123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960 |
- Like MARK, i.e. set the fwmark, but the mark is calculated from hashing
- packet selector at choice. You have also to specify the mark range and,
- optionally, the offset to start from. ICMP error messages are inspected
- and used to calculate the hashing.
- .PP
- Existing options are:
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-tuple\fP tuple\fI\fP
- Possible tuple members are:
- .B src
- meaning source address (IPv4, IPv6 address),
- .B dst
- meaning destination address (IPv4, IPv6 address),
- .B sport
- meaning source port (TCP, UDP, UDPlite, SCTP, DCCP),
- .B dport
- meaning destination port (TCP, UDP, UDPlite, SCTP, DCCP),
- .B spi
- meaning Security Parameter Index (AH, ESP), and
- .B ct
- meaning the usage of the conntrack tuple instead of the packet selectors.
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-mod\fP \fIvalue (must be > 0)\fP
- Modulus for hash calculation (to limit the range of possible marks)
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-offset\fP \fIvalue\fP
- Offset to start marks from.
- .TP
- For advanced usage, instead of using \-\-hmark\-tuple, you can specify custom
- prefixes and masks:
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-src\-prefix\fP \fIcidr\fP
- The source address mask in CIDR notation.
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-dst\-prefix\fP \fIcidr\fP
- The destination address mask in CIDR notation.
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-sport\-mask\fP \fIvalue\fP
- A 16 bit source port mask in hexadecimal.
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-dport\-mask\fP \fIvalue\fP
- A 16 bit destination port mask in hexadecimal.
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-spi\-mask\fP \fIvalue\fP
- A 32 bit field with spi mask.
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-proto\-mask\fP \fIvalue\fP
- An 8 bit field with layer 4 protocol number.
- .TP
- \fB\-\-hmark\-rnd\fP \fIvalue\fP
- A 32 bit random custom value to feed hash calculation.
- .PP
- \fIExamples:\fP
- .PP
- iptables \-t mangle \-A PREROUTING \-m conntrack \-\-ctstate NEW
- \-j HMARK \-\-hmark-tuple ct,src,dst,proto \-\-hmark-offset 10000
- \-\-hmark\-mod 10 \-\-hmark\-rnd 0xfeedcafe
- .PP
- iptables \-t mangle \-A PREROUTING -j HMARK \-\-hmark\-offset 10000
- \-\-hmark-tuple src,dst,proto \-\-hmark-mod 10 \-\-hmark\-rnd 0xdeafbeef