123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629 |
- #!/usr/bin/env perl
- #***************************************************************************
- # _ _ ____ _
- # Project ___| | | | _ \| |
- # / __| | | | |_) | |
- # | (__| |_| | _ <| |___
- # \___|\___/|_| \_\_____|
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2011 - 2018, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>, et al.
- #
- # This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
- # you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
- # are also available at https://curl.haxx.se/docs/copyright.html.
- #
- # You may opt to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute and/or sell
- # copies of the Software, and permit persons to whom the Software is
- # furnished to do so, under the terms of the COPYING file.
- #
- # This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY
- # KIND, either express or implied.
- #
- ###########################################################################
- my $max_column = 79;
- my $indent = 2;
- my $warnings;
- my $errors;
- my $suppressed; # whitelisted problems
- my $file;
- my $dir=".";
- my $wlist;
- my $windows_os = $^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'msys' || $^O eq 'cygwin';
- my $verbose;
- my %whitelist;
- my %warnings = (
- 'LONGLINE' => "Line longer than $max_column",
- 'TABS' => 'TAB characters not allowed',
- 'TRAILINGSPACE' => 'Trailing white space on the line',
- 'CPPCOMMENTS' => '// comment detected',
- 'SPACEBEFOREPAREN' => 'space before an open parenthesis',
- 'SPACEAFTERPAREN' => 'space after open parenthesis',
- 'SPACEBEFORECLOSE' => 'space before a close parenthesis',
- 'SPACEBEFORECOMMA' => 'space before a comma',
- 'RETURNNOSPACE' => 'return without space',
- 'COMMANOSPACE' => 'comma without following space',
- 'BRACEELSE' => '} else on the same line',
- 'PARENBRACE' => '){ without sufficient space',
- 'SPACESEMICOLON' => 'space before semicolon',
- 'BANNEDFUNC' => 'a banned function was used',
- 'FOPENMODE' => 'fopen needs a macro for the mode string',
- 'BRACEPOS' => 'wrong position for an open brace',
- 'INDENTATION' => 'wrong start column for code',
- 'COPYRIGHT' => 'file missing a copyright statement',
- 'BADCOMMAND' => 'bad !checksrc! instruction',
- 'UNUSEDIGNORE' => 'a warning ignore was not used',
- 'OPENCOMMENT' => 'file ended with a /* comment still "open"',
- 'ASTERISKSPACE' => 'pointer declared with space after asterisk',
- 'ASTERISKNOSPACE' => 'pointer declared without space before asterisk',
- 'ASSIGNWITHINCONDITION' => 'assignment within conditional expression',
- 'EQUALSNOSPACE' => 'equals sign without following space',
- 'NOSPACEEQUALS' => 'equals sign without preceding space',
- 'SEMINOSPACE' => 'semicolon without following space',
- 'MULTISPACE' => 'multiple spaces used when not suitable',
- 'SIZEOFNOPAREN' => 'use of sizeof without parentheses',
- );
- sub readwhitelist {
- open(W, "<$dir/checksrc.whitelist");
- my @all=<W>;
- for(@all) {
- $windows_os ? $_ =~ s/\r?\n$// : chomp;
- $whitelist{$_}=1;
- }
- close(W);
- }
- sub checkwarn {
- my ($name, $num, $col, $file, $line, $msg, $error) = @_;
- my $w=$error?"error":"warning";
- my $nowarn=0;
- #if(!$warnings{$name}) {
- # print STDERR "Dev! there's no description for $name!\n";
- #}
- # checksrc.whitelist
- if($whitelist{$line}) {
- $nowarn = 1;
- }
- # !checksrc! controlled
- elsif($ignore{$name}) {
- $ignore{$name}--;
- $ignore_used{$name}++;
- $nowarn = 1;
- if(!$ignore{$name}) {
- # reached zero, enable again
- enable_warn($name, $line, $file, $l);
- }
- }
- if($nowarn) {
- $suppressed++;
- if($w) {
- $swarnings++;
- }
- else {
- $serrors++;
- }
- return;
- }
- if($w) {
- $warnings++;
- }
- else {
- $errors++;
- }
- $col++;
- print "$file:$num:$col: $w: $msg ($name)\n";
- print " $line\n";
- if($col < 80) {
- my $pref = (' ' x $col);
- print "${pref}^\n";
- }
- }
- $file = shift @ARGV;
- while(1) {
- if($file =~ /-D(.*)/) {
- $dir = $1;
- $file = shift @ARGV;
