IMPORTED_GLOBAL-stderr.txt 1.9 KB

  1. ^CMake Error at IMPORTED_GLOBAL.cmake:9 \(set_property\):
  2. IMPORTED_GLOBAL property can't be set to FALSE on targets
  3. \(\"ImportedGlobalTarget\"\)
  4. Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
  5. CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\)
  6. CMake Error at IMPORTED_GLOBAL.cmake:16 \(set_property\):
  7. IMPORTED_GLOBAL property can't be appended, only set on imported targets
  8. \(\"ImportedGlobalTarget\"\)
  9. Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
  10. CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\)
  11. CMake Error at IMPORTED_GLOBAL.cmake:26 \(set_property\):
  12. IMPORTED_GLOBAL property can't be set to FALSE on targets
  13. \(\"ImportedLocalTarget\"\)
  14. Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
  15. CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\)
  16. CMake Error at IMPORTED_GLOBAL.cmake:32 \(set_property\):
  17. IMPORTED_GLOBAL property can't be set on non-imported targets
  18. \(\"NonImportedTarget\"\)
  19. Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
  20. CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\)
  21. CMake Error at IMPORTED_GLOBAL/CMakeLists.txt:8 \(set_property\):
  22. Attempt to promote imported target \"ImportedLocalTarget2\" to global scope
  23. \(by setting IMPORTED_GLOBAL\) which is not built in this directory.
  24. CMake Error in IMPORTED_GLOBAL/CMakeLists.txt:
  25. IMPORTED_GLOBAL property can't be set to FALSE on targets
  26. \(\"ImportedSubdirTarget1\"\)
  27. CMake Error at IMPORTED_GLOBAL.cmake:50 \(set_property\):
  28. Attempt to promote imported target \"ImportedSubdirTarget1\" to global scope
  29. \(by setting IMPORTED_GLOBAL\) which is not built in this directory.
  30. Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
  31. CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\)
  32. CMake Error in IMPORTED_GLOBAL/CMakeLists.txt:
  33. IMPORTED_GLOBAL property can't be set to FALSE on targets
  34. \(\"ImportedSubdirTarget2\"\)
  35. CMake Error at IMPORTED_GLOBAL.cmake:52 \(set_property\):
  36. Attempt to promote imported target \"ImportedSubdirTarget2\" to global scope
  37. \(by setting IMPORTED_GLOBAL\) which is not built in this directory.
  38. Call Stack \(most recent call first\):
  39. CMakeLists.txt:3 \(include\)$