123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394 |
- #!/bin/bash
- #
- # return values of this script are:
- # 0 success
- # 128 a test failed
- # >0 the number of timed-out tests
- # 255 parsing of parameters failed
- set -e
- if [ -f /proc/cpuinfo ]
- then
- MAKE_JOBS=$(( ($(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -E '^processor[[:space:]]*:' | tail -n -1 | cut -d':' -f2) + 1) * 2 + 1 ))
- else
- fi
- ret=0
- _help()
- {
- echo "Usage options for $(basename $0) [--with-cc=arg [other options]]"
- echo
- echo "Executing this script without any parameter will only run the default"
- echo "configuration that has automatically been determined for the"
- echo "architecture you're running."
- echo
- echo " --with-cc=* The compiler(s) to use for the tests"
- echo " This is an option that will be iterated."
- echo
- echo " --test-vs-mtest=* Run test vs. mtest for '*' operations."
- echo " Only the first of each options will be"
- echo " taken into account."
- echo
- echo "To be able to specify options a compiler has to be given with"
- echo "the option --with-cc=compilername"
- echo "All other options will be tested with all MP_xBIT configurations."
- echo
- echo " --with-{m64,m32,mx32} The architecture(s) to build and test"
- echo " for, e.g. --with-mx32."
- echo " This is an option that will be iterated,"
- echo " multiple selections are possible."
- echo " The mx32 architecture is not supported"
- echo " by clang and will not be executed."
- echo
- echo " --cflags=* Give an option to the compiler,"
- echo " e.g. --cflags=-g"
- echo " This is an option that will always be"
- echo " passed as parameter to CC."
- echo
- echo " --make-option=* Give an option to make,"
- echo " e.g. --make-option=\"-f makefile.shared\""
- echo " This is an option that will always be"
- echo " passed as parameter to make."
- echo
- echo " --with-low-mp Also build&run tests with -DMP_{8,16,32}BIT."
- echo
- echo " --mtest-real-rand Use real random data when running mtest."
- echo
- echo " --with-valgrind"
- echo " --with-valgrind=* Run in valgrind (slow!)."
- echo
- echo " --with-travis-valgrind Run with valgrind on Travis on specific branches."
- echo
- echo " --valgrind-options Additional Valgrind options"
- echo " Some of the options like e.g.:"
- echo " --track-origins=yes add a lot of extra"
- echo " runtime and may trigger the 30 minutes"
- echo " timeout."
- echo
- echo "Godmode:"
- echo
- echo " --all Choose all architectures and gcc and clang"
- echo " as compilers but does not run valgrind."
- echo
- echo " --format Runs the various source-code formatters"
- echo " and generators and checks if the sources"
- echo " are clean."
- echo
- echo " -h"
- echo " --help This message"
- echo
- echo " -v"
- echo " --version Prints the version. It is just the number"
- echo " of git commits to this file, no deeper"
- echo " meaning attached"
- exit 0
- }
- _die()
- {
- echo "error $2 while $1"
- if [ "$2" != "124" ]
- then
- exit 128
- else
- echo "assuming timeout while running test - continue"
- local _tail=""
- which tail >/dev/null && _tail="tail -n 1 test_${suffix}.log" && \
- echo "last line of test_"${suffix}".log was:" && $_tail && echo ""
- ret=$(( $ret + 1 ))
- fi
- }
- _make()
- {
- echo -ne " Compile $1 $2"
- suffix=$(echo ${1}${2} | tr ' ' '_')
- CC="$1" CFLAGS="$2 $TEST_CFLAGS" make -j$MAKE_JOBS $3 $MAKE_OPTIONS > /dev/null 2>gcc_errors_${suffix}.log
- errcnt=$(wc -l < gcc_errors_${suffix}.log)
- if [[ ${errcnt} -gt 1 ]]; then
- echo " failed"
- cat gcc_errors_${suffix}.log
- exit 128
- fi
- }
- _runtest()
- {
- make clean > /dev/null
- local _timeout=""
- which timeout >/dev/null && _timeout="timeout --foreground 90"
- if [[ "$MAKE_OPTIONS" =~ "tune" ]]
- then
- # "make tune" will run "tune_it.sh" automatically, hence "autotune", but it cannot
- # get switched off without some effort, so we just let it run twice for testing purposes
- echo -e "\rRun autotune $1 $2"
- _make "$1" "$2" ""
- $_timeout $TUNE_CMD > test_${suffix}.log || _die "running autotune" $?
