123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405 |
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @file dictionary.c
- @author N. Devillard
- @date Sep 2007
- @version $Revision: 1.27 $
- @brief Implements a dictionary for string variables.
- This module implements a simple dictionary object, i.e. a list
- of string/string associations. This object is useful to store e.g.
- informations retrieved from a configuration file (ini files).
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*
- $Id: dictionary.c,v 1.27 2007-11-23 21:39:18 ndevilla Exp $
- $Revision: 1.27 $
- */
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Includes
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "dictionary.h"
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- /** Maximum value size for integers and doubles. */
- #define MAXVALSZ 1024
- /** Minimal allocated number of entries in a dictionary */
- #define DICTMINSZ 128
- /** Invalid key token */
- #define DICT_INVALID_KEY ((char*)-1)
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Private functions
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Doubles the allocated size associated to a pointer */
- /* 'size' is the current allocated size. */
- static void * mem_double(void * ptr, int size)
- {
- void * newptr ;
- newptr = calloc(2*size, 1);
- if (newptr==NULL) {
- return NULL ;
- }
- memcpy(newptr, ptr, size);
- free(ptr);
- return newptr ;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @brief Duplicate a string
- @param s String to duplicate
- @return Pointer to a newly allocated string, to be freed with free()
- This is a replacement for strdup(). This implementation is provided
- for systems that do not have it.
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- static char * xstrdup(char * s)
- {
- char * t ;
- if (!s)
- return NULL ;
- t = malloc(strlen(s)+1) ;
- if (t) {
- strcpy(t,s);
- }
- return t ;
- }
- /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Function codes
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @brief Compute the hash key for a string.
- @param key Character string to use for key.
- @return 1 unsigned int on at least 32 bits.
- This hash function has been taken from an Article in Dr Dobbs Journal.
- This is normally a collision-free function, distributing keys evenly.
- The key is stored anyway in the struct so that collision can be avoided
- by comparing the key itself in last resort.
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- unsigned dictionary_hash(char * key)
- {
- int len ;
- unsigned hash ;
- int i ;
- len = strlen(key);
- for (hash=0, i=0 ; i<len ; i++) {
- hash += (unsigned)key[i] ;
- hash += (hash<<10);
- hash ^= (hash>>6) ;
- }
- hash += (hash <<3);
- hash ^= (hash >>11);
- hash += (hash <<15);
- return hash ;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @brief Create a new dictionary object.
- @param size Optional initial size of the dictionary.
- @return 1 newly allocated dictionary objet.
- This function allocates a new dictionary object of given size and returns
- it. If you do not know in advance (roughly) the number of entries in the
- dictionary, give size=0.
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- dictionary * dictionary_new(int size)
- {
- dictionary * d ;
- /* If no size was specified, allocate space for DICTMINSZ */
- if (size<DICTMINSZ) size=DICTMINSZ ;
- if (!(d = (dictionary *)calloc(1, sizeof(dictionary)))) {
- return NULL;
- }
- d->size = size ;
- d->val = (char **)calloc(size, sizeof(char*));
- d->key = (char **)calloc(size, sizeof(char*));
- d->hash = (unsigned int *)calloc(size, sizeof(unsigned));
- return d ;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @brief Delete a dictionary object
- @param d dictionary object to deallocate.
- @return void
- Deallocate a dictionary object and all memory associated to it.
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void dictionary_del(dictionary * d)
- {
- int i ;
- if (d==NULL) return ;
- for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
- if (d->key[i]!=NULL)
- free(d->key[i]);
- if (d->val[i]!=NULL)
- free(d->val[i]);
- }
- free(d->val);
- free(d->key);
- free(d->hash);
- free(d);
- return ;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @brief Get a value from a dictionary.
- @param d dictionary object to search.
- @param key Key to look for in the dictionary.
- @param def Default value to return if key not found.
- @return 1 pointer to internally allocated character string.
- This function locates a key in a dictionary and returns a pointer to its
- value, or the passed 'def' pointer if no such key can be found in
- dictionary. The returned character pointer points to data internal to the
- dictionary object, you should not try to free it or modify it.
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- char * dictionary_get(dictionary * d, char * key, char * def)
- {
- unsigned hash ;
- int i ;
- hash = dictionary_hash(key);
- for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
- if (d->key[i]==NULL)
- continue ;
- /* Compare hash */
- if (hash==d->hash[i]) {
- /* Compare string, to avoid hash collisions */
- if (!strcmp(key, d->key[i])) {
- return d->val[i] ;
- }
- }
- }
- return def ;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @brief Set a value in a dictionary.
- @param d dictionary object to modify.
- @param key Key to modify or add.
- @param val Value to add.
- @return int 0 if Ok, anything else otherwise
- If the given key is found in the dictionary, the associated value is
- replaced by the provided one. If the key cannot be found in the
- dictionary, it is added to it.
- It is Ok to provide a NULL value for val, but NULL values for the dictionary
- or the key are considered as errors: the function will return immediately
- in such a case.
