libipq.3 7.6 KB

  1. .TH LIBIPQ 3 "16 October 2001" "Linux iptables 1.2" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
  2. .\"
  3. .\" Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Netfilter Core Team
  4. .\"
  5. .\" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  6. .\" it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  7. .\" the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  8. .\" (at your option) any later version.
  9. .\"
  10. .\" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  11. .\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  13. .\" GNU General Public License for more details.
  14. .\"
  15. .\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  16. .\" along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
  17. .\" Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
  18. .\"
  19. .\"
  20. .SH NAME
  21. libipq \(em iptables userspace packet queuing library.
  23. .B #include <linux/netfilter.h>
  24. .br
  25. .B #include <libipq.h>
  27. libipq is a development library for iptables userspace packet queuing.
  28. .SS Userspace Packet Queuing
  29. Netfilter provides a mechanism for passing packets out of the stack for
  30. queueing to userspace, then receiving these packets back into the kernel
  31. with a verdict specifying what to do with the packets (such as ACCEPT
  32. or DROP). These packets may also be modified in userspace prior to
  33. reinjection back into the kernel.
  34. .PP
  35. For each supported protocol, a kernel module called a
  36. .I queue handler
  37. may register with Netfilter to perform the mechanics of passing
  38. packets to and from userspace.
  39. .PP
  40. The standard queue handler for IPv4 is ip_queue. It is provided as an
  41. experimental module with 2.4 kernels, and uses a Netlink socket for
  42. kernel/userspace communication.
  43. .PP
  44. Once ip_queue is loaded, IP packets may be selected with iptables
  45. and queued for userspace processing via the QUEUE target. For example,
  46. running the following commands:
  47. .PP
  48. # modprobe iptable_filter
  49. .br
  50. # modprobe ip_queue
  51. .br
  52. # iptables \-A OUTPUT \-p icmp \-j QUEUE
  53. .PP
  54. will cause any locally generated ICMP packets (e.g. ping output) to
  55. be sent to the ip_queue module, which will then attempt to deliver the
  56. packets to a userspace application. If no userspace application is waiting,
  57. the packets will be dropped
  58. .PP
  59. An application may receive and process these packets via libipq.
  60. .PP
  61. .PP
  62. .SS Libipq Overview
  63. Libipq provides an API for communicating with ip_queue. The following is
  64. an overview of API usage, refer to individual man pages for more details
  65. on each function.
  66. .PP
  67. .B Initialisation
  68. .br
  69. To initialise the library, call
  70. .BR ipq_create_handle (3).
  71. This will attempt to bind to the Netlink socket used by ip_queue and
  72. return an opaque context handle for subsequent library calls.
  73. .PP
  74. .B Setting the Queue Mode
  75. .br
  76. .BR ipq_set_mode (3)
  77. allows the application to specify whether packet metadata, or packet
  78. payloads as well as metadata are copied to userspace. It is also used to
  79. initially notify ip_queue that an application is ready to receive queue
  80. messages.
  81. .PP
  82. .B Receiving Packets from the Queue
  83. .br
  84. .BR ipq_read (3)
  85. waits for queue messages to arrive from ip_queue and copies
  86. them into a supplied buffer.
  87. Queue messages may be
  88. .I packet messages
  89. or
  90. .I error messages.
  91. .PP
  92. The type of packet may be determined with
  93. .BR ipq_message_type (3).
  94. .PP
  95. If it's a packet message, the metadata and optional payload may be retrieved with
  96. .BR ipq_get_packet (3).
  97. .PP
  98. To retrieve the value of an error message, use
  99. .BR ipq_get_msgerr (3).
  100. .PP
  101. .B Issuing Verdicts on Packets
  102. .br
  103. To issue a verdict on a packet, and optionally return a modified version
  104. of the packet to the kernel, call
  105. .BR ipq_set_verdict (3).
  106. .PP
  107. .B Error Handling
  108. .br
  109. An error string corresponding to the current value of the internal error
  110. variable
  111. .B ipq_errno
  112. may be obtained with
  113. .BR ipq_errstr (3).
  114. .PP
  115. For simple applications, calling
  116. .BR ipq_perror (3)
  117. will print the same message as
  118. .BR ipq_errstr (3),
  119. as well as the string corresponding to the global
  120. .B errno
  121. value (if set) to stderr.
  122. .PP
  123. .B Cleaning Up
  124. .br
  125. To free up the Netlink socket and destroy resources associated with
  126. the context handle, call
  127. .BR ipq_destroy_handle (3).
  128. .SH SUMMARY
  129. .TP 4
  130. .BR ipq_create_handle (3)
  131. Initialise library, return context handle.
  132. .TP
  133. .BR ipq_set_mode (3)
  134. Set the queue mode, to copy either packet metadata, or payloads
  135. as well as metadata to userspace.
