123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265 |
- include(RunCMake)
- # Detect ninja version so we know what tests can be supported.
- execute_process(
- COMMAND "${RunCMake_MAKE_PROGRAM}" --version
- ERROR_VARIABLE ninja_out
- )
- if(ninja_res EQUAL 0 AND "x${ninja_out}" MATCHES "^x[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+")
- set(ninja_version "${ninja_out}")
- message(STATUS "ninja version: ${ninja_version}")
- else()
- message(FATAL_ERROR "'ninja --version' reported:\n${ninja_out}")
- endif()
- function(run_NinjaToolMissing)
- set(RunCMake_MAKE_PROGRAM ninja-tool-missing)
- run_cmake(NinjaToolMissing)
- endfunction()
- run_NinjaToolMissing()
- function(run_CMP0058 case)
- # Use a single build tree for a few tests without cleaning.
- set(RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR ${RunCMake_BINARY_DIR}/CMP0058-${case}-build)
- set(RunCMake_TEST_NO_CLEAN 1)
- run_cmake(CMP0058-${case})
- run_cmake_command(CMP0058-${case}-build ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build .)
- endfunction()
- run_CMP0058(OLD-no)
- run_CMP0058(OLD-by)
- run_CMP0058(WARN-no)
- run_CMP0058(WARN-by)
- run_CMP0058(NEW-no)
- run_CMP0058(NEW-by)
- run_cmake(CustomCommandDepfile)
- function(run_CommandConcat)
- set(RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR ${RunCMake_BINARY_DIR}/CommandConcat-build)
- set(RunCMake_TEST_NO_CLEAN 1)
- run_cmake(CommandConcat)
- run_cmake_command(CommandConcat-build ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build .)
- endfunction()
- run_CommandConcat()
- function(run_SubDir)
- # Use a single build tree for a few tests without cleaning.
- set(RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR ${RunCMake_BINARY_DIR}/SubDir-build)
- set(RunCMake_TEST_NO_CLEAN 1)
- run_cmake(SubDir)
- if(WIN32)
- set(SubDir_all [[SubDir\all]])
- set(SubDir_test [[SubDir\test]])
- set(SubDir_install [[SubDir\install]])
- set(SubDirBinary_test [[SubDirBinary\test]])
- set(SubDirBinary_all [[SubDirBinary\all]])
- set(SubDirBinary_install [[SubDirBinary\install]])
- else()
- set(SubDir_all [[SubDir/all]])
- set(SubDir_test [[SubDir/test]])
- set(SubDir_install [[SubDir/install]])
- set(SubDirBinary_all [[SubDirBinary/all]])
- set(SubDirBinary_test [[SubDirBinary/test]])
- set(SubDirBinary_install [[SubDirBinary/install]])
- endif()
- run_cmake_command(SubDir-build ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${SubDir_all})
- run_cmake_command(SubDir-test ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${SubDir_test})
- run_cmake_command(SubDir-install ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${SubDir_install})
- run_cmake_command(SubDirBinary-build ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${SubDirBinary_all})
- run_cmake_command(SubDirBinary-test ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${SubDirBinary_test})
- run_cmake_command(SubDirBinary-install ${CMAKE_COMMAND} --build . --target ${SubDirBinary_install})
- endfunction()
- run_SubDir()
- function(run_ninja dir)
- execute_process(
- OUTPUT_VARIABLE ninja_stdout
- ERROR_VARIABLE ninja_stderr
- RESULT_VARIABLE ninja_result
- )
- if(NOT ninja_result EQUAL 0)
- message(STATUS "
- ============ beginning of ninja's stdout ============
- ${ninja_stdout}
- =============== end of ninja's stdout ===============
- ")
- message(STATUS "
- ============ beginning of ninja's stderr ============
- ${ninja_stderr}
- =============== end of ninja's stderr ===============
- ")
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "top ninja build failed exited with status ${ninja_result}")
- endif()
- endfunction(run_ninja)
- function (run_LooseObjectDepends)
- set(RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR ${RunCMake_BINARY_DIR}/LooseObjectDepends-build)
- run_cmake(LooseObjectDepends)
- run_ninja("${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}" "CMakeFiles/top.dir/top.c${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}")
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "The `dep` library was created when requesting an object file to be "
- "built; this should no longer be necessary.")
- endif ()
- if (EXISTS "${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/dep.dir/dep.c${CMAKE_C_OUTPUT_EXTENSION}")
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "The `dep.c` object file was created when requesting an object file to "
- "be built; this should no longer be necessary.")
- endif ()
- endfunction ()
- run_LooseObjectDepends()
- function (run_AssumedSources)
- set(RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR ${RunCMake_BINARY_DIR}/AssumedSources-build)
- run_cmake(AssumedSources)
- run_ninja("${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}" "target.c")
- if (NOT EXISTS "${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/target.c")
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "Dependencies for an assumed source did not hook up properly for 'target.c'.")
- endif ()
- run_ninja("${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}" "target-no-depends.c")
- if (EXISTS "${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/target-no-depends.c")
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "Dependencies for an assumed source were magically hooked up for 'target-no-depends.c'.")
- endif ()
- endfunction ()
- run_AssumedSources()
- function(sleep delay)
- execute_process(
- COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E sleep ${delay}
- )
- if(NOT result EQUAL 0)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "failed to sleep for ${delay} second.")
- endif()
- endfunction(sleep)
- function(touch path)
- execute_process(
- COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E touch ${path}
- )
- if(NOT result EQUAL 0)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "failed to touch main ${path} file.")
- endif()
- endfunction(touch)
- macro(ninja_escape_path path out)
- string(REPLACE "\$ " "\$\$" "${out}" "${path}")
- string(REPLACE " " "\$ " "${out}" "${${out}}")
- string(REPLACE ":" "\$:" "${out}" "${${out}}")
- endmacro(ninja_escape_path)
- macro(shell_escape string out)
- string(REPLACE "\"" "\\\"" "${out}" "${string}")
- endmacro(shell_escape)
- function(run_sub_cmake test ninja_output_path_prefix)
- set(top_build_dir "${RunCMake_BINARY_DIR}/${test}-build/")
- file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${top_build_dir}")
- file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${top_build_dir}")
- ninja_escape_path("${ninja_output_path_prefix}"
- escaped_ninja_output_path_prefix)
- # Generate top build ninja file.
- set(top_build_ninja "${top_build_dir}/build.ninja")
- shell_escape("${top_build_ninja}" escaped_top_build_ninja)
- set(build_ninja_dep "${top_build_dir}/build_ninja_dep")
- ninja_escape_path("${build_ninja_dep}" escaped_build_ninja_dep)
- shell_escape("${CMAKE_COMMAND}" escaped_CMAKE_COMMAND)
- file(WRITE "${build_ninja_dep}" "fake dependency of top build.ninja file\n")
- if(WIN32)
- set(cmd_prefix "cmd.exe /C \"")
- set(cmd_suffix "\"")
- else()
- set(cmd_prefix "")
- set(cmd_suffix "")
- endif()
- file(WRITE "${top_build_ninja}" "\
- subninja ${escaped_ninja_output_path_prefix}/build.ninja
- default ${escaped_ninja_output_path_prefix}/all
- # Sleep for 1 second before to regenerate to make sure the timestamp of
- # the top build.ninja will be strictly greater than the timestamp of the
- # sub/build.ninja file. We assume the system as 1 sec timestamp resolution.
- rule RERUN
- command = ${cmd_prefix}\"${escaped_CMAKE_COMMAND}\" -E sleep 1 && \"${escaped_CMAKE_COMMAND}\" -E touch \"${escaped_top_build_ninja}\"${cmd_suffix}
- description = Testing regeneration
- generator = 1
- build build.ninja: RERUN ${escaped_build_ninja_dep} || ${escaped_ninja_output_path_prefix}/build.ninja
- pool = console
- ")
- # Run sub cmake project.
- set(RunCMake_TEST_OPTIONS "-DCMAKE_NINJA_OUTPUT_PATH_PREFIX=${ninja_output_path_prefix}")
- set(RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR "${top_build_dir}/${ninja_output_path_prefix}")
- run_cmake(${test})
- # Check there is no 'default' statement in Ninja file generated by CMake.
- set(sub_build_ninja "${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/build.ninja")
- file(READ "${sub_build_ninja}" sub_build_ninja_file)
- if(sub_build_ninja_file MATCHES "\ndefault [^\n][^\n]*all\n")
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "unexpected 'default' statement found in '${sub_build_ninja}'")
- endif()
- # Run ninja from the top build directory.
- run_ninja("${top_build_dir}")
- # Test regeneration rules run in order.
- set(main_cmakelists "${RunCMake_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeLists.txt")
- sleep(1) # Assume the system as 1 sec timestamp resolution.
- touch("${main_cmakelists}")
- touch("${build_ninja_dep}")
- run_ninja("${top_build_dir}")
- file(TIMESTAMP "${main_cmakelists}" mtime_main_cmakelists UTC)
- file(TIMESTAMP "${sub_build_ninja}" mtime_sub_build_ninja UTC)
- file(TIMESTAMP "${top_build_ninja}" mtime_top_build_ninja UTC)
- # Check sub build.ninja is regenerated.
- if(mtime_main_cmakelists STRGREATER mtime_sub_build_ninja)
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "sub build.ninja not regenerated:
- CMakeLists.txt = ${mtime_main_cmakelists}
- sub/build.ninja = ${mtime_sub_build_ninja}")
- endif()
- # Check top build.ninja is regenerated after sub build.ninja.
- if(NOT mtime_top_build_ninja STRGREATER mtime_sub_build_ninja)
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "top build.ninja not regenerated strictly after sub build.ninja:
- sub/build.ninja = ${mtime_sub_build_ninja}
- build.ninja = ${mtime_top_build_ninja}")
- endif()
- endfunction(run_sub_cmake)
- if("${ninja_version}" VERSION_LESS 1.6)
- message(WARNING "Ninja is too old; skipping rest of test.")
- return()
- endif()
- foreach(ninja_output_path_prefix "sub space" "sub")
- run_sub_cmake(Executable "${ninja_output_path_prefix}")
- run_sub_cmake(StaticLib "${ninja_output_path_prefix}")
- run_sub_cmake(SharedLib "${ninja_output_path_prefix}")
- run_sub_cmake(TwoLibs "${ninja_output_path_prefix}")
- run_sub_cmake(SubDirPrefix "${ninja_output_path_prefix}")
- run_sub_cmake(CustomCommandWorkingDirectory "${ninja_output_path_prefix}")
- endforeach(ninja_output_path_prefix)