123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456 |
- # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
- # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details.
- #[=======================================================================[.rst:
- GoogleTest
- ----------
- This module defines functions to help use the Google Test infrastructure. Two
- mechanisms for adding tests are provided. :command:`gtest_add_tests` has been
- around for some time, originally via ``find_package(GTest)``.
- :command:`gtest_discover_tests` was introduced in CMake 3.10.
- The (older) :command:`gtest_add_tests` scans source files to identify tests.
- This is usually effective, with some caveats, including in cross-compiling
- environments, and makes setting additional properties on tests more convenient.
- However, its handling of parameterized tests is less comprehensive, and it
- requires re-running CMake to detect changes to the list of tests.
- The (newer) :command:`gtest_discover_tests` discovers tests by asking the
- compiled test executable to enumerate its tests. This is more robust and
- provides better handling of parameterized tests, and does not require CMake
- to be re-run when tests change. However, it may not work in a cross-compiling
- environment, and setting test properties is less convenient.
- More details can be found in the documentation of the respective functions.
- Both commands are intended to replace use of :command:`add_test` to register
- tests, and will create a separate CTest test for each Google Test test case.
- Note that this is in some cases less efficient, as common set-up and tear-down
- logic cannot be shared by multiple test cases executing in the same instance.
- However, it provides more fine-grained pass/fail information to CTest, which is
- usually considered as more beneficial. By default, the CTest test name is the
- same as the Google Test name (i.e. ``suite.testcase``); see also
- .. command:: gtest_add_tests
- Automatically add tests with CTest by scanning source code for Google Test
- macros::
- gtest_add_tests(TARGET target
- [SOURCES src1...]
- [EXTRA_ARGS arg1...]
- [TEST_PREFIX prefix]
- [TEST_SUFFIX suffix]
- [TEST_LIST outVar]
- )
- ``gtest_add_tests`` attempts to identify tests by scanning source files.
- Although this is generally effective, it uses only a basic regular expression
- match, which can be defeated by atypical test declarations, and is unable to
- fully "split" parameterized tests. Additionally, it requires that CMake be
- re-run to discover any newly added, removed or renamed tests (by default,
- this means that CMake is re-run when any test source file is changed, but see
- ``SKIP_DEPENDENCY``). However, it has the advantage of declaring tests at
- CMake time, which somewhat simplifies setting additional properties on tests,
- and always works in a cross-compiling environment.
- The options are:
- ``TARGET target``
- Specifies the Google Test executable, which must be a known CMake
- executable target. CMake will substitute the location of the built
- executable when running the test.
- ``SOURCES src1...``
- When provided, only the listed files will be scanned for test cases. If
- this option is not given, the :prop_tgt:`SOURCES` property of the
- specified ``target`` will be used to obtain the list of sources.
- ``EXTRA_ARGS arg1...``
- Any extra arguments to pass on the command line to each test case.
- Specifies the directory in which to run the discovered test cases. If this
- option is not provided, the current binary directory is used.
- ``TEST_PREFIX prefix``
- Specifies a ``prefix`` to be prepended to the name of each discovered test
- case. This can be useful when the same source files are being used in
- multiple calls to ``gtest_add_test()`` but with different ``EXTRA_ARGS``.
- ``TEST_SUFFIX suffix``
- Similar to ``TEST_PREFIX`` except the ``suffix`` is appended to the name of
- every discovered test case. Both ``TEST_PREFIX`` and ``TEST_SUFFIX`` may
- be specified.
- Normally, the function creates a dependency which will cause CMake to be
- re-run if any of the sources being scanned are changed. This is to ensure
- that the list of discovered tests is updated. If this behavior is not
- desired (as may be the case while actually writing the test cases), this
- option can be used to prevent the dependency from being added.
- ``TEST_LIST outVar``
- The variable named by ``outVar`` will be populated in the calling scope
- with the list of discovered test cases. This allows the caller to do
- things like manipulate test properties of the discovered tests.
- .. code-block:: cmake
- include(GoogleTest)
- add_executable(FooTest FooUnitTest.cxx)
- gtest_add_tests(TARGET FooTest
- TEST_LIST noArgsTests
- )
- gtest_add_tests(TARGET FooTest
- EXTRA_ARGS --someArg someValue
- TEST_SUFFIX .withArgs
- TEST_LIST withArgsTests
- )
- set_tests_properties(${noArgsTests} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 10)
- set_tests_properties(${withArgsTests} PROPERTIES TIMEOUT 20)
- For backward compatibility, the following form is also supported::
- gtest_add_tests(exe args files...)
- ``exe``
- The path to the test executable or the name of a CMake target.
- ``args``
- A ;-list of extra arguments to be passed to executable. The entire
- list must be passed as a single argument. Enclose it in quotes,
- or pass ``""`` for no arguments.
- ``files...``
- A list of source files to search for tests and test fixtures.
