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- #!/bin/sh
- # This is an example deploy renewal hook for certbot that copies newly updated
- # certificates to the Mosquitto certificates directory and sets the ownership
- # and permissions so only the mosquitto user can access them, then signals
- # Mosquitto to reload certificates.
- # RENEWED_DOMAINS will match the domains being renewed for that certificate, so
- # may be just "example.com", or multiple domains "www.example.com example.com"
- # depending on your certificate.
- # Place this script in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/ and make it
- # executable after editing it to your needs.
- # Set which domain this script will be run for
- MY_DOMAIN=example.com
- # Set the directory that the certificates will be copied to.
- CERTIFICATE_DIR=/etc/mosquitto/certs
- if [ "${RENEWED_DOMAINS}" = "${MY_DOMAIN}" ]; then
- # Copy new certificate to Mosquitto directory
- cp ${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/fullchain.pem ${CERTIFICATE_DIR}/server.pem
- cp ${RENEWED_LINEAGE}/privkey.pem ${CERTIFICATE_DIR}/server.key
- # Set ownership to Mosquitto
- chown mosquitto: ${CERTIFICATE_DIR}/server.pem ${CERTIFICATE_DIR}/server.key
- # Ensure permissions are restrictive
- chmod 0600 ${CERTIFICATE_DIR}/server.pem ${CERTIFICATE_DIR}/server.key
- # Tell Mosquitto to reload certificates and configuration
- pkill -HUP -x mosquitto
- fi