CheckIPOSupported.cmake 6.3 KB

  1. # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying
  2. # file Copyright.txt or for details.
  3. #[=======================================================================[.rst:
  4. CheckIPOSupported
  5. -----------------
  6. Check whether the compiler supports an interprocedural optimization (IPO/LTO).
  7. Use this before enabling the :prop_tgt:`INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION` target
  8. property.
  9. .. command:: check_ipo_supported
  10. ::
  11. check_ipo_supported([RESULT <result>] [OUTPUT <output>]
  12. [LANGUAGES <lang>...])
  13. Options are:
  14. ``RESULT <result>``
  15. Set ``<result>`` variable to ``YES`` if IPO is supported by the
  16. compiler and ``NO`` otherwise. If this option is not given then
  17. the command will issue a fatal error if IPO is not supported.
  18. ``OUTPUT <output>``
  19. Set ``<output>`` variable with details about any error.
  20. ``LANGUAGES <lang>...``
  21. Specify languages whose compilers to check.
  22. Languages ``C``, ``CXX``, and ``Fortran`` are supported.
  23. It makes no sense to use this module when :policy:`CMP0069` is set to ``OLD`` so
  24. module will return error in this case. See policy :policy:`CMP0069` for details.
  25. Examples
  26. ^^^^^^^^
  27. .. code-block:: cmake
  28. check_ipo_supported() # fatal error if IPO is not supported
  30. .. code-block:: cmake
  31. # Optional IPO. Do not use IPO if it's not supported by compiler.
  32. check_ipo_supported(RESULT result OUTPUT output)
  33. if(result)
  35. else()
  36. message(WARNING "IPO is not supported: ${output}")
  37. endif()
  38. #]=======================================================================]
  39. include(CMakeParseArguments) # cmake_parse_arguments
  40. # X_RESULT - name of the final result variable
  41. # X_OUTPUT - name of the variable with information about error
  42. macro(_ipo_not_supported output)
  43. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${X_RESULT}" "" is_empty)
  44. if(is_empty)
  45. message(FATAL_ERROR "IPO is not supported (${output}).")
  46. endif()
  47. set("${X_RESULT}" NO PARENT_SCOPE)
  48. set("${X_OUTPUT}" "${output}" PARENT_SCOPE)
  49. endmacro()
  50. # Run IPO/LTO test
  51. macro(_ipo_run_language_check language)
  52. set(testdir "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/CMakeFiles/_CMakeLTOTest-${language}")
  53. file(REMOVE_RECURSE "${testdir}")
  54. file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${testdir}")
  55. set(bindir "${testdir}/bin")
  56. set(srcdir "${testdir}/src")
  57. file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${bindir}")
  58. file(MAKE_DIRECTORY "${srcdir}")
  59. set(TRY_COMPILE_PROJECT_NAME "lto-test")
  60. set(try_compile_src "${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules/CheckIPOSupported")
  61. # Use:
  64. configure_file(
  65. "${try_compile_src}/CMakeLists-${language}"
  66. "${srcdir}/CMakeLists.txt"
  67. @ONLY
  68. )
  69. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${language}" "C" is_c)
  70. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${language}" "CXX" is_cxx)
  71. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${language}" "Fortran" is_fortran)
  72. if(is_c)
  73. set(copy_sources foo.c main.c)
  74. elseif(is_cxx)
  75. set(copy_sources foo.cpp main.cpp)
  76. elseif(is_fortran)
  77. set(copy_sources foo.f main.f)
  78. else()
  79. message(FATAL_ERROR "Language not supported")
  80. endif()
  81. foreach(x ${copy_sources})
  82. configure_file(
  83. "${try_compile_src}/${x}"
  84. "${srcdir}/${x}"
  86. )
  87. endforeach()
  88. try_compile(
  89. result
  90. "${bindir}"
  91. "${srcdir}"
  96. OUTPUT_VARIABLE output
  97. )
  98. if(NOT result)
  99. _ipo_not_supported("${output}")
  100. return()
  101. endif()
  102. endmacro()
  103. function(check_ipo_supported)
  104. cmake_policy(GET CMP0069 x)
  105. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${x}" "" not_set)
  106. if(not_set)
  107. message(FATAL_ERROR "Policy CMP0069 is not set")
  108. endif()
  109. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${x}" "OLD" is_old)
  110. if(is_old)
  111. message(FATAL_ERROR "Policy CMP0069 set to OLD")
  112. endif()
  113. set(optional)
  114. set(one RESULT OUTPUT)
  115. set(multiple LANGUAGES)
  116. # Introduce:
  117. # * X_RESULT
  118. # * X_OUTPUT
  119. # * X_LANGUAGES
  120. cmake_parse_arguments(X "${optional}" "${one}" "${multiple}" "${ARGV}")
  121. string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${X_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}" "" has_unparsed)
  122. if(has_unparsed)
  123. message(FATAL_ERROR "Unparsed arguments: ${X_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS}")
  124. endif()
  125. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${X_LANGUAGES}" "" no_languages)
  126. if(no_languages)
  127. # User did not set any languages, use defaults
  128. get_property(enabled_languages GLOBAL PROPERTY ENABLED_LANGUAGES)
  129. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${enabled_languages}" "" no_languages)
  130. if(no_languages)
  131. _ipo_not_supported(
  132. "no languages found in ENABLED_LANGUAGES global property"
  133. )
  134. return()
  135. endif()
  136. set(languages "")
  137. list(FIND enabled_languages "CXX" result)
  138. if(NOT result EQUAL -1)
  139. list(APPEND languages "CXX")
  140. endif()
  141. list(FIND enabled_languages "C" result)
  142. if(NOT result EQUAL -1)
  143. list(APPEND languages "C")
  144. endif()
  145. list(FIND enabled_languages "Fortran" result)
  146. if(NOT result EQUAL -1)
  147. list(APPEND languages "Fortran")
  148. endif()
  149. string(COMPARE EQUAL "${languages}" "" no_languages)
  150. if(no_languages)
  151. _ipo_not_supported(
  152. "no C/CXX/Fortran languages found in ENABLED_LANGUAGES global property"
  153. )
  154. return()
  155. endif()
  156. else()
  157. set(languages "${X_LANGUAGES}")
  158. set(unsupported_languages "${languages}")
  159. list(REMOVE_ITEM unsupported_languages "C" "CXX" "Fortran")
  160. string(COMPARE NOTEQUAL "${unsupported_languages}" "" has_unsupported)
  161. if(has_unsupported)
  162. _ipo_not_supported(
  163. "language(s) '${unsupported_languages}' not supported"
  164. )
  165. return()
  166. endif()
  167. endif()
  168. foreach(lang ${languages})
  170. _ipo_not_supported("CMake doesn't support IPO for current ${lang} compiler")
  171. return()
  172. endif()
  174. _ipo_not_supported("${lang} compiler doesn't support IPO")
  175. return()
  176. endif()
  177. endforeach()
  178. if(CMAKE_GENERATOR MATCHES "^Visual Studio ")
  179. _ipo_not_supported("CMake doesn't support IPO for current generator")
  180. return()
  181. endif()
  182. foreach(x ${languages})
  183. _ipo_run_language_check(${x})
  184. endforeach()
  185. set("${X_RESULT}" YES PARENT_SCOPE)
  186. endfunction()