123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354 |
- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- # Determine if curl-config --version matches the curl --version
- if ( $#ARGV != 2 )
- {
- print "Usage: $0 curl-config-script curl-version-output-file version|vernum\n";
- exit 3;
- }
- my $what=$ARGV[2];
- # Read the output of curl --version
- open(CURL, "$ARGV[1]") || die "Can't open curl --version list in $ARGV[1]\n";
- $_ = <CURL>;
- chomp;
- /libcurl\/([\.\d]+((-DEV)|(-\d+))?)/;
- my $version = $1;
- close CURL;
- my $curlconfigversion;
- # Read the output of curl-config --version/--vernum
- open(CURLCONFIG, "sh $ARGV[0] --$what|") || die "Can't get curl-config --$what list\n";
- $_ = <CURLCONFIG>;
- chomp;
- my $filever=$_;
- if ( $what eq "version" ) {
- if($filever =~ /^libcurl ([\.\d]+((-DEV)|(-\d+))?)$/) {
- $curlconfigversion = $1;
- }
- else {
- $curlconfigversion = "illegal value";
- }
- }
- else { # "vernum" case
- # Convert hex version to decimal for comparison's sake
- if($filever =~ /^(..)(..)(..)$/) {
- $curlconfigversion = hex($1) . "." . hex($2) . "." . hex($3);
- }
- else {
- $curlconfigversion = "illegal value";
- }
- # Strip off the -DEV from the curl version if it's there
- $version =~ s/-\w*$//;
- }
- my $different = $version ne $curlconfigversion;
- if ($different || !$version) {
- print "Mismatch in --version:\n";
- print "curl: $version\n";
- print "curl-config: $curlconfigversion\n";
- exit 1;
- }