1234567891011121314151617181920212223 |
- ---------
- Is this source file generated as part of the build or CMake process.
- Tells the internal CMake engine that a source file is generated by an outside
- process such as another build step, or the execution of CMake itself. This
- information is then used to exempt the file from any existence or validity
- checks. Generated files are created by the execution of commands such as
- :command:`add_custom_command` and :command:`file(GENERATE)`.
- When a generated file created by an :command:`add_custom_command` command
- is explicitly listed as a source file for any target in the same
- directory scope (which usually means the same ``CMakeLists.txt`` file),
- CMake will automatically create a dependency to make sure the file is
- generated before building that target.
- Generated sources may be hidden in some IDE tools, while in others they might
- be shown. For the special case of sources generated by CMake's :prop_tgt:`AUTOMOC`
- or :prop_tgt:`AUTORCC` functionality, the :prop_gbl:`AUTOGEN_SOURCE_GROUP`,
- :prop_gbl:`AUTOMOC_SOURCE_GROUP` and :prop_gbl:`AUTORCC_SOURCE_GROUP` target
- properties may influence where the generated sources are grouped in the project's
- file lists.