123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306 |
- /* A mutator/crossover for SSH protocol streams.
- Attempts to mutate each SSH packet individually, keeping
- lengths intact.
- It will prepend a SSH-2.0-dbfuzz\r\n version string.
- Linking this file to a binary will make libfuzzer pick up the custom mutator.
- Care is taken to avoid memory allocation which would otherwise
- slow exec/s substantially */
- #include "fuzz.h"
- #include "dbutil.h"
- size_t LLVMFuzzerMutate(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size, size_t MaxSize);
- static const char* FIXED_VERSION = "SSH-2.0-dbfuzz\r\n";
- static const char* FIXED_IGNORE_MSG =
- "\x00\x00\x00\x10\x06\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x11\x22\x33\x44\x55\x66";
- static const unsigned int FIXED_IGNORE_MSG_LEN = 16;
- #define MAX_FUZZ_PACKETS 500
- /* XXX This might need tuning */
- static const size_t MAX_OUT_SIZE = 50000;
- /* Splits packets from an input stream buffer "inp".
- The initial SSH version identifier is discarded.
- If packets are not recognised it will increment until an uint32 of valid
- packet length is found. */
- /* out_packets an array of num_out_packets*buffer, each of size RECV_MAX_PACKET_LEN */
- static void fuzz_get_packets(buffer *inp, buffer **out_packets, unsigned int *num_out_packets) {
- /* Skip any existing banner. Format is
- SSH-protoversion-softwareversion SP comments CR LF
- so we look for SSH-2. then a subsequent LF */
- unsigned char* version = memmem(inp->data, inp->len, "SSH-2.", strlen("SSH-2."));
- if (version) {
- buf_incrpos(inp, version - inp->data);
- unsigned char* newline = memchr(&inp->data[inp->pos], '\n', inp->len - inp->pos);
- if (newline) {
- buf_incrpos(inp, newline - &inp->data[inp->pos]+1);
- } else {
- /* Give up on any version string */
- buf_setpos(inp, 0);
- }
- }
- const unsigned int max_out_packets = *num_out_packets;
- *num_out_packets = 0;
- while (1) {
- if (inp->pos + 4 > inp->len) {
- /* End of input */
- break;
- }
- if (*num_out_packets >= max_out_packets) {
- /* End of output */
- break;
- }
- /* Read packet */
- unsigned int packet_len = buf_getint(inp);
- if (packet_len > RECV_MAX_PACKET_LEN-4) {
- /* Bad length, try skipping a single byte */
- buf_decrpos(inp, 3);
- continue;
- }
- packet_len = MIN(packet_len, inp->len - inp->pos);
- /* Check the packet length makes sense */
- if (packet_len >= MIN_PACKET_LEN-4) {
- /* Copy to output buffer. We're reusing buffers */
- buffer* new_packet = out_packets[*num_out_packets];
- (*num_out_packets)++;
- buf_setlen(new_packet, 0);
- // packet_len doesn't include itself
- buf_putint(new_packet, packet_len);
- buf_putbytes(new_packet, buf_getptr(inp, packet_len), packet_len);
- }
- buf_incrpos(inp, packet_len);
- }
- }
- /* Mutate a packet buffer in-place.
- Returns DROPBEAR_FAILURE if it's too short */
- static int buf_llvm_mutate(buffer *buf) {
- int ret;
- /* Position it after packet_length and padding_length */
- const unsigned int offset = 5;
- buf_setpos(buf, 0);
- buf_incrwritepos(buf, offset);
- size_t max_size = buf->size - buf->pos;
- size_t new_size = LLVMFuzzerMutate(buf_getwriteptr(buf, max_size),
- buf->len - buf->pos, max_size);
- size_t new_total = new_size + 1 + 4;
- // Round down to a block size
- new_total = new_total - (new_total % dropbear_nocipher.blocksize);
- if (new_total >= 16) {
- buf_setlen(buf, new_total);
- // Fix up the length fields
- buf_setpos(buf, 0);
- // packet_length doesn't include itself, does include padding_length byte
- buf_putint(buf, new_size+1);
- // always just put minimum padding length = 4
- buf_putbyte(buf, 4);
- } else {
- // instead put a fake packet
- buf_setlen(buf, 0);
- }
- return ret;
- }
- /* Persistent buffers to avoid constant allocations */
- static buffer *oup;
- static buffer *alloc_packetA;
- static buffer *alloc_packetB;
- static buffer* packets1[MAX_FUZZ_PACKETS];
- static buffer* packets2[MAX_FUZZ_PACKETS];
- /* Allocate buffers once at startup.