- next;
- }
- elsif($file =~ /-W(.*)/) {
- $wlist .= " $1 ";
- $file = shift @ARGV;
- next;
- }
- elsif($file =~ /-i([1-9])/) {
- $indent = $1 + 0;
- $file = shift @ARGV;
- next;
- }
- elsif($file =~ /-m([0-9]+)/) {
- $max_column = $1 + 0;
- $file = shift @ARGV;
- next;
- }
- elsif($file =~ /^(-h|--help)/) {
- undef $file;
- last;
- }
- last;
- }
- if(!$file) {
- print "checksrc.pl [option] <file1> [file2] ...\n";
- print " Options:\n";
- print " -D[DIR] Directory to prepend file names\n";
- print " -h Show help output\n";
- print " -W[file] Whitelist the given file - ignore all its flaws\n";
- print " -i<n> Indent spaces. Default: 2\n";
- print " -m<n> Maximum line length. Default: 79\n";
- print "\nDetects and warns for these problems:\n";
- for(sort keys %warnings) {
- printf (" %-18s: %s\n", $_, $warnings{$_});
- }
- exit;
- }
- readwhitelist();
- do {
- if("$wlist" !~ / $file /) {
- my $fullname = $file;
- $fullname = "$dir/$file" if ($fullname !~ '^\.?\.?/');
- scanfile($fullname);
- }
- $file = shift @ARGV;
- } while($file);
- sub checksrc_clear {
- undef %ignore;
- undef %ignore_set;
- undef @ignore_line;
- }
- sub checksrc_endoffile {
- my ($file) = @_;
- for(keys %ignore_set) {
- if($ignore_set{$_} && !$ignore_used{$_}) {
- checkwarn("UNUSEDIGNORE", $ignore_set{$_},
- length($_)+11, $file,
- $ignore_line[$ignore_set{$_}],
- "Unused ignore: $_");
- }
- }
- }
- sub enable_warn {
- my ($what, $line, $file, $l) = @_;
- # switch it back on, but warn if not triggered!
- if(!$ignore_used{$what}) {
- checkwarn("UNUSEDIGNORE",
- $line, length($what) + 11, $file, $l,
- "No warning was inhibited!");
- }
- $ignore_set{$what}=0;
- $ignore_used{$what}=0;
- $ignore{$what}=0;
- }
- sub checksrc {
- my ($cmd, $line, $file, $l) = @_;
- if($cmd =~ / *([^ ]*) *(.*)/) {
- my ($enable, $what) = ($1, $2);
- $what =~ s: *\*/$::; # cut off end of C comment
- # print "ENABLE $enable WHAT $what\n";
- if($enable eq "disable") {
- my ($warn, $scope)=($1, $2);
- if($what =~ /([^ ]*) +(.*)/) {
- ($warn, $scope)=($1, $2);
- }
- else {
- $warn = $what;
- $scope = 1;
- }
- # print "IGNORE $warn for SCOPE $scope\n";
- if($scope eq "all") {
- $scope=999999;
- }
- if($ignore_set{$warn}) {
- checkwarn("BADCOMMAND",
- $line, 0, $file, $l,
- "$warn already disabled from line $ignore_set{$warn}");
- }
- else {
- $ignore{$warn}=$scope;
- $ignore_set{$warn}=$line;
- $ignore_line[$line]=$l;
- }
- }
- elsif($enable eq "enable") {
- enable_warn($what, $line, $file, $l);
- }
- else {
- checkwarn("BADCOMMAND",
- $line, 0, $file, $l,
- "Illegal !checksrc! command");
- }
- }
- }
- sub nostrings {
- my ($str) = @_;
- $str =~ s/\".*\"//g;
- return $str;
- }
- sub scanfile {
- my ($file) = @_;
- my $line = 1;
- my $prevl;
- my $l;
- open(R, "<$file") || die "failed to open $file";
- my $incomment=0;
- my $copyright=0;
- checksrc_clear(); # for file based ignores
- while(<R>) {
- $windows_os ? $_ =~ s/\r?\n$// : chomp;
- my $l = $_;
- my $ol = $l; # keep the unmodified line for error reporting
- my $column = 0;
- # check for !checksrc! commands
- if($l =~ /\!checksrc\! (.*)/) {
- my $cmd = $1;
- checksrc($cmd, $line, $file, $l)
- }
- # check for a copyright statement
- if(!$copyright && ($l =~ /copyright .* \d\d\d\d/i)) {
- $copyright=1;
- }
- # detect long lines
- if(length($l) > $max_column) {
- checkwarn("LONGLINE", $line, length($l), $file, $l,
- "Longer than $max_column columns");
- }
- # detect TAB characters
- if($l =~ /^(.*)\t/) {
- checkwarn("TABS",
- $line, length($1), $file, $l, "Contains TAB character", 1);
- }
- # detect trailing white space
- if($l =~ /^(.*)[ \t]+\z/) {
- checkwarn("TRAILINGSPACE",
- $line, length($1), $file, $l, "Trailing whitespace");
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # Above this marker, the checks were done on lines *including*
- # comments
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # strip off C89 comments
- comment:
- if(!$incomment) {
- if($l =~ s/\/\*.*\*\// /g) {
- # full /* comments */ were removed!