- else
- _make "$1" "$2" "test"
- echo -e "\rRun test $1 $2"
- $_timeout ./test > test_${suffix}.log || _die "running tests" $?
- fi
- }
- # This is not much more of a C&P of _runtest with a different timeout
- # and the additional valgrind call.
- # TODO: merge
- _runvalgrind()
- {
- make clean > /dev/null
- local _timeout=""
- # 30 minutes? Yes. Had it at 20 minutes and the Valgrind run needed over 25 minutes.
- # A bit too close for comfort.
- which timeout >/dev/null && _timeout="timeout --foreground 1800"
- if [[ "$MAKE_OPTIONS" =~ "tune" ]]
- then
- echo "autotune branch"
- _make "$1" "$2" ""
- # The shell used for /bin/sh is DASH 0.5.7-4ubuntu1 on the author's machine which fails valgrind, so
- # we just run on instance of etc/tune with the same options as in etc/tune_it.sh
- echo -e "\rRun etc/tune $1 $2 once inside valgrind"
- $_timeout $VALGRIND_BIN $VALGRIND_OPTS $TUNE_CMD > test_${suffix}.log || _die "running etc/tune" $?
- else
- _make "$1" "$2" "test"
- echo -e "\rRun test $1 $2 inside valgrind"
- $_timeout $VALGRIND_BIN $VALGRIND_OPTS ./test > test_${suffix}.log || _die "running tests" $?
- fi
- }
- _banner()
- {
- echo "uname="$(uname -a)
- [[ "$#" != "0" ]] && (echo $1=$($1 -dumpversion)) || true
- }
- _exit()
- {
- if [ "$ret" == "0" ]
- then
- echo "Tests successful"
- else
- echo "$ret tests timed out"
- fi
- exit $ret
- }
- # timed with an AMD A8-6600K
- # 25 minutes
- #VALGRIND_OPTS=" --track-origins=yes --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --error-exitcode=1 "
- # 9 minutes (14 minutes with --test-vs-mtest=333333 --mtest-real-rand)
- VALGRIND_OPTS=" --leak-check=full --show-leak-kinds=all --error-exitcode=1 "
- TUNE_CMD="./etc/tune -t -r 10 -L 3"
- alive_pid=0
- function kill_alive() {
- disown $alive_pid || true
- kill $alive_pid 2>/dev/null
- }
- function start_alive_printing() {
- [ "$alive_pid" == "0" ] || return 0;
- for i in `seq 1 10` ; do sleep 300 && echo "Tests still in Progress..."; done &
- alive_pid=$!
- trap kill_alive EXIT
- }
- while [ $# -gt 0 ];
- do
- case $1 in
- "--with-m64" | "--with-m32" | "--with-mx32")
- ;;
- --with-cc=*)
- ;;
- --cflags=*)
- CFLAGS="$CFLAGS ${1#*=}"
- ;;
- --valgrind-options=*)
- ;;
- --with-valgrind*)
- if [[ ${1#*d} != "" ]]
- then
- VALGRIND_BIN="${1#*=}"
- else
- VALGRIND_BIN="valgrind"
- fi
- start_alive_printing
- ;;
- --with-travis-valgrind*)
- if [[ ("$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "develop" && "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false") || "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == *"valgrind"* || "$TRAVIS_COMMIT_MESSAGE" == *"valgrind"* ]]
- then
- if [[ ${1#*d} != "" ]]
- then
- VALGRIND_BIN="${1#*=}"
- else
- VALGRIND_BIN="valgrind"
- fi
- start_alive_printing
- fi
- ;;
- --make-option=*)
- ;;
- --with-low-mp)
- ;;
- --test-vs-mtest=*)
- TEST_VS_MTEST="${1#*=}"
- if ! [ "$TEST_VS_MTEST" -eq "$TEST_VS_MTEST" ] 2> /dev/null
- then
- echo "--test-vs-mtest Parameter has to be int"
- exit 255
- fi
- start_alive_printing
- ;;
- --mtest-real-rand)
- ;;
- --format)
- ;;
- --all)
- COMPILERS="gcc clang"
- ARCHFLAGS="-m64 -m32 -mx32"
- ;;
- --help | -h)
- _help
- ;;
- --version | -v)
- echo $(git rev-list HEAD --count -- testme.sh) || echo "Unknown. Please run in original libtommath git repository."