- 'constructor' here so it runs before dbmalloc's interceptor */
- static void alloc_static_buffers() __attribute__((constructor));
- static void alloc_static_buffers() {
- int i;
- oup = buf_new(MAX_OUT_SIZE);
- alloc_packetA = buf_new(RECV_MAX_PACKET_LEN);
- alloc_packetB = buf_new(RECV_MAX_PACKET_LEN);
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_FUZZ_PACKETS; i++) {
- packets1[i] = buf_new(RECV_MAX_PACKET_LEN);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_FUZZ_PACKETS; i++) {
- packets2[i] = buf_new(RECV_MAX_PACKET_LEN);
- }
- }
- size_t LLVMFuzzerCustomMutator(uint8_t *Data, size_t Size,
- size_t MaxSize, unsigned int Seed) {
- buf_setlen(alloc_packetA, 0);
- buf_setlen(alloc_packetB, 0);
- buf_setlen(oup, 0);
- unsigned int i;
- size_t ret_len;
- unsigned short randstate[3] = {0,0,0};
- memcpy(randstate, &Seed, sizeof(Seed));
- // printhex("mutator input", Data, Size);
- /* 0.1% chance straight llvm mutate */
- // if (nrand48(randstate) % 1000 == 0) {
- // ret_len = LLVMFuzzerMutate(Data, Size, MaxSize);
- // // printhex("mutator straight llvm", Data, ret_len);
- // return ret_len;
- // }
- buffer inp_buf = {.data = Data, .size = Size, .len = Size, .pos = 0};
- buffer *inp = &inp_buf;
- /* Parse packets */
- unsigned int num_packets = MAX_FUZZ_PACKETS;
- buffer **packets = packets1;
- fuzz_get_packets(inp, packets, &num_packets);
- if (num_packets == 0) {
- // Make up a packet, writing direct to the buffer
- inp->size = MaxSize;
- buf_setlen(inp, 0);
- buf_putbytes(inp, FIXED_VERSION, strlen(FIXED_VERSION));
- // printhex("mutator no input", Data, inp->len);
- return inp->len;
- }
- /* Start output */
- /* Put a new banner to output */
- buf_putbytes(oup, FIXED_VERSION, strlen(FIXED_VERSION));
- /* Iterate output */
- for (i = 0; i < num_packets+1; i++) {
- // These are pointers to output
- buffer *out_packetA = NULL, *out_packetB = NULL;
- buf_setlen(alloc_packetA, 0);
- buf_setlen(alloc_packetB, 0);
- /* 2% chance each */
- const int optA = nrand48(randstate) % 50;
- if (optA == 0) {
- /* Copy another */
- unsigned int other = nrand48(randstate) % num_packets;
- out_packetA = packets[other];
- // printf("copy another %d / %d len %u\n", other, num_packets, out_packetA->len);
- }
- if (optA == 1) {
- /* Mutate another */
- unsigned int other = nrand48(randstate) % num_packets;
- out_packetA = alloc_packetA;
- buffer *from = packets[other];
- buf_putbytes(out_packetA, from->data, from->len);
- if (buf_llvm_mutate(out_packetA) == DROPBEAR_FAILURE) {
- out_packetA = NULL;
- }
- // printf("mutate another %d / %d len %u -> %u\n", other, num_packets, from->len, out_packetA->len);
- }
- if (i < num_packets) {
- int optB = nrand48(randstate) % 100;
- if (optB == 1) {
- /* small chance of drop */
- /* Drop it */
- //printf("%d drop\n", i);
- } else {
- /* Odds of modification are proportional to packet position.
