AUTOMOC.rst 3.8 KB

  2. -------
  3. Should the target be processed with automoc (for Qt projects).
  4. AUTOMOC is a boolean specifying whether CMake will handle the Qt ``moc``
  5. preprocessor automatically, i.e. without having to use the
  6. :module:`QT4_WRAP_CPP() <FindQt4>` or QT5_WRAP_CPP() macro.
  7. Currently Qt4 and Qt5 are supported.
  8. When this property is set ``ON``, CMake will scan the header and
  9. source files at build time and invoke moc accordingly.
  10. * If an ``#include`` statement like ``#include "moc_<basename>.cpp"`` is found,
  11. a macro from :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES` is expected to appear in the
  12. ``<basename>.h(xx)`` header file. ``moc`` is run on the header
  13. file to generate ``moc_<basename>.cpp`` in the
  14. ``<AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/include`` directory which is automatically added
  15. to the target's :prop_tgt:`INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES`.
  16. This allows the compiler to find the included ``moc_<basename>.cpp`` file
  17. regardless of the location the original source.
  18. * For :prop_gbl:`multi configuration generators <GENERATOR_IS_MULTI_CONFIG>`,
  19. the include directory is ``<AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/include_<CONFIG>``.
  20. * See :prop_tgt:`AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR`.
  21. * If an ``#include`` statement like ``#include "<basename>.moc"`` is found,
  22. a macro from :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES` is expected to appear in the
  23. source file and ``moc`` is run on the source file itself.
  24. * Header files that are not included by an ``#include "moc_<basename>.cpp"``
  25. statement are nonetheless scanned for a macro out of
  26. :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES`.
  27. The resulting ``moc_<basename>.cpp`` files are generated in custom
  28. directories and automatically included in a generated
  29. ``<AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR>/mocs_compilation.cpp`` file,
  30. which is compiled as part of the target.
  31. * The custom directories with checksum
  32. based names help to avoid name collisions for ``moc`` files with the same
  33. ``<basename>``.
  34. * See :prop_tgt:`AUTOGEN_BUILD_DIR`.
  35. * Additionally, header files with the same base name as a source file,
  36. (like ``<basename>.h``) or ``_p`` appended to the base name (like
  37. ``<basename>_p.h``), are scanned for a macro out of
  38. :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES`, and if found, ``moc``
  39. is also executed on those files.
  40. * ``AUTOMOC`` always checks multiple header alternative extensions,
  41. such as ``hpp``, ``hxx``, etc. when searching for headers.
  42. * ``AUTOMOC`` looks for the ``Q_PLUGIN_METADATA`` macro and reruns the
  43. ``moc`` when the file addressed by the ``FILE`` argument of the macro changes.
  44. This property is initialized by the value of the :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOMOC`
  45. variable if it is set when a target is created.
  46. Additional command line options for ``moc`` can be set via the
  47. :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MOC_OPTIONS` property.
  48. By enabling the :variable:`CMAKE_AUTOMOC_RELAXED_MODE` variable the
  49. rules for searching the files which will be processed by ``moc`` can be relaxed.
  50. See the documentation for this variable for more details.
  51. The global property :prop_gbl:`AUTOGEN_TARGETS_FOLDER` can be used to group the
  52. automoc targets together in an IDE, e.g. in MSVS.
  53. The global property :prop_gbl:`AUTOGEN_SOURCE_GROUP` can be used to group
  54. files generated by :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` together in an IDE, e.g. in MSVS.
  55. Additional macro names to search for can be added to
  56. :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_MACRO_NAMES`.
  57. Additional ``moc`` dependency file names can be extracted from source code
  58. by using :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_DEPEND_FILTERS`.
  59. Compiler pre definitions for ``moc`` are written to a ``moc_predefs.h`` file
  60. which is controlled by :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC_COMPILER_PREDEFINES`.
  61. Source C++ files can be excluded from :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC` processing by
  62. enabling :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOMOC` or the broader :prop_sf:`SKIP_AUTOGEN`.
  63. The number of parallel ``moc`` processes to start can be modified by
  64. setting :prop_tgt:`AUTOGEN_PARALLEL`.
  65. See the :manual:`cmake-qt(7)` manual for more information on using CMake
  66. with Qt.