cmLocalGenerator.h 16 KB

  1. /* Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
  2. file Copyright.txt or for details. */
  3. #ifndef cmLocalGenerator_h
  4. #define cmLocalGenerator_h
  5. #include "cmConfigure.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
  6. #include "cm_kwiml.h"
  7. #include <iosfwd>
  8. #include <map>
  9. #include <set>
  10. #include <string>
  11. #include <unordered_map>
  12. #include <vector>
  13. #include "cmListFileCache.h"
  14. #include "cmOutputConverter.h"
  15. #include "cmPolicies.h"
  16. #include "cmStateSnapshot.h"
  17. #include "cmake.h"
  18. class cmComputeLinkInformation;
  19. class cmCustomCommandGenerator;
  20. class cmGeneratorTarget;
  21. class cmGlobalGenerator;
  22. class cmLinkLineComputer;
  23. class cmMakefile;
  24. class cmRulePlaceholderExpander;
  25. class cmSourceFile;
  26. class cmState;
  27. /** \class cmLocalGenerator
  28. * \brief Create required build files for a directory.
  29. *
  30. * Subclasses of this abstract class generate makefiles, DSP, etc for various
  31. * platforms. This class should never be constructed directly. A
  32. * GlobalGenerator will create it and invoke the appropriate commands on it.
  33. */
  34. class cmLocalGenerator : public cmOutputConverter
  35. {
  36. public:
  37. cmLocalGenerator(cmGlobalGenerator* gg, cmMakefile* makefile);
  38. virtual ~cmLocalGenerator();
  39. /**
  40. * Generate the makefile for this directory.
  41. */
  42. virtual void Generate() {}
  43. virtual void ComputeHomeRelativeOutputPath() {}
  44. /**
  45. * Calls TraceVSDependencies() on all targets of this generator.
  46. */
  47. void TraceDependencies();
  48. virtual void AddHelperCommands() {}
  49. /**
  50. * Generate the install rules files in this directory.
  51. */
  52. void GenerateInstallRules();
  53. /**
  54. * Generate the test files for tests.
  55. */
  56. void GenerateTestFiles();
  57. /**
  58. * Generate a manifest of target files that will be built.
  59. */
  60. void ComputeTargetManifest();
  61. bool ComputeTargetCompileFeatures();
  62. bool IsRootMakefile() const;
  63. ///! Get the makefile for this generator
  64. cmMakefile* GetMakefile() { return this->Makefile; }
  65. ///! Get the makefile for this generator, const version
  66. const cmMakefile* GetMakefile() const { return this->Makefile; }
  67. ///! Get the GlobalGenerator this is associated with
  68. cmGlobalGenerator* GetGlobalGenerator() { return this->GlobalGenerator; }
  69. const cmGlobalGenerator* GetGlobalGenerator() const
  70. {
  71. return this->GlobalGenerator;
  72. }
  73. virtual cmRulePlaceholderExpander* CreateRulePlaceholderExpander() const;
  74. std::string GetLinkLibsCMP0065(std::string const& linkLanguage,
  75. cmGeneratorTarget& tgt) const;
  76. cmState* GetState() const;
  77. cmStateSnapshot GetStateSnapshot() const;
  78. void AddArchitectureFlags(std::string& flags,
  79. cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  80. const std::string& lang,
  81. const std::string& config);
  82. void AddLanguageFlags(std::string& flags, cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  83. const std::string& lang, const std::string& config);
  84. void AddLanguageFlagsForLinking(std::string& flags,
  85. cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  86. const std::string& lang,
  87. const std::string& config);
  88. void AddCMP0018Flags(std::string& flags, cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  89. std::string const& lang, const std::string& config);
  90. void AddVisibilityPresetFlags(std::string& flags,
  91. cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  92. const std::string& lang);
  93. void AddConfigVariableFlags(std::string& flags, const std::string& var,
  94. const std::string& config);
  95. void AddCompilerRequirementFlag(std::string& flags,
  96. cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  97. const std::string& lang);
  98. ///! Append flags to a string.