- Notice that if you dictionary_set a variable to NULL, a call to
- dictionary_get will return a NULL value: the variable will be found, and
- its value (NULL) is returned. In other words, setting the variable
- content to NULL is equivalent to deleting the variable from the
- dictionary. It is not possible (in this implementation) to have a key in
- the dictionary without value.
- This function returns non-zero in case of failure.
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- int dictionary_set(dictionary * d, char * key, char * val)
- {
- int i ;
- unsigned hash ;
- if (d==NULL || key==NULL) return -1 ;
- /* Compute hash for this key */
- hash = dictionary_hash(key) ;
- /* Find if value is already in dictionary */
- if (d->n>0) {
- for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
- if (d->key[i]==NULL)
- continue ;
- if (hash==d->hash[i]) { /* Same hash value */
- if (!strcmp(key, d->key[i])) { /* Same key */
- /* Found a value: modify and return */
- if (d->val[i]!=NULL)
- free(d->val[i]);
- d->val[i] = val ? xstrdup(val) : NULL ;
- /* Value has been modified: return */
- return 0 ;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Add a new value */
- /* See if dictionary needs to grow */
- if (d->n==d->size) {
- /* Reached maximum size: reallocate dictionary */
- d->val = (char **)mem_double(d->val, d->size * sizeof(char*)) ;
- d->key = (char **)mem_double(d->key, d->size * sizeof(char*)) ;
- d->hash = (unsigned int *)mem_double(d->hash, d->size * sizeof(unsigned)) ;
- if ((d->val==NULL) || (d->key==NULL) || (d->hash==NULL)) {
- /* Cannot grow dictionary */
- return -1 ;
- }
- /* Double size */
- d->size *= 2 ;
- }
- /* Insert key in the first empty slot */
- for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
- if (d->key[i]==NULL) {
- /* Add key here */
- break ;
- }
- }
- /* Copy key */
- d->key[i] = xstrdup(key);
- d->val[i] = val ? xstrdup(val) : NULL ;
- d->hash[i] = hash;
- d->n ++ ;
- return 0 ;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @brief Delete a key in a dictionary
- @param d dictionary object to modify.
- @param key Key to remove.
- @return void
- This function deletes a key in a dictionary. Nothing is done if the
- key cannot be found.
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void dictionary_unset(dictionary * d, char * key)
- {
- unsigned hash ;
- int i ;
- if (key == NULL) {
- return;
- }
- hash = dictionary_hash(key);
- for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
- if (d->key[i]==NULL)
- continue ;
- /* Compare hash */
- if (hash==d->hash[i]) {
- /* Compare string, to avoid hash collisions */
- if (!strcmp(key, d->key[i])) {
- /* Found key */
- break ;
- }
- }
- }
- if (i>=d->size)
- /* Key not found */
- return ;
- free(d->key[i]);
- d->key[i] = NULL ;
- if (d->val[i]!=NULL) {
- free(d->val[i]);
- d->val[i] = NULL ;
- }
- d->hash[i] = 0 ;
- d->n -- ;
- return ;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /**
- @brief Dump a dictionary to an opened file pointer.
- @param d Dictionary to dump
- @param f Opened file pointer.
- @return void
- Dumps a dictionary onto an opened file pointer. Key pairs are printed out
- as @c [Key]=[Value], one per line. It is Ok to provide stdout or stderr as
- output file pointers.
- */
- /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- void dictionary_dump(dictionary * d, FILE * out)
- {
- int i ;
- if (d==NULL || out==NULL) return ;
- if (d->n<1) {
- fprintf(out, "empty dictionary\n");
- return ;
- }
- for (i=0 ; i<d->size ; i++) {
- if (d->key[i]) {
- fprintf(out, "%20s\t[%s]\n",
- d->key[i],
- d->val[i] ? d->val[i] : "UNDEF");
- }
- }
- return ;
- }
- /* Test code */
- #ifdef TESTDIC
- #define NVALS 20000
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- dictionary * d ;
- char * val ;
- int i ;
- char cval[90] ;
- /* Allocate dictionary */
- printf("allocating...\n");
- d = dictionary_new(0);
- /* Set values in dictionary */
- printf("setting %d values...\n", NVALS);
- for (i=0 ; i<NVALS ; i++) {
- sprintf(cval, "%04d", i);
- dictionary_set(d, cval, "salut");
- }
- printf("getting %d values...\n", NVALS);
- for (i=0 ; i<NVALS ; i++) {
- sprintf(cval, "%04d", i);
- val = dictionary_get(d, cval, DICT_INVALID_KEY);
- if (val==DICT_INVALID_KEY) {
- printf("cannot get value for key [%s]\n", cval);
- }
- }
- printf("unsetting %d values...\n", NVALS);
- for (i=0 ; i<NVALS ; i++) {
- sprintf(cval, "%04d", i);
- dictionary_unset(d, cval);
- }
- if (d->n != 0) {
- printf("error deleting values\n");
- }
- printf("deallocating...\n");
- dictionary_del(d);
- return 0 ;
- }
- #endif
- /* vim: set ts=4 et sw=4 tw=75 */