- }
- if($l =~ s/\/\*.*//) {
- # start of /* comment was removed
- $incomment = 1;
- }
- }
- else {
- if($l =~ s/.*\*\///) {
- # end of comment */ was removed
- $incomment = 0;
- goto comment;
- }
- else {
- # still within a comment
- $l="";
- }
- }
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # Below this marker, the checks were done on lines *without*
- # comments
- # ------------------------------------------------------------
- # crude attempt to detect // comments without too many false
- # positives
- if($l =~ /^([^"\*]*)[^:"]\/\//) {
- checkwarn("CPPCOMMENTS",
- $line, length($1), $file, $l, "\/\/ comment");
- }
- my $nostr = nostrings($l);
- # check spaces after for/if/while/function call
- if($nostr =~ /^(.*)(for|if|while| ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)) \((.)/) {
- if($1 =~ / *\#/) {
- # this is a #if, treat it differently
- }
- elsif($3 eq "return") {
- # return must have a space
- }
- elsif($3 eq "case") {
- # case must have a space
- }
- elsif($4 eq "*") {
- # (* beginning makes the space OK!
- }
- elsif($1 =~ / *typedef/) {
- # typedefs can use space-paren
- }
- else {
- checkwarn("SPACEBEFOREPAREN", $line, length($1)+length($2), $file, $l,
- "$2 with space");
- }
- }
- if($nostr =~ /^((.*)(if) *\()(.*)\)/) {
- my $pos = length($1);
- if($4 =~ / = /) {
- $line, $pos+1, $file, $l,
- "assignment within conditional expression");
- }
- }
- # check spaces after open parentheses
- if($l =~ /^(.*[a-z])\( /i) {
- checkwarn("SPACEAFTERPAREN",
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $l,
- "space after open parenthesis");
- }
- # check spaces before close parentheses, unless it was a space or a
- # close parenthesis!
- if($l =~ /(.*[^\) ]) \)/) {
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $l,
- "space before close parenthesis");
- }
- # check spaces before comma!
- if($l =~ /(.*[^ ]) ,/) {
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $l,
- "space before comma");
- }
- # check for "return(" without space
- if($l =~ /^(.*)return\(/) {
- if($1 =~ / *\#/) {
- # this is a #if, treat it differently
- }
- else {
- checkwarn("RETURNNOSPACE", $line, length($1)+6, $file, $l,
- "return without space before paren");
- }
- }
- # check for "sizeof" without parenthesis
- if(($l =~ /^(.*)sizeof *([ (])/) && ($2 ne "(")) {
- if($1 =~ / *\#/) {
- # this is a #if, treat it differently
- }
- else {
- checkwarn("SIZEOFNOPAREN", $line, length($1)+6, $file, $l,
- "sizeof without parenthesis");
- }
- }
- # check for comma without space
- if($l =~ /^(.*),[^ \n]/) {
- my $pref=$1;
- my $ign=0;
- if($pref =~ / *\#/) {
- # this is a #if, treat it differently
- $ign=1;
- }
- elsif($pref =~ /\/\*/) {
- # this is a comment
- $ign=1;
- }
- elsif($pref =~ /[\"\']/) {
- $ign = 1;
- # There is a quote here, figure out whether the comma is
- # within a string or '' or not.
- if($pref =~ /\"/) {
- # within a string
- }
- elsif($pref =~ /\'$/) {
- # a single letter
- }
- else {
- $ign = 0;
- }
- }
- if(!$ign) {
- checkwarn("COMMANOSPACE", $line, length($pref)+1, $file, $l,
- "comma without following space");
- }
- }
- # check for "} else"
- if($l =~ /^(.*)\} *else/) {
- checkwarn("BRACEELSE",
- $line, length($1), $file, $l, "else after closing brace on same line");
- }
- # check for "){"
- if($l =~ /^(.*)\)\{/) {
- checkwarn("PARENBRACE",
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $l, "missing space after close paren");
- }
- # check for space before the semicolon last in a line
- if($l =~ /^(.*[^ ].*) ;$/) {
- checkwarn("SPACESEMICOLON",
- $line, length($1), $file, $ol, "space before last semicolon");
- }
- # scan for use of banned functions
- if($l =~ /^(.*\W)
- (gets|
- strtok|
- v?sprintf|
- (str|_mbs|_tcs|_wcs)n?cat|
- LoadLibrary(Ex)?(A|W)?)