  99. virtual void AppendFlags(std::string& flags,
  100. const std::string& newFlags) const;
  101. virtual void AppendFlags(std::string& flags, const char* newFlags) const;
  102. virtual void AppendFlagEscape(std::string& flags,
  103. const std::string& rawFlag) const;
  104. void AppendIPOLinkerFlags(std::string& flags, cmGeneratorTarget* target,
  105. const std::string& config,
  106. const std::string& lang);
  107. ///! Get the include flags for the current makefile and language
  108. std::string GetIncludeFlags(const std::vector<std::string>& includes,
  109. cmGeneratorTarget* target,
  110. const std::string& lang,
  111. bool forceFullPaths = false,
  112. bool forResponseFile = false,
  113. const std::string& config = "");
  114. const std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget*>& GetGeneratorTargets() const
  115. {
  116. return this->GeneratorTargets;
  117. }
  118. void AddGeneratorTarget(cmGeneratorTarget* gt);
  119. void AddImportedGeneratorTarget(cmGeneratorTarget* gt);
  120. void AddOwnedImportedGeneratorTarget(cmGeneratorTarget* gt);
  121. cmGeneratorTarget* FindLocalNonAliasGeneratorTarget(
  122. const std::string& name) const;
  123. cmGeneratorTarget* FindGeneratorTargetToUse(const std::string& name) const;
  124. /**
  125. * Process a list of include directories
  126. */
  127. void AppendIncludeDirectories(std::vector<std::string>& includes,
  128. const char* includes_list,
  129. const cmSourceFile& sourceFile) const;
  130. void AppendIncludeDirectories(std::vector<std::string>& includes,
  131. std::string const& includes_list,
  132. const cmSourceFile& sourceFile) const
  133. {
  134. this->AppendIncludeDirectories(includes, includes_list.c_str(),
  135. sourceFile);
  136. }
  137. void AppendIncludeDirectories(std::vector<std::string>& includes,
  138. const std::vector<std::string>& includes_vec,
  139. const cmSourceFile& sourceFile) const;
  140. /**
  141. * Encode a list of preprocessor definitions for the compiler
  142. * command line.
  143. */
  144. void AppendDefines(std::set<std::string>& defines,
  145. const char* defines_list) const;
  146. void AppendDefines(std::set<std::string>& defines,
  147. std::string const& defines_list) const
  148. {
  149. this->AppendDefines(defines, defines_list.c_str());
  150. }
  151. void AppendDefines(std::set<std::string>& defines,
  152. const std::vector<std::string>& defines_vec) const;
  153. /**
  154. * Encode a list of compile options for the compiler
  155. * command line.
  156. */
  157. void AppendCompileOptions(std::string& options, const char* options_list,
  158. const char* regex = nullptr) const;
  159. void AppendCompileOptions(std::string& options,
  160. std::string const& options_list,
  161. const char* regex = nullptr) const
  162. {
  163. this->AppendCompileOptions(options, options_list.c_str(), regex);
  164. }
  165. void AppendCompileOptions(std::string& options,
  166. const std::vector<std::string>& options_vec,
  167. const char* regex = nullptr) const;
  168. /**
  169. * Join a set of defines into a definesString with a space separator.
  170. */
  171. void JoinDefines(const std::set<std::string>& defines,
  172. std::string& definesString, const std::string& lang);
  173. /** Lookup and append options associated with a particular feature. */
  174. void AppendFeatureOptions(std::string& flags, const std::string& lang,
  175. const char* feature);
  176. const char* GetFeature(const std::string& feature,
  177. const std::string& config);
  178. /** \brief Get absolute path to dependency \a name
  179. *
  180. * Translate a dependency as given in CMake code to the name to
  181. * appear in a generated build file.
  182. * - If \a name is a utility target, returns false.
  183. * - If \a name is a CMake target, it will be transformed to the real output
  184. * location of that target for the given configuration.
  185. * - If \a name is the full path to a file, it will be returned.
  186. * - Otherwise \a name is treated as a relative path with respect to
  187. * the source directory of this generator. This should only be
  188. * used for dependencies of custom commands.
