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- for AIX Toolbox
- Author: Tor Arntsen
- The spec file in this directory is based on the Linux ssl and non-ssl
- curl spec files, plus additions to make it AIX Toolbox compatible.
- The AIX Toolbox setup (installs into /opt/freeware, with symlinks in
- /usr/bin,/usr/lib,/usr/include) are based on IBM's aixtoolbox spec
- file written by David Clissold <cliss@austin.ibm.com>, see
- ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/aixtoolbox/SPECS/curl-7.9.3-2.spec
- This spec file is designed to be a drop-in replacement for the
- old spec file found at the above link. Thus, like the old spec file
- this version is also a unified ssl/non-ssl version. To get non-ssl
- RPMs just pass --define 'nossl 1' to the command line when building
- the RPM, e.g.
- rpm -bb --define 'nossl 1' curl.spec
- Default is to build with ssl support.
- Lastly, the spec file expects the Curl source distribution file to be
- in .tar.bz2 format.
- The nifty curl header of this README is a ripoff of the vms/readme file.