LinkImplementationFeatureCycle.cmake 477 B

  1. add_library(empty1 empty.cpp)
  2. add_library(empty2 INTERFACE)
  3. add_library(empty3 INTERFACE)
  4. target_compile_features(empty3 INTERFACE cxx_std_11)
  5. target_link_libraries(empty1
  6. # When starting, $<COMPILE_FEATURES:cxx_std_11> is '0', so 'freeze' the
  7. # CXX_STANDARD at 98 during computation.
  8. $<$<COMPILE_FEATURES:cxx_std_11>:empty2>
  9. # This would add cxx_std_11, but that would require CXX_STANDARD = 11,
  10. # which is not allowed after freeze. Report an error.
  11. empty3
  12. )