1.4 KB

  1. The CT target allows to set parameters for a packet or its associated
  2. connection. The target attaches a "template" connection tracking entry to
  3. the packet, which is then used by the conntrack core when initializing
  4. a new ct entry. This target is thus only valid in the "raw" table.
  5. .TP
  6. \fB\-\-notrack\fP
  7. Disables connection tracking for this packet.
  8. .TP
  9. \fB\-\-helper\fP \fIname\fP
  10. Use the helper identified by \fIname\fP for the connection. This is more
  11. flexible than loading the conntrack helper modules with preset ports.
  12. .TP
  13. \fB\-\-ctevents\fP \fIevent\fP[\fB,\fP...]
  14. Only generate the specified conntrack events for this connection. Possible
  15. event types are: \fBnew\fP, \fBrelated\fP, \fBdestroy\fP, \fBreply\fP,
  16. \fBassured\fP, \fBprotoinfo\fP, \fBhelper\fP, \fBmark\fP (this refers to
  17. the ctmark, not nfmark), \fBnatseqinfo\fP, \fBsecmark\fP (ctsecmark).
  18. .TP
  19. \fB\-\-expevents\fP \fIevent\fP[\fB,\fP...]
  20. Only generate the specified expectation events for this connection.
  21. Possible event types are: \fBnew\fP.
  22. .TP
  23. \fB\-\-zone\fP \fIid\fP
  24. Assign this packet to zone \fIid\fP and only have lookups done in that zone.
  25. By default, packets have zone 0.
  26. .TP
  27. \fB\-\-timeout\fP \fIname\fP
  28. Use the timeout policy identified by \fIname\fP for the connection. This is
  29. provides more flexible timeout policy definition than global timeout values
  30. available at /proc/sys/net/netfilter/nf_conntrack_*_timeout_*.