DartConfiguration.tcl.in 3.4 KB

  1. # This file is configured by CMake automatically as DartConfiguration.tcl
  2. # If you choose not to use CMake, this file may be hand configured, by
  3. # filling in the required variables.
  4. # Configuration directories and files
  5. SourceDirectory: @PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@
  6. BuildDirectory: @PROJECT_BINARY_DIR@
  7. # Where to place the cost data store
  8. CostDataFile: @CTEST_COST_DATA_FILE@
  9. # Site is something like machine.domain, i.e. pragmatic.crd
  10. Site: @SITE@
  11. # Build name is osname-revision-compiler, i.e. Linux-2.4.2-2smp-c++
  12. BuildName: @BUILDNAME@
  13. # Subprojects
  14. LabelsForSubprojects: @CTEST_LABELS_FOR_SUBPROJECTS@
  15. # Submission information
  17. CDashVersion: @CTEST_CDASH_VERSION@
  18. QueryCDashVersion: @CTEST_CDASH_QUERY_VERSION@
  19. DropSite: @DROP_SITE@
  20. DropLocation: @DROP_LOCATION@
  21. DropSiteUser: @DROP_SITE_USER@
  22. DropSitePassword: @DROP_SITE_PASSWORD@
  23. DropSiteMode: @DROP_SITE_MODE@
  24. DropMethod: @DROP_METHOD@
  25. TriggerSite: @TRIGGER_SITE@
  26. ScpCommand: @SCPCOMMAND@
  27. # Dashboard start time
  28. NightlyStartTime: @NIGHTLY_START_TIME@
  29. # Commands for the build/test/submit cycle
  30. ConfigureCommand: "@CMAKE_COMMAND@" "@PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR@"
  31. MakeCommand: @MAKECOMMAND@
  32. DefaultCTestConfigurationType: @DEFAULT_CTEST_CONFIGURATION_TYPE@
  33. # version control
  34. UpdateVersionOnly: @CTEST_UPDATE_VERSION_ONLY@
  35. # CVS options
  36. # Default is "-d -P -A"
  37. CVSCommand: @CVSCOMMAND@
  38. CVSUpdateOptions: @CVS_UPDATE_OPTIONS@
  39. # Subversion options
  40. SVNCommand: @SVNCOMMAND@
  42. SVNUpdateOptions: @SVN_UPDATE_OPTIONS@
  43. # Git options
  44. GITCommand: @GITCOMMAND@
  46. GITUpdateOptions: @GIT_UPDATE_OPTIONS@
  48. # Perforce options
  49. P4Command: @P4COMMAND@
  50. P4Client: @CTEST_P4_CLIENT@
  51. P4Options: @CTEST_P4_OPTIONS@
  52. P4UpdateOptions: @CTEST_P4_UPDATE_OPTIONS@
  53. P4UpdateCustom: @CTEST_P4_UPDATE_CUSTOM@
  54. # Generic update command
  55. UpdateCommand: @UPDATE_COMMAND@
  56. UpdateOptions: @UPDATE_OPTIONS@
  57. UpdateType: @UPDATE_TYPE@
  58. # Compiler info
  59. Compiler: @CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER@
  60. CompilerVersion: @CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION@
  61. # Dynamic analysis (MemCheck)
  62. PurifyCommand: @PURIFYCOMMAND@
  63. ValgrindCommand: @VALGRIND_COMMAND@
  64. ValgrindCommandOptions: @VALGRIND_COMMAND_OPTIONS@
  65. MemoryCheckType: @MEMORYCHECK_TYPE@
  66. MemoryCheckSanitizerOptions: @MEMORYCHECK_SANITIZER_OPTIONS@
  67. MemoryCheckCommand: @MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND@
  68. MemoryCheckCommandOptions: @MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND_OPTIONS@
  69. MemoryCheckSuppressionFile: @MEMORYCHECK_SUPPRESSIONS_FILE@
  70. # Coverage
  71. CoverageCommand: @COVERAGE_COMMAND@
  72. CoverageExtraFlags: @COVERAGE_EXTRA_FLAGS@
  73. # Cluster commands
  74. SlurmBatchCommand: @SLURM_SBATCH_COMMAND@
  75. SlurmRunCommand: @SLURM_SRUN_COMMAND@
  76. # Testing options
  77. # TimeOut is the amount of time in seconds to wait for processes
  78. # to complete during testing. After TimeOut seconds, the
  79. # process will be summarily terminated.
  80. # Currently set to 25 minutes
  82. # During parallel testing CTest will not start a new test if doing
  83. # so would cause the system load to exceed this value.
  84. TestLoad: @CTEST_TEST_LOAD@
  85. UseLaunchers: @CTEST_USE_LAUNCHERS@
  86. CurlOptions: @CTEST_CURL_OPTIONS@
  87. # warning, if you add new options here that have to do with submit,
  88. # you have to update cmCTestSubmitCommand.cxx
  89. # For CTest submissions that timeout, these options
  90. # specify behavior for retrying the submission
  91. CTestSubmitRetryDelay: @CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_DELAY@
  92. CTestSubmitRetryCount: @CTEST_SUBMIT_RETRY_COUNT@