  189. */
  190. bool GetRealDependency(const std::string& name, const std::string& config,
  191. std::string& dep);
  192. virtual std::string ConvertToIncludeReference(
  193. std::string const& path,
  194. cmOutputConverter::OutputFormat format = cmOutputConverter::SHELL,
  195. bool forceFullPaths = false);
  196. /** Called from command-line hook to clear dependencies. */
  197. virtual void ClearDependencies(cmMakefile* /* mf */, bool /* verbose */) {}
  198. /** Called from command-line hook to update dependencies. */
  199. virtual bool UpdateDependencies(const char* /* tgtInfo */, bool /*verbose*/,
  200. bool /*color*/)
  201. {
  202. return true;
  203. }
  204. /** Get the include flags for the current makefile and language. */
  205. void GetIncludeDirectories(std::vector<std::string>& dirs,
  206. cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  207. const std::string& lang = "C",
  208. const std::string& config = "",
  209. bool stripImplicitInclDirs = true) const;
  210. void AddCompileOptions(std::string& flags, cmGeneratorTarget* target,
  211. const std::string& lang, const std::string& config);
  212. void AddCompileDefinitions(std::set<std::string>& defines,
  213. cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  214. const std::string& config,
  215. const std::string& lang) const;
  216. std::string GetProjectName() const;
  217. /** Compute the language used to compile the given source file. */
  218. std::string GetSourceFileLanguage(const cmSourceFile& source);
  219. // Fill the vector with the target names for the object files,
  220. // preprocessed files and assembly files.
  221. void GetIndividualFileTargets(std::vector<std::string>&) {}
  222. /**
  223. * Get the relative path from the generator output directory to a
  224. * per-target support directory.
  225. */
  226. virtual std::string GetTargetDirectory(
  227. cmGeneratorTarget const* target) const;
  228. /**
  229. * Get the level of backwards compatibility requested by the project
  230. * in this directory. This is the value of the CMake variable
  231. * CMAKE_BACKWARDS_COMPATIBILITY whose format is
  232. * "major.minor[.patch]". The returned integer is encoded as
  233. *
  234. * CMake_VERSION_ENCODE(major, minor, patch)
  235. *
  236. * and is monotonically increasing with the CMake version.
  237. */
  238. KWIML_INT_uint64_t GetBackwardsCompatibility();
  239. /**
  240. * Test whether compatibility is set to a given version or lower.
  241. */
  242. bool NeedBackwardsCompatibility_2_4();
  243. cmPolicies::PolicyStatus GetPolicyStatus(cmPolicies::PolicyID id) const;
  244. cmake* GetCMakeInstance() const;
  245. std::string const& GetSourceDirectory() const;
  246. std::string const& GetBinaryDirectory() const;
  247. const char* GetCurrentBinaryDirectory() const;
  248. const char* GetCurrentSourceDirectory() const;
  249. /**
  250. * Generate a Mac OS X application bundle Info.plist file.
  251. */
  252. void GenerateAppleInfoPList(cmGeneratorTarget* target,
  253. const std::string& targetName,
  254. const char* fname);
  255. /**
  256. * Generate a Mac OS X framework Info.plist file.
  257. */
  258. void GenerateFrameworkInfoPList(cmGeneratorTarget* target,
  259. const std::string& targetName,
  260. const char* fname);
  261. /** Construct a comment for a custom command. */
  262. std::string ConstructComment(cmCustomCommandGenerator const& ccg,
  263. const char* default_comment = "");
  264. // Compute object file names.
