
  38. The Atheros Powerline Toolkit format consists of 32 binary bytes plus a 4 byte (32 bit) checksum. Files usually have a
  39. .cfg extension. File size is always 36 characters. The files can be edited using any hex editor but a new checksum must
  40. be computed and inserted after any change. No conversion or computation is required on input or output. Input is ready
  41. for direct insertion into a VS_SET_SDRAM message.
  42. Programs int6k and int6kf expect this latter format and so you can use this program determine if a given file has the
  43. proper format.
  45. file The filename of a Windows Device Manager SDRAM configuration file. The file is re-written such that the filename
  46. is preserved but the contents are not. Windows Device Manager SDRAM configuration files usually have a .config
  47. extension but the program makes no assumption based on filename and does not enforce any filename conventions.
  48. -q Suppresses printing of progress messages. There are no progress messages in this version.
  49. -v Print additional information. There is no additional information printed in this version.
  50. -?, --help
  51. Print program help summary on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  52. -!, --version
  53. Print program version information on stdout. This option takes precedence over other options on the command line.
  54. Use this option when sending screen dumps to Atheros Technical Support so that they know exactly which version of
  55. the Linux Toolkit you are using.
  57. The following example reads file abc.cfg and validates it. The message shown indicates that the configuration file is
  58. the correct size and has a checksums and there are no read errors.
  59. &gt; chkcfg abc.cfg
  60. chkcfg: abc.cfg looks good
  61. The following example reads three files in succession and reports on each one. You can suppress good news with the -q
  62. option.
  63. # chkcfg abc.cfg def.cfg ghi.cfg
  64. chkcfg: abc.cfg looks good
  65. chkcfg: def.cfg is corrupt
  66. chkcfg: ghi.cfg looks good
  67. The following example displays the SDRAM configuration values in all files having names that match the wildcard pattern
  68. sdram*.cfg. We can confirm that the values inside are correct for their filenames. Program output could have been sent
  69. to a file and saved for later reference.
  70. # chknvm -qv sdram*.cfg
  71. ------- sdram32.cfg -------
  72. SIZE=0x02000000 (32mb)
  73. CONF=0x00143188
  74. TIM0=0x01E1D491
  75. TIM1=0x000883D6
  76. CNTRL=0x00003089
  77. REF=0x00000366
  78. CLOCK=0x00000001
  79. ------- sdram16.cfg -------
  80. SIZE=0x01000000 (16mb)
  81. CONF=0x00142F68
  82. TIM0=0x0115124E
  83. TIM1=0x000883D6
  84. CNTRL=0x00003089
  85. REF=0x00000493
  86. CLOCK=0x00000001
  88. The SDRAM file structure and content is proprietary to Qualcomm Atheros, Ocala FL USA. Consequently, public information
  89. is not available. Qualcomm Atheros reserves the right to change the file structure or content in future firmware
  90. releases without any obligation to notify or compensate users of this program.
  91. SEE ALSO
  92. int6k(1), int6kf(1), modpib(1), chknvm(1), chkpib(1)
  94. Charles Maier &lt;;
  95. open-plc-utils-0.0.3 Mar 2014 config2cfg(1)
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