3.5 KB

  1. \fBhashlimit\fP uses hash buckets to express a rate limiting match (like the
  2. \fBlimit\fP match) for a group of connections using a \fBsingle\fP iptables
  3. rule. Grouping can be done per-hostgroup (source and/or destination address)
  4. and/or per-port. It gives you the ability to express "\fIN\fP packets per time
  5. quantum per group" or "\fIN\fP bytes per seconds" (see below for some examples).
  6. .PP
  7. A hash limit option (\fB\-\-hashlimit\-upto\fP, \fB\-\-hashlimit\-above\fP) and
  8. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-name\fP are required.
  9. .TP
  10. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-upto\fP \fIamount\fP[\fB/second\fP|\fB/minute\fP|\fB/hour\fP|\fB/day\fP]
  11. Match if the rate is below or equal to \fIamount\fP/quantum. It is specified either as
  12. a number, with an optional time quantum suffix (the default is 3/hour), or as
  13. \fIamount\fPb/second (number of bytes per second).
  14. .TP
  15. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-above\fP \fIamount\fP[\fB/second\fP|\fB/minute\fP|\fB/hour\fP|\fB/day\fP]
  16. Match if the rate is above \fIamount\fP/quantum.
  17. .TP
  18. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-burst\fP \fIamount\fP
  19. Maximum initial number of packets to match: this number gets recharged by one
  20. every time the limit specified above is not reached, up to this number; the
  21. default is 5. When byte-based rate matching is requested, this option specifies
  22. the amount of bytes that can exceed the given rate. This option should be used
  23. with caution -- if the entry expires, the burst value is reset too.
  24. .TP
  25. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-mode\fP {\fBsrcip\fP|\fBsrcport\fP|\fBdstip\fP|\fBdstport\fP}\fB,\fP...
  26. A comma-separated list of objects to take into consideration. If no
  27. \-\-hashlimit\-mode option is given, hashlimit acts like limit, but at the
  28. expensive of doing the hash housekeeping.
  29. .TP
  30. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-srcmask\fP \fIprefix\fP
  31. When \-\-hashlimit\-mode srcip is used, all source addresses encountered will be
  32. grouped according to the given prefix length and the so-created subnet will be
  33. subject to hashlimit. \fIprefix\fP must be between (inclusive) 0 and 32. Note
  34. that \-\-hashlimit\-srcmask 0 is basically doing the same thing as not specifying
  35. srcip for \-\-hashlimit\-mode, but is technically more expensive.
  36. .TP
  37. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-dstmask\fP \fIprefix\fP
  38. Like \-\-hashlimit\-srcmask, but for destination addresses.
  39. .TP
  40. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-name\fP \fIfoo\fP
  41. The name for the /proc/net/ipt_hashlimit/foo entry.
  42. .TP
  43. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-htable\-size\fP \fIbuckets\fP
  44. The number of buckets of the hash table
  45. .TP
  46. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-htable\-max\fP \fIentries\fP
  47. Maximum entries in the hash.
  48. .TP
  49. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-htable\-expire\fP \fImsec\fP
  50. After how many milliseconds do hash entries expire.
  51. .TP
  52. \fB\-\-hashlimit\-htable\-gcinterval\fP \fImsec\fP
  53. How many milliseconds between garbage collection intervals.
  54. .PP
  55. Examples:
  56. .TP
  57. matching on source host
  58. "1000 packets per second for every host in" =>
  59. \-s \-\-hashlimit\-mode srcip \-\-hashlimit\-upto 1000/sec
  60. .TP
  61. matching on source port
  62. "100 packets per second for every service of" =>
  63. \-s \-\-hashlimit\-mode srcport \-\-hashlimit\-upto 100/sec
  64. .TP
  65. matching on subnet
  66. "10000 packets per minute for every /28 subnet (groups of 8 addresses)
  67. in" =>
  68. \-s \-\-hashlimit\-mask 28 \-\-hashlimit\-upto 10000/min
  69. .TP
  70. matching bytes per second
  71. "flows exceeding 512kbyte/s" =>
  72. \-\-hashlimit-mode srcip,dstip,srcport,dstport \-\-hashlimit\-above 512kb/s
  73. .TP
  74. matching bytes per second
  75. "hosts that exceed 512kbyte/s, but permit up to 1Megabytes without matching"
  76. \-\-hashlimit-mode dstip \-\-hashlimit\-above 512kb/s \-\-hashlimit-burst 1mb