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  20. <pre>
  21. #!/bin/sh
  22. # file: scripts/
  23. # This script formats and sends a CM_ENCRYPTED_PAYBOOT message to a
  24. # specific slave device; the message is written as a text file then
  25. # passed to efsu to send;
  26. # ====================================================================
  27. # host symbols;
  28. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. . ./
  30. # ====================================================================
  31. # file symbols;
  32. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  33. COUNT=1
  34. FRAME=test.hex
  35. # ====================================================================
  36. # display usage information;e
  37. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. usage()
  39. {
  40. cat &lt;&lt; EOF
  41. usage: ${options}
  42. This scripts sets the up and down bandwidth on Slave devices in the network
  44. -h show this message
  45. -s slave device name
  46. -u Upstream Bandwidth required in Mbps
  47. -d Downstream Bandwidth required in Mbps
  48. Note: Bandwidth value support 0-15 input values and 0 selects full line rate
  49. EOF
  50. }
  51. # ====================================================================
  52. # command line parser routine
  53. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. device=
  55. while getopts &quot;hs:u:d:&quot; OPTION
  56. do
  57. case ${OPTION} in
  58. h)
  59. usage
  60. exit 1
  61. ;;
  62. s)
  63. device=${OPTARG}
  64. ;;
  65. esac
  66. done
  67. if [[ -z ${device} ]]; then
  68. usage
  69. exit 1
  70. elif [ ${device} = slave1 ]; then
  71. target=${slave1}
  72. elif [ ${device} = slave2 ]; then
  73. target=${slave2}
  74. elif [ ${device} = slave3 ]; then
  75. target=${slave3}
  76. elif [ ${device} = slave4 ]; then
  77. target=${slave4}
  78. elif [ ${device} = slave5 ]; then
  79. target=${slave5}
  80. else
  81. target=${master}
  82. fi
  83. # ====================================================================
  84. # Format the MME with processed values from command line
  85. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. da=&quot;ff ff ff ff ff ff&quot;
  87. sa=&quot;ff ff ff ff ff ff&quot;
  88. mtype=&quot;88 e1&quot;
  89. mmv=&quot;01&quot;
  90. mmtype=&quot;06 60&quot;
  91. FMI=&quot;00 00&quot;
  92. PEKS=&quot;0F&quot;
  93. AVLN=&quot;00&quot;
  94. PID=&quot;04&quot;
  95. PRN=&quot;09 75&quot;
  96. PMN=&quot;01&quot;
  97. UUID=&quot;55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa&quot;
  98. LEN=&quot;00 00&quot;
  99. HLE=&quot;AA 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55 aa 55&quot;
  100. fill=&quot;ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff&quot;
  101. cat &gt; ${FRAME} &lt;&lt;EOF
  102. ${da} ${sa} ${mtype} ${mmv} ${mmtype} ${FMI} ${PEKS} ${AVLN} ${PID} ${PRN} ${PMN} ${UUID} ${LEN} ${HLE} ${fill} ${fill} ${fill} ${fill} ${fill} ${fill} ${fill} ${fill}
  103. EOF
  104. # ====================================================================
  105. # check environment;
  106. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  107. if [ ! -f ${FRAME} ]; then
  108. echo &quot;File ${FRAME} is missing or misplaced&quot;
  109. exit 1
  110. fi
  111. # ====================================================================
  112. # send traffic in both directions;
  113. # --------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. efsu -i ${ETH2} -h ${FRAME} -l ${COUNT} -v
  115. rm ${FRAME}
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