  136. .TP
  137. .BR ipq_read (3)
  138. Wait for a queue message to arrive from ip_queue and read it into
  139. a buffer.
  140. .TP
  141. .BR ipq_message_type (3)
  142. Determine message type in the buffer.
  143. .TP
  144. .BR ipq_get_packet (3)
  145. Retrieve a packet message from the buffer.
  146. .TP
  147. .BR ipq_get_msgerr (3)
  148. Retrieve an error message from the buffer.
  149. .TP
  150. .BR ipq_set_verdict (3)
  151. Set a verdict on a packet, optionally replacing its contents.
  152. .TP
  153. .BR ipq_errstr (3)
  154. Return an error message corresponding to the internal ipq_errno variable.
  155. .TP
  156. .BR ipq_perror (3)
  157. Helper function to print error messages to stderr.
  158. .TP
  159. .BR ipq_destroy_handle (3)
  160. Destroy context handle and associated resources.
  161. .SH EXAMPLE
  162. The following is an example of a simple application which receives
  163. packets and issues NF_ACCEPT verdicts on each packet.
  164. .RS
  165. .nf
  166. /*
  167. * This code is GPL.
  168. */
  169. #include <linux/netfilter.h>
  170. #include <libipq.h>
  171. #include <stdio.h>
  172. #define BUFSIZE 2048
  173. static void die(struct ipq_handle *h)
  174. {
  175. ipq_perror("passer");
  176. ipq_destroy_handle(h);
  177. exit(1);
  178. }
  179. int main(int argc, char **argv)
  180. {
  181. int status;
  182. unsigned char buf[BUFSIZE];
  183. struct ipq_handle *h;
  184. h = ipq_create_handle(0, NFPROTO_IPV4);
  185. if (!h)
  186. die(h);
  187. status = ipq_set_mode(h, IPQ_COPY_PACKET, BUFSIZE);
  188. if (status < 0)
  189. die(h);
  190. do{
  191. status = ipq_read(h, buf, BUFSIZE, 0);
  192. if (status < 0)
  193. die(h);
  194. switch (ipq_message_type(buf)) {
  195. case NLMSG_ERROR:
  196. fprintf(stderr, "Received error message %d\\n",
  197. ipq_get_msgerr(buf));
  198. break;
  199. case IPQM_PACKET: {
  200. ipq_packet_msg_t *m = ipq_get_packet(buf);
  201. status = ipq_set_verdict(h, m->packet_id,
  202. NF_ACCEPT, 0, NULL);
  203. if (status < 0)
  204. die(h);
  205. break;
  206. }
  207. default:
  208. fprintf(stderr, "Unknown message type!\\n");
  209. break;
  210. }
  211. } while (1);
  212. ipq_destroy_handle(h);
  213. return 0;
  214. }
  215. .RE
  216. .fi
  217. .PP
  218. Pointers to more libipq application examples may be found in The
  219. Netfilter FAQ.
  221. For information about monitoring and tuning ip_queue, refer to the
  222. Linux 2.4 Packet Filtering HOWTO.
  223. .PP
  224. If an application modifies a packet, it needs to also update any
  225. checksums for the packet. Typically, the kernel will silently discard
  226. modified packets with invalid checksums.
  228. Processes require CAP_NET_ADMIN capabilty to access the kernel ip_queue
  229. module. Such processes can potentially access and modify any IP packets
  230. received, generated or forwarded by the kernel.
  231. .SH TODO
  232. Per-handle
  233. .B ipq_errno
  234. values.
  235. .SH BUGS
  236. Probably.
  237. .SH AUTHOR
  238. James Morris <>
  240. Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Netfilter Core Team.
  241. .PP
  242. Distributed under the GNU General Public License.
  243. .SH CREDITS
  244. Joost Remijn implemented the
  245. .B ipq_read
  246. timeout feature, which appeared in the 1.2.4 release of iptables.
  247. .PP
  248. Fernando Anton added support for IPv6.
  249. .SH SEE ALSO
  250. .BR iptables (8),
  251. .BR ipq_create_handle (3),
  252. .BR ipq_destroy_handle (3),
  253. .BR ipq_errstr (3),
  254. .BR ipq_get_msgerr (3),
  255. .BR ipq_get_packet (3),
  256. .BR ipq_message_type (3),
  257. .BR ipq_perror (3),
  258. .BR ipq_read (3),
  259. .BR ipq_set_mode (3),
  260. .BR ipq_set_verdict (3).
  261. .PP
  262. The Netfilter home page at
  263. which has links to The Networking Concepts HOWTO, The Linux 2.4 Packet
  264. Filtering HOWTO, The Linux 2.4 NAT HOWTO, The Netfilter Hacking HOWTO,
  265. The Netfilter FAQ and many other useful resources.