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- <html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"><title>Pairing UART Devices post PTS</title><meta name="generator" content="DocBook XSL Stylesheets V1.76.1"><meta name="keywords" content="Intellon, Atheros, Qualcomm, HomePlug, powerline, communications, INT6000, INT6300, INT6400, AR7400, AR7420"><link rel="home" href="index.html" title="Qualcomm Atheros Open Powerline Toolkit"><link rel="up" href="ch05.html" title="Chapter 5. Procedures"><link rel="prev" href="ch05s12.html" title="Programming NVRAM"><link rel="next" href="ch05s14.html" title="Trouble-shooting Problems"></head><body bgcolor="white" text="black" link="#0000FF" vlink="#840084" alink="#0000FF"><div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">
- Pairing UART Devices post PTS
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- Pairing UART Devices post PTS
- </h2></div></div></div><p>
- This procedure describes how to pair two UART-enabled powerline adapters once they have been programmed, personalized and tested. This example assumes you are using a Windows host and two powerline adapters having MAC addresses <code class="constant">00:B0:52:00:05:F9</code> and <code class="constant">00:B0:52:00:05:FA</code>.
- </p><p>
- Start with the first device, <code class="constant">00:B0:52)(00:05:F9</code>. Plug the host serial cable into the RJ45 port on the device and plug the device into an AC power source.
- </p><p>
- Change to transparent mode using program int6kuart. Option -v displays outgoing command and incoming serial responses. The <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">+++</span>”</span> is the serial data sent to the device and the <span class="quote">“<span class="quote">OK</span>”</span> is the device response.
- </p><pre class="screen">
- # int6kuart -s com3 -wv
- +++
- OK
- </pre><p>
- </p><p>
- Read the adapter PIB into a temporary file using program <a class="ulink" href="int6kuart.7.html" target="_top">int6kuart</a>. The following command reads the PIB from serial device <code class="filename">com3</code> and saves it to file <code class="filename">temp.pib</code> on the host. You will see a series of dots appear on the console as the PIB is read from the device. The filename used is not important.
- </p><pre class="screen">
- # int6kuart -s com3 -p temp.pib
- ....................
- </pre><p>
- </p><p>
- Program the PIB file with the default destination address using program <a class="ulink" href="setpib.7.html" target="_top">setpib</a>. The following command inserts the MAC address of the second device, <code class="constant">00B0520005FA</code>, at fixed offset <code class="constant">0x2C8A</code> in file <code class="filename">temp.pib</code> downloaded in the previous step.
- </p><pre class="screen">
- # setpib temp.pib 2C8A data 00B0520005FA
- </pre><p>
- </p><p>
- Write the modified PIB file back to the adapter and commit it to flash memory using program <a class="ulink" href="int6kuart.7.html" target="_top">int6kuart</a>. The following command write file <code class="filename">temp.pib</code> to serial device <code class="filename">com3</code> then commits the PIB to flash memory. You will see a series of dots appear on the console as the PIB is written to the device. The device will reboot.
- </p><pre class="screen">
- # int6kuart -s com3 -P temp.pib -C2
- ....................
- </pre><p>
- </p><p>
- Change the device to Transparent Mode using program <a class="ulink" href="int6kuart.7.html" target="_top">int6kuart</a> once the device resets.
- </p><pre class="screen">
- # inc6kuart -s com3 -wv
- +++
- OK
- </pre><p>
- </p><p>
- Verify that the destination MAC address is correct using program <a class="ulink" href="int6kuart.7.html" target="_top">int6kuart</a>.
- </p><pre class="screen">
- # int6kuart -s com3 -d
- 00B0520005FA
- </pre><p>
- </p><p>
- Repeat this process on the second adapter, <code class="constant">00:B0:52:00:05:FA</code>, using the MAC address of the first device, <code class="constant">00:B0:52:00:05:F9</code>, as the destination address.
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