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- User Interaction
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- Scripts should be designed, whenever possible, to perform correctly without user intervention but there are cases where user intervention is appropriate. The following example illustrates one <span class="application">bash</span> shell method that only requires user input when default values are wrong.
- </p><pre class="programlisting">
- MAC=00:B0:52:00:BA:BE
- echo -n "MAC Address [${MAC}]: "; read
- if [ ! -z ${REPLY} ]; then
- MAC="${REPLY}"
- fi
- </pre><p>
- First, we define symbol <acronym class="acronym">MAC</acronym> with a default value. The Linux <span class="application">echo</span> utility prints a prompt on the console that includes the symbol value. The trailing newline is suppressed (<code class="option">-n</code>) so that text can be typed immediately after the prompt. The <span class="application">echo</span> command is terminated with semicolon (<strong class="userinput"><code>;</code></strong>) so that another command can be included on the same line. The shell <span class="application">read</span> statement waits for the user to type something and press the <strong class="userinput"><code>enter</code></strong> key. The shell will assign the input to shell variable <code class="varname">REPLY</code>. The value of <code class="varname">REPLY</code> is evaluated and used to redefine the symbol only if the input was a non-zero length string.
- </p><pre class="screen">
- MAC Address [00:B0:52:00:BA:BE]:
- </pre><p>
- The user will see something like this. If the value is correct the user can press the <strong class="userinput"><code>enter</code></strong> key to generate a zero length string. Otherwise, the user can type the correct value before pressing the <strong class="userinput"><code>enter</code></strong> key.
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