wontRun-stdout.txt 427 B

  1. Test project .*/Tests/RunCMake/ctest_fixtures/wontRun-build
  2. Start 9: setupFails
  3. 1/2 Test #9: setupFails +\.+\*\*\*Failed +[0-9.]+ sec
  4. Start 10: wontRun
  5. Failed test dependencies: setupFails
  6. 2/2 Test #10: wontRun +\.+\*\*\*Not Run +[0-9.]+ sec
  7. +
  8. 0% tests passed, 2 tests failed out of 2
  9. +
  10. Total Test time \(real\) = +[0-9.]+ sec
  11. +
  12. The following tests FAILED:
  13. .* +9 - setupFails \(Failed\)
  14. .* +10 - wontRun \(Not Run\)$