- Alternatively, use ``AUTO`` to specify that ``exe`` is the name
- of a CMake executable target whose sources should be scanned.
- .. code-block:: cmake
- include(GoogleTest)
- set(FooTestArgs --foo 1 --bar 2)
- add_executable(FooTest FooUnitTest.cxx)
- gtest_add_tests(FooTest "${FooTestArgs}" AUTO)
- .. command:: gtest_discover_tests
- Automatically add tests with CTest by querying the compiled test executable
- for available tests::
- gtest_discover_tests(target
- [EXTRA_ARGS arg1...]
- [TEST_PREFIX prefix]
- [TEST_SUFFIX suffix]
- [PROPERTIES name1 value1...]
- [TEST_LIST var]
- )
- ``gtest_discover_tests`` sets up a post-build command on the test executable
- that generates the list of tests by parsing the output from running the test
- with the ``--gtest_list_tests`` argument. Compared to the source parsing
- approach of :command:`gtest_add_tests`, this ensures that the full list of
- tests, including instantiations of parameterized tests, is obtained. Since
- test discovery occurs at build time, it is not necessary to re-run CMake when
- the list of tests changes.
- However, it requires that :prop_tgt:`CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR` is properly set
- in order to function in a cross-compiling environment.
- Additionally, setting properties on tests is somewhat less convenient, since
- the tests are not available at CMake time. Additional test properties may be
- assigned to the set of tests as a whole using the ``PROPERTIES`` option. If
- more fine-grained test control is needed, custom content may be provided
- through an external CTest script using the :prop_dir:`TEST_INCLUDE_FILES`
- directory property. The set of discovered tests is made accessible to such a
- script via the ``<target>_TESTS`` variable.
- The options are:
- ``target``
- Specifies the Google Test executable, which must be a known CMake
- executable target. CMake will substitute the location of the built
- executable when running the test.
- ``EXTRA_ARGS arg1...``
- Any extra arguments to pass on the command line to each test case.
- Specifies the directory in which to run the discovered test cases. If this
- option is not provided, the current binary directory is used.
- ``TEST_PREFIX prefix``
- Specifies a ``prefix`` to be prepended to the name of each discovered test
- case. This can be useful when the same test executable is being used in
- multiple calls to ``gtest_discover_tests()`` but with different
- ``TEST_SUFFIX suffix``
- Similar to ``TEST_PREFIX`` except the ``suffix`` is appended to the name of
- every discovered test case. Both ``TEST_PREFIX`` and ``TEST_SUFFIX`` may
- be specified.
- By default, the type index of type-parameterized tests is replaced by the
- actual type name in the CTest test name. If this behavior is undesirable
- (e.g. because the type names are unwieldy), this option will suppress this
- behavior.
- By default, the value index of value-parameterized tests is replaced by the
- actual value in the CTest test name. If this behavior is undesirable
- (e.g. because the value strings are unwieldy), this option will suppress
- this behavior.
- ``PROPERTIES name1 value1...``
- Specifies additional properties to be set on all tests discovered by this
- invocation of ``gtest_discover_tests``.
- ``TEST_LIST var``
- Make the list of tests available in the variable ``var``, rather than the
- default ``<target>_TESTS``. This can be useful when the same test
- executable is being used in multiple calls to ``gtest_discover_tests()``.
- Note that this variable is only available in CTest.
- Specifies how long (in seconds) CMake will wait for the test to enumerate
- available tests. If the test takes longer than this, discovery (and your
- build) will fail. Most test executables will enumerate their tests very
- quickly, but under some exceptional circumstances, a test may require a
- longer timeout. The default is 5. See also the ``TIMEOUT`` option of
- :command:`execute_process`.
- .. note::
- In CMake versions 3.10.1 and 3.10.2, this option was called ``TIMEOUT``.
- This clashed with the ``TIMEOUT`` test property, which is one of the
- common properties that would be set with the ``PROPERTIES`` keyword,
- usually leading to legal but unintended behavior. The keyword was
- changed to ``DISCOVERY_TIMEOUT`` in CMake 3.10.3 to address this
- problem. The ambiguous behavior of the ``TIMEOUT`` keyword in 3.10.1
- and 3.10.2 has not been preserved.
- #]=======================================================================]
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function(gtest_add_tests)
- if (ARGC LESS 1)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "No arguments supplied to gtest_add_tests()")
- endif()
- set(options
- )
- set(oneValueArgs
- )
- set(multiValueArgs
- )
- set(allKeywords ${options} ${oneValueArgs} ${multiValueArgs})
- unset(sources)
- if("${ARGV0}" IN_LIST allKeywords)
- cmake_parse_arguments(ARGS "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN})
- set(autoAddSources YES)
- else()
- # Non-keyword syntax, convert to keyword form
- if (ARGC LESS 3)
- message(FATAL_ERROR "gtest_add_tests() without keyword options requires at least 3 arguments")
- endif()
- set(ARGS_TARGET "${ARGV0}")
- endif()
- endif()
- # The non-keyword syntax allows the first argument to be an arbitrary
- # executable rather than a target if source files are also provided. In all
- # other cases, both forms require a target.
