123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445 |
- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- # Read raw cc128 data and republish without xml.
- # Probably only works if you have a single channel.
- use strict;
- use HTTP::Date "str2time";
- use FileHandle;
- local $| = 1;
- my $subclient = "mosquitto_sub -t sensors/cc128/raw -q 1";
- my $pubclient = "mosquitto_pub -t sensors/cc128 -q 1 -l";
- my $pubclient_ch1 = "mosquitto_pub -t sensors/cc128/ch1 -q 1 -l";
- open(SUB, "$subclient|");
- open(PUB, "|$pubclient");
- open(PUB_CH1, "|$pubclient_ch1");
- SUB->autoflush(1);
- PUB->autoflush(1);
- PUB_CH1->autoflush(1);
- while (my $line = <SUB>) {
- #<msg><src>CC128-v0.12</src><dsb>00002</dsb><time>00:02:12</time><tmpr>15.7</tmpr><sensor>0</sensor><id>03112</id><type>1</type><ch1><watts>00108</watts></ch1></msg>
- if ($line =~ m#<time>(.*)</time><tmpr> *([\-\d.]+)</tmpr><sensor>0</sensor><id>[0-9]*</id><type>1</type><ch1><watts>0*(\d+)</watts></ch1></msg.*#){
- my $reading_time = $1;
- my $temp = $2;
- my $watts = $3;
- my $now = time;
- my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst,$r_stamp);
- ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$month,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime($now);
- $year += 1900;
- $month += 1;
- $r_stamp = str2time("$year-$month-$mday $reading_time");
- if($r_stamp > $now){
- $r_stamp -= 86400;
- }
- print PUB "$r_stamp,$temp,$watts\n";
- print PUB_CH1 "$r_stamp $watts\n";
- }
- }