  265. std::string GetObjectFileNameWithoutTarget(
  266. const cmSourceFile& source, std::string const& dir_max,
  267. bool* hasSourceExtension = nullptr,
  268. char const* customOutputExtension = nullptr);
  269. /** Fill out the static linker flags for the given target. */
  270. void GetStaticLibraryFlags(std::string& flags, std::string const& config,
  271. cmGeneratorTarget* target);
  272. /** Fill out these strings for the given target. Libraries to link,
  273. * flags, and linkflags. */
  274. void GetTargetFlags(cmLinkLineComputer* linkLineComputer,
  275. const std::string& config, std::string& linkLibs,
  276. std::string& flags, std::string& linkFlags,
  277. std::string& frameworkPath, std::string& linkPath,
  278. cmGeneratorTarget* target);
  279. void GetTargetDefines(cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  280. std::string const& config, std::string const& lang,
  281. std::set<std::string>& defines) const;
  282. void GetTargetCompileFlags(cmGeneratorTarget* target,
  283. std::string const& config,
  284. std::string const& lang, std::string& flags);
  285. std::string GetFrameworkFlags(std::string const& l,
  286. std::string const& config,
  287. cmGeneratorTarget* target);
  288. virtual std::string GetTargetFortranFlags(cmGeneratorTarget const* target,
  289. std::string const& config);
  290. virtual void ComputeObjectFilenames(
  291. std::map<cmSourceFile const*, std::string>& mapping,
  292. cmGeneratorTarget const* gt = nullptr);
  293. bool IsWindowsShell() const;
  294. bool IsWatcomWMake() const;
  295. bool IsMinGWMake() const;
  296. bool IsNMake() const;
  297. void IssueMessage(cmake::MessageType t, std::string const& text) const;
  298. void CreateEvaluationFileOutputs(const std::string& config);
  299. void ProcessEvaluationFiles(std::vector<std::string>& generatedFiles);
  300. const char* GetRuleLauncher(cmGeneratorTarget* target,
  301. const std::string& prop);
  302. protected:
  303. ///! put all the libraries for a target on into the given stream
  304. void OutputLinkLibraries(cmComputeLinkInformation* pcli,
  305. cmLinkLineComputer* linkLineComputer,
  306. std::string& linkLibraries,
  307. std::string& frameworkPath, std::string& linkPath);
  308. // Handle old-style install rules stored in the targets.
  309. void GenerateTargetInstallRules(
  310. std::ostream& os, const std::string& config,
  311. std::vector<std::string> const& configurationTypes);
  312. std::string& CreateSafeUniqueObjectFileName(const std::string& sin,
  313. std::string const& dir_max);
  314. /** Check whether the native build system supports the given
  315. definition. Issues a warning. */
  316. virtual bool CheckDefinition(std::string const& define) const;
  317. cmMakefile* Makefile;
  318. cmStateSnapshot StateSnapshot;
  319. cmListFileBacktrace DirectoryBacktrace;
  320. cmGlobalGenerator* GlobalGenerator;
  321. std::map<std::string, std::string> UniqueObjectNamesMap;
  322. std::string::size_type ObjectPathMax;
  323. std::set<std::string> ObjectMaxPathViolations;
  324. typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, cmGeneratorTarget*>
  325. GeneratorTargetMap;
  326. GeneratorTargetMap GeneratorTargetSearchIndex;
  327. std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget*> GeneratorTargets;
  328. std::set<cmGeneratorTarget const*> WarnCMP0063;
  329. GeneratorTargetMap ImportedGeneratorTargets;
  330. std::vector<cmGeneratorTarget*> OwnedImportedGeneratorTargets;
  331. std::map<std::string, std::string> AliasTargets;
  332. std::map<std::string, std::string> Compilers;
  333. std::map<std::string, std::string> VariableMappings;
  334. std::string CompilerSysroot;
  335. std::string LinkerSysroot;
  336. bool EmitUniversalBinaryFlags;
  337. KWIML_INT_uint64_t BackwardsCompatibility;
  338. bool BackwardsCompatibilityFinal;
  339. private:
  340. void AddSharedFlags(std::string& flags, const std::string& lang,
  341. bool shared);
  342. bool GetShouldUseOldFlags(bool shared, const std::string& lang) const;
  343. void AddPositionIndependentFlags(std::string& flags, std::string const& l,
  344. int targetType);
  345. void ComputeObjectMaxPath();
  346. };
  347. #if defined(CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_CMAKE)
  348. bool cmLocalGeneratorCheckObjectName(std::string& objName,
  349. std::string::size_type dir_len,
  350. std::string::size_type max_total_len);
  351. #endif
  352. #endif