- First packet has 20% chance, last has 100% chance */
- int optC = nrand48(randstate) % 1000;
- int mutate_cutoff = MAX(200, (1000 * (i+1) / num_packets));
- if (optC < mutate_cutoff) {
- // // printf("%d mutate\n", i);
- out_packetB = alloc_packetB;
- buffer *from = packets[i];
- buf_putbytes(out_packetB, from->data, from->len);
- if (buf_llvm_mutate(out_packetB) == DROPBEAR_FAILURE) {
- out_packetB = from;
- }
- // printf("mutate self %d / %d len %u -> %u\n", i, num_packets, from->len, out_packetB->len);
- } else {
- /* Copy as-is */
- out_packetB = packets[i];
- // printf("%d as-is len %u\n", i, out_packetB->len);
- }
- }
- }
- if (out_packetA && oup->len + out_packetA->len <= oup->size) {
- buf_putbytes(oup, out_packetA->data, out_packetA->len);
- }
- if (out_packetB && oup->len + out_packetB->len <= oup->size) {
- buf_putbytes(oup, out_packetB->data, out_packetB->len);
- }
- }
- ret_len = MIN(MaxSize, oup->len);
- memcpy(Data, oup->data, ret_len);
- // printhex("mutator done", Data, ret_len);
- return ret_len;
- }
- size_t LLVMFuzzerCustomCrossOver(const uint8_t *Data1, size_t Size1,
- const uint8_t *Data2, size_t Size2,
- uint8_t *Out, size_t MaxOutSize,
- unsigned int Seed) {
- unsigned short randstate[3] = {0,0,0};
- memcpy(randstate, &Seed, sizeof(Seed));
- unsigned int i;
- buffer inp_buf1 = {.data = (void*)Data1, .size = Size1, .len = Size1, .pos = 0};
- buffer *inp1 = &inp_buf1;
- buffer inp_buf2 = {.data = (void*)Data2, .size = Size2, .len = Size2, .pos = 0};
- buffer *inp2 = &inp_buf2;
- unsigned int num_packets1 = MAX_FUZZ_PACKETS;
- fuzz_get_packets(inp1, packets1, &num_packets1);
- unsigned int num_packets2 = MAX_FUZZ_PACKETS;
- fuzz_get_packets(inp2, packets2, &num_packets2);
- // fprintf(stderr, "input 1 %u packets\n", num_packets1);
- // printhex("crossover input1", Data1, Size1);
- // fprintf(stderr, "input 2 %u packets\n", num_packets2);
- // printhex("crossover input2", Data2, Size2);
- buf_setlen(oup, 0);
- /* Put a new banner to output */
- buf_putbytes(oup, FIXED_VERSION, strlen(FIXED_VERSION));
- if (num_packets1 == 0 && num_packets2 == 0) {
- } else {
- unsigned int min_out = MIN(num_packets1, num_packets2);
- unsigned int max_out = num_packets1 + num_packets2;
- unsigned int num_out = min_out + nrand48(randstate) % (max_out-min_out+1);
- for (i = 0; i < num_out; i++) {
- unsigned int choose = nrand48(randstate) % (num_packets1 + num_packets2);
- buffer *p = NULL;
- if (choose < num_packets1) {
- p = packets1[choose];
- } else {
- p = packets2[choose-num_packets1];
- }
- if (oup->len + p->len <= oup->size) {
- buf_putbytes(oup, p->data, p->len);
- }
- }
- }
- size_t ret_len = MIN(MaxOutSize, oup->len);
- memcpy(Out, oup->data, ret_len);
- // printhex("crossover output", Out, ret_len);
- return ret_len;
- }