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- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # Test whether message parameters are passed to the plugin acl check function.
- from mosq_test_helper import *
- def write_config(filename, port):
- with open(filename, 'w') as f:
- f.write("port %d\n" % (port))
- f.write("auth_plugin c/auth_plugin_msg_params.so\n")
- f.write("allow_anonymous true\n")
- port = mosq_test.get_port()
- conf_file = os.path.basename(__file__).replace('.py', '.conf')
- write_config(conf_file, port)
- rc = 1
- keepalive = 10
- connect_packet = mosq_test.gen_connect("msg-param-test", keepalive=keepalive)
- connack_packet = mosq_test.gen_connack(rc=0)
- mid = 2
- subscribe_packet = mosq_test.gen_subscribe(mid, "param/topic", 1)
- suback_packet = mosq_test.gen_suback(mid, 1)
- mid = 3
- publish_packet = mosq_test.gen_publish(topic="param/topic", qos=1, payload="payload contents", retain=1, mid=mid)
- puback_packet = mosq_test.gen_puback(mid)
- mid = 1
- publish_packet_recv = mosq_test.gen_publish(topic="param/topic", qos=1, payload="payload contents", retain=0, mid=mid)
- broker = mosq_test.start_broker(filename=os.path.basename(__file__), use_conf=True, port=port)
- try:
- sock = mosq_test.do_client_connect(connect_packet, connack_packet, timeout=20, port=port)
- mosq_test.do_send_receive(sock, subscribe_packet, suback_packet, "suback")
- sock.send(publish_packet)
- mosq_test.receive_unordered(sock, puback_packet, publish_packet_recv, "puback/publish_receive")
- rc = 0
- sock.close()
- except mosq_test.TestError:
- pass
- finally:
- os.remove(conf_file)
- broker.terminate()
- broker.wait()
- (stdo, stde) = broker.communicate()
- if rc:
- print(stde.decode('utf-8'))
- exit(rc)