- exit 0
- ;;
- *)
- echo "Ignoring option ${1}"
- ;;
- esac
- shift
- done
- function _check_git() {
- git update-index --refresh >/dev/null || true
- git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- . || ( echo "FAILURE: $*" && exit 1 )
- }
- if [[ "$CHECK_FORMAT" == "1" ]]
- then
- make astyle
- _check_git "make astyle"
- perl helper.pl --update-files
- _check_git "helper.pl --update-files"
- perl helper.pl --check-all
- _check_git "helper.pl --check-all"
- exit $?
- fi
- [[ "$VALGRIND_BIN" == "" ]] && VALGRIND_OPTS=""
- # default to CC environment variable if no compiler is defined but some other options
- if [[ "$COMPILERS" == "" ]] && [[ "$ARCHFLAGS$MAKE_OPTIONS$CFLAGS" != "" ]]
- then
- # default to CC environment variable and run only default config if no option is given
- elif [[ "$COMPILERS" == "" ]]
- then
- _banner "$CC"
- if [[ "$VALGRIND_BIN" != "" ]]
- then
- _runvalgrind "$CC" ""
- else
- _runtest "$CC" ""
- fi
- _exit
- fi
- archflags=( $ARCHFLAGS )
- compilers=( $COMPILERS )
- # choosing a compiler without specifying an architecture will use the default architecture
- if [ "${#archflags[@]}" == "0" ]
- then
- archflags[0]=" "
- fi
- _banner
- if [[ "$TEST_VS_MTEST" != "" ]]
- then
- make clean > /dev/null
- _make "${compilers[0]} ${archflags[0]}" "$CFLAGS" "mtest_opponent"
- echo
- _make "gcc" "$MTEST_RAND" "mtest"
- echo
- echo "Run test vs. mtest for $TEST_VS_MTEST iterations"
- _timeout=""
- which timeout >/dev/null && _timeout="timeout --foreground 1800"
- $_timeout ./mtest/mtest $TEST_VS_MTEST | $VALGRIND_BIN $VALGRIND_OPTS ./mtest_opponent > valgrind_test.log 2> test_vs_mtest_err.log
- retval=$?
- head -n 5 valgrind_test.log
- tail -n 2 valgrind_test.log
- exit $retval
- fi
- for i in "${compilers[@]}"
- do
- if [ -z "$(which $i)" ]
- then
- echo "Skipped compiler $i, file not found"
- continue
- fi
- compiler_version=$(echo "$i="$($i -dumpversion))
- if [ "$compiler_version" == "clang=4.2.1" ]
- then
- # one of my versions of clang complains about some stuff in stdio.h and stdarg.h ...
- TEST_CFLAGS="-Wno-typedef-redefinition"
- else
- fi
- echo $compiler_version
- for a in "${archflags[@]}"
- do
- if [[ $(expr "$i" : "clang") -ne 0 && "$a" == "-mx32" ]]
- then
- echo "clang -mx32 tests skipped"
- continue
- fi
- if [[ "$VALGRIND_BIN" != "" ]]
- then
- _runvalgrind "$i $a" "$CFLAGS"
- [ "$WITH_LOW_MP" != "1" ] && continue
- _runvalgrind "$i $a" "-DMP_8BIT $CFLAGS"
- _runvalgrind "$i $a" "-DMP_16BIT $CFLAGS"
- _runvalgrind "$i $a" "-DMP_32BIT $CFLAGS"
- else
- _runtest "$i $a" "$CFLAGS"
- [ "$WITH_LOW_MP" != "1" ] && continue
- _runtest "$i $a" "-DMP_8BIT $CFLAGS"
- _runtest "$i $a" "-DMP_16BIT $CFLAGS"
- _runtest "$i $a" "-DMP_32BIT $CFLAGS"
- fi
- done
- done
- _exit