- message(FATAL_ERROR "${ARGS_TARGET} does not define an existing CMake target")
- endif()
- unset(workDir)
- else()
- endif()
- endif()
- unset(testList)
- set(gtest_case_name_regex ".*\\( *([A-Za-z_0-9]+) *, *([A-Za-z_0-9]+) *\\).*")
- set(gtest_test_type_regex "(TYPED_TEST|TEST_?[FP]?)")
- foreach(source IN LISTS ARGS_SOURCES)
- endif()
- file(READ "${source}" contents)
- string(REGEX MATCHALL "${gtest_test_type_regex} *\\(([A-Za-z_0-9 ,]+)\\)" found_tests ${contents})
- foreach(hit ${found_tests})
- string(REGEX MATCH "${gtest_test_type_regex}" test_type ${hit})
- # Parameterized tests have a different signature for the filter
- if("x${test_type}" STREQUAL "xTEST_P")
- string(REGEX REPLACE ${gtest_case_name_regex} "*/\\1.\\2/*" gtest_test_name ${hit})
- elseif("x${test_type}" STREQUAL "xTEST_F" OR "x${test_type}" STREQUAL "xTEST")
- string(REGEX REPLACE ${gtest_case_name_regex} "\\1.\\2" gtest_test_name ${hit})
- elseif("x${test_type}" STREQUAL "xTYPED_TEST")
- string(REGEX REPLACE ${gtest_case_name_regex} "\\1/*.\\2" gtest_test_name ${hit})
- else()
- message(WARNING "Could not parse GTest ${hit} for adding to CTest.")
- continue()
- endif()
- # Make sure tests disabled in GTest get disabled in CTest
- if(gtest_test_name MATCHES "(^|\\.)DISABLED_")
- # Add the disabled test if CMake is new enough
- # Note that this check is to allow backwards compatibility so this
- # module can be copied locally in projects to use with older CMake
- # versions
- "(^|\\.)DISABLED_" "\\1"
- orig_test_name "${gtest_test_name}"
- )
- set(ctest_test_name
- ${ARGS_TEST_PREFIX}${orig_test_name}${ARGS_TEST_SUFFIX}
- )
- add_test(NAME ${ctest_test_name}
- ${workDir}
- --gtest_also_run_disabled_tests
- --gtest_filter=${gtest_test_name}
- )
- set_tests_properties(${ctest_test_name} PROPERTIES DISABLED TRUE)
- list(APPEND testList ${ctest_test_name})
- endif()
- else()
- set(ctest_test_name ${ARGS_TEST_PREFIX}${gtest_test_name}${ARGS_TEST_SUFFIX})
- add_test(NAME ${ctest_test_name}
- ${workDir}
- --gtest_filter=${gtest_test_name}
- )
- list(APPEND testList ${ctest_test_name})
- endif()
- endforeach()
- endforeach()
- set(${ARGS_TEST_LIST} ${testList} PARENT_SCOPE)
- endif()
- endfunction()
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function(gtest_discover_tests TARGET)
- cmake_parse_arguments(
- ""
- ${ARGN}
- )
- endif()
- endif()
- endif()
- get_property(
- has_counter
- )
- if(has_counter)
- get_property(
- counter
- )
- math(EXPR counter "${counter} + 1")
- else()
- set(counter 1)
- endif()
- set_property(
- ${counter}
- )
- # Define rule to generate test list for aforementioned test executable
- set(ctest_file_base "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${TARGET}[${counter}]")
- set(ctest_include_file "${ctest_file_base}_include.cmake")
- set(ctest_tests_file "${ctest_file_base}_tests.cmake")
- get_property(crosscompiling_emulator
- )
- add_custom_command(
- BYPRODUCTS "${ctest_tests_file}"
- -D "TEST_EXECUTOR=${crosscompiling_emulator}"
- -D "CTEST_FILE=${ctest_tests_file}"
- )
- file(WRITE "${ctest_include_file}"
- "if(EXISTS \"${ctest_tests_file}\")\n"
- " include(\"${ctest_tests_file}\")\n"
- "else()\n"
- " add_test(${TARGET}_NOT_BUILT ${TARGET}_NOT_BUILT)\n"
- "endif()\n"
- )
- # Add discovered tests to directory TEST_INCLUDE_FILES
- set_property(DIRECTORY
- APPEND PROPERTY TEST_INCLUDE_FILES "${ctest_include_file}"
- )
- endfunction()
- ###############################################################################
- ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/GoogleTestAddTests.cmake
- )