- \s*\(
- /x) {
- checkwarn("BANNEDFUNC",
- $line, length($1), $file, $ol,
- "use of $2 is banned");
- }
- # scan for use of non-binary fopen without the macro
- if($l =~ /^(.*\W)fopen\s*\([^,]*, *\"([^"]*)/) {
- my $mode = $2;
- if($mode !~ /b/) {
- checkwarn("FOPENMODE",
- $line, length($1), $file, $ol,
- "use of non-binary fopen without FOPEN_* macro: $mode");
- }
- }
- # check for open brace first on line but not first column
- # only alert if previous line ended with a close paren and wasn't a cpp
- # line
- if((($prevl =~ /\)\z/) && ($prevl !~ /^ *#/)) && ($l =~ /^( +)\{/)) {
- checkwarn("BRACEPOS",
- $line, length($1), $file, $ol, "badly placed open brace");
- }
- # if the previous line starts with if/while/for AND ends with an open
- # brace, or an else statement, check that this line is indented $indent
- # more steps, if not a cpp line
- if($prevl =~ /^( *)((if|while|for)\(.*\{|else)\z/) {
- my $first = length($1);
- # this line has some character besides spaces
- if(($l !~ /^ *#/) && ($l =~ /^( *)[^ ]/)) {
- my $second = length($1);
- my $expect = $first+$indent;
- if($expect != $second) {
- my $diff = $second - $first;
- checkwarn("INDENTATION", $line, length($1), $file, $ol,
- "not indented $indent steps (uses $diff)");
- }
- }
- }
- # check for 'char * name'
- if(($l =~ /(^.*(char|int|long|void|curl_slist|CURL|CURLM|CURLMsg|curl_httppost) *(\*+)) (\w+)/) && ($4 ne "const")) {
- checkwarn("ASTERISKNOSPACE",
- $line, length($1), $file, $ol,
- "no space after declarative asterisk");
- }
- # check for 'char*'
- if(($l =~ /(^.*(char|int|long|void|curl_slist|CURL|CURLM|CURLMsg|curl_httppost|sockaddr_in|FILE)\*)/)) {
- checkwarn("ASTERISKNOSPACE",
- $line, length($1)-1, $file, $ol,
- "no space before asterisk");
- }
- # check for 'void func() {', but avoid false positives by requiring
- # both an open and closed parentheses before the open brace
- if($l =~ /^((\w).*)\{\z/) {
- my $k = $1;
- $k =~ s/const *//;
- $k =~ s/static *//;
- if($k =~ /\(.*\)/) {
- checkwarn("BRACEPOS",
- $line, length($l)-1, $file, $ol,
- "wrongly placed open brace");
- }
- }
- # check for equals sign without spaces next to it
- if($nostr =~ /(.*)\=[a-z0-9]/i) {
- checkwarn("EQUALSNOSPACE",
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $ol,
- "no space after equals sign");
- }
- # check for equals sign without spaces before it
- elsif($nostr =~ /(.*)[a-z0-9]\=/i) {
- checkwarn("NOSPACEEQUALS",
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $ol,
- "no space before equals sign");
- }
- # check for plus signs without spaces next to it
- if($nostr =~ /(.*)[^+]\+[a-z0-9]/i) {
- checkwarn("PLUSNOSPACE",
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $ol,
- "no space after plus sign");
- }
- # check for plus sign without spaces before it
- elsif($nostr =~ /(.*)[a-z0-9]\+[^+]/i) {
- checkwarn("NOSPACEPLUS",
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $ol,
- "no space before plus sign");
- }
- # check for semicolons without space next to it
- if($nostr =~ /(.*)\;[a-z0-9]/i) {
- checkwarn("SEMINOSPACE",
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $ol,
- "no space after semicolon");
- }
- # check for more than one consecutive space before open brace or
- # question mark. Skip lines containing strings since they make it hard
- # due to artificially getting multiple spaces
- if(($l eq $nostr) &&
- $nostr =~ /^(.*(\S)) + [{?]/i) {
- checkwarn("MULTISPACE",
- $line, length($1)+1, $file, $ol,
- "multiple space");
- print STDERR "L: $l\n";
- print STDERR "nostr: $nostr\n";
- }
- $line++;
- $prevl = $ol;
- }
- if(!$copyright) {
- checkwarn("COPYRIGHT", 1, 0, $file, "", "Missing copyright statement", 1);
- }
- if($incomment) {
- checkwarn("OPENCOMMENT", 1, 0, $file, "", "Missing closing comment", 1);
- }
- checksrc_endoffile($file);
- close(R);
- }
- if($errors || $warnings || $verbose) {
- printf "checksrc: %d errors and %d warnings\n", $errors, $warnings;
- if($suppressed) {
- printf "checksrc: %d errors and %d warnings suppressed\n",
- $serrors,
- $swarnings;
- }
- exit 5; # return failure
- }