FailCopyFileABI-check.cmake 539 B

  1. set(log "${RunCMake_TEST_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/CMakeError.log")
  2. if(EXISTS "${log}")
  3. file(READ "${log}" error_log)
  4. else()
  5. set(error_log "")
  6. endif()
  7. string(REPLACE "\r\n" "\n" regex "Cannot copy output executable.*
  8. to destination specified by COPY_FILE:.*
  9. Unable to find the executable at any of:
  10. .*\\.missing")
  11. if(NOT error_log MATCHES "${regex}")
  12. string(REGEX REPLACE "\n" "\n " error_log " ${error_log}")
  13. set(RunCMake_TEST_FAILED "Log file:\n ${log}\ndoes not have expected COPY_FILE failure message:\n${error_log